Alumni Association University of Michigan Fall 2017: Alumni News & Notes (2024)

Alumni News & Notes

2017-09-16 00:17:12

Ken Close, MA’81, at right, and his son-in-law, Brian Murphy, MSW’13, explored The Giant’s Causeway, a landscape of columns created from an ancient volcanic eruption, in Northern Ireland.

Ken, DDS’71, and Carol Hovey, ’68, made the climb to Bhutan’s Paro Taktsang (also known as the Tiger’s Nest) in September 2016. The Buddhist monastery was built in 1692.

John Cho, ’89, left, and his family checked out the very cool ICEBAR in Stockholm.

Amy and Richard Schafrann, ’76, watch proudly as their daughter Sara, ’12, married Jeremy Diamond, ’11, at the Mamaroneck Beach & Yacht Club in Mamaroneck, New York.



After years of imprisonment in a hostile nation, earning a college degree might be the least of a free man’s concerns.

But for Amir Hekmati, ’17, being able to hold a diploma was one of his “long-awaited goals.” In April, he fulfilled that dream when he received his bachelor’s degree in economics from UMflint. It was a goal that had taken a back seat for nearly six years to a far more insurmountable one: getting out of prison in Iran.

When the Iranian-American traveled to the country to visit family in the summer of 2011, he was no stranger to the Middle East. In August 2001, following his graduation from high school and one month before the Sept. 11 attacks, Hekmati enlisted in the Marines. Soon after, he was shipped to Iraq, where his Arabic proved valuable.

“I was constantly engaged in everything from combat operations to negotiations with Iraqi politicians,” Hekmati said. (Citing an ongoing lawsuit with Iran over his captivity, Hekmati would comment for this article only via email and through Mitchell Rivard, U.S. Rep. Dan Kildee’s deputy chief of staff.)

After completing his military service in 2005, Hekmati worked on a language-learning app for the Department of Defense. He also earned an associate’s degree in Arabic from the Defense Language Institute, studied international business through the University of Phoenix, and took classes at Monterey Peninsula College. He was about to start as a full-time student at U-M when he was seized in August 2011 in Tehran by Iranian authorities, who accused him of being an American spy.

“Mr. Hekmati was arrested and imprisoned by Iranian officials without warning as he was getting ready to attend a family holiday celebration,” Hekmati’s attorney, Emily Grim, wrote in a May 2016 lawsuit filed against Iran. “When Mr. Hekmati did not arrive at the party, members of his family in Iran went to the cousin’s apartment where Mr. Hekmati had been staying. His phone, computer, camera, and passport were missing. It was clear that the apartment had been broken into and that a struggle had taken place.”

The lawsuit accuses the Islamic Republic of torture and describes, in harrowing detail, the conditions Hekmati says he faced while in prison. Iranian authorities allegedly whipped him, forced him into stress positions, kept him from sleeping, and stunned him with a Taser. The goal was to prompt a “confession” that he was spying on Iran for the CIA. Eventually, they got one on tape, which Hekmati says was coerced.

Declared “corrupt on Earth” and an “enemy of God,” Hekmati was sentenced to death in January 2012. “I remember being in the sort of death row area, where there were prisoners being taken to be executed, and I would hear them screaming and crying,” Hekmati told the Rotary Club of flint in a May 2016 speech, as reported by MLive. “All I had was my faith, prayer, and the role models and experiences I had as a Marine.”

Iran’s Supreme Court overturned the death sentence two months later in a retrial without Hekmati present. He would not find out he had been resentenced to a 10-year prison term until two years later.

Hekmati was one of several American citizens held in Iran during this time; they included The Washington Post’s Tehran correspondent, Jason Rezaian. It would take a sizeable U.S. political intervention to bring them home.

“Right after I took office (in 2013), my staffand I started digging into it and connected with the family,” said Kildee, whose Michigan congressional district includes Hekmati’s hometown of flint. “We made a decision that we were going to take this on and we were going to get him out of there.”

Kildee helped Hekmati’s family launch a public awareness campaign to raise the profile of his captivity. The Free Amir campaign spread across social media as Kildee authored a resolution calling for his release, which every member of the House of Representatives ended up signing. President Barack Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry also repeatedly called on Iran to release Hekmati and the other American prisoners.

Because the U.S and Iran have no formal diplomatic relations, efforts to release Hekmati had to be conducted through third parties, including Swiss diplomats. But there was also the occasional face-to-face encounter. For example, at the United Nations General Assembly meeting in 2015, Kildee—invited by Samantha Power, then the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations—met with Iran’s Foreign Minister Javad Zarif to discuss Hekmati’s case.

Finally, in January 2016, Hekmati and three other U.S. prisoners were released in a prisoner swap that included giving clemency to seven Iranians being held in the U.S. for sanctions violations. Around the same time, the U.S., U.K., Russia, France, China, Germany, and EU all brokered a deal to prevent Iran from developing a nuclear weapon. The proximity of the two events led many to speculate the prisoners had been held for political leverage.

Once it was clear that the plane carrying Hekmati had left Iranian airspace, his family and Kildee traveled to the U.S. military hospital in Germany where he was being treated.

“I still remember what I said to him when I walked over, put my arms around him and gave him a big hug,” Kildee recalled. “I just said, ‘Wow. You’re Amir Hekmati.’”

One month later, Hekmati embraced his family on the tarmac of the flint International Airport.

“I’m standing here healthy, tall, and with my head held high,” Hekmati told reporters from the tarmac. “I’m glad to be here, and I appreciate everyone’s support.”

Hekmati wouldn’t have to wait long to return to his studies. UM-flint Chancellor Susan Borrego said she texted Kildee as soon as he had stepped offthe plane. Borrego had one message for the newly freed Hekmati: “If he was interested in completing a degree, we would help him find the resources to do that.”

Hekmati didn’t talk much about his years in captivity while at U-M, and Borrego never asked him to speak on campus about his time in Iran. “You want students to be able to pursue their degrees for their reason. Amir is very bright and very competent. He managed his academic program on his own.”

Hekmati declined to discuss his plans for the future, but said holding a U-M degree after living through such an experience feels momentous. “Starting over after a very difficult 4 1/2 years has not been easy. I’m very thankful to the faculty at U-M.”

For Kildee, the timing of Hekmati’s return felt particularly significant. Hekmati arrived home mere weeks after flint had declared a state of emergency over its lead-contaminated water supply.

“For a city that was struggling and wondering whether or not there was any reason for hope for the whole community, to have tangible evidence of the power of hope in one person was pretty remarkable,” he said. “Amir came home.”

Andrew Lapin, ’11, is a freelance journalist based in Chicago. His writing has appeared in NPR, The New York Times, National Geographic, and more than a dozen other publications. He was the editor-in-chief of The Michigan Daily in the summer of 2010.

Michigan Musings


On an oppressively hot Ann Arbor night in August 1968, my freshman orientation group and I filed into Hill Auditorium. We were there to learn some U-M traditions, including “The Victors” and all the words of “The Yellow and the Blue.” The faculty included Professor George Cavender, who had brought a dozen rowdy Michigan Marching Band members to play for us.

When he and the band concluded their performance, he turned our attention to the back of the stage. There, in the corner, sat a diminutive, elderly woman with her gray hair pulled back into a small bun. She wore silver-rimmed spectacles and a Block M sweater nearly long enough to reach to her knees when she stood. Cavender announced, “This is Dr. Hazel Losh, professor emeritus of astronomy, to tell you about the great Michigan spirit.”

“Doc” Losh, as she was affectionately known, shuffled slowly across the stage to the lectern behind which a footstool had been placed so we could see her when she spoke. We freshmen-to-be knew nothing about this tiny lady as she crossed the stage. We did not know that she had taught over 50,000 U-M students during her career, including some of the nation's most prominent astronomers. We did not know that the student body loved her so much they had proclaimed her Homecoming Queen for Life in 1966. We could never have anticipated what happened next.

When she reached the podium, Doc Losh mounted the footstool, placed some notecards in front of her, adjusted her glasses, and peered out into the crowd. Just as she prepared to speak, she was interrupted by a raucous chant from the band. They yelled, “Roll 'em up! Roll 'em up!”—implying that her words might soil the cuffs of a gentleman's trousers. Doc Losh dutifully dismounted the footstool and rolled down her hose to her ankles to the cheers of the band.

Doc Losh drew a similarly boisterous cheer from the band when she barked her first words—“Go Blue!”—in a surprisingly strong voice. She explained numerous U-M traditions and regaled us with tales of glory about Michigan's accomplishments in the classroom and in athletics. Doc's speech mesmerized us, and we left the auditorium with her stories of Michigan indelibly imprinted in our memories.

During the next few years, when she was supposedly retired, Doc Losh became an ambassador for the University. She spoke to hundreds of groups of students, alumni, media, and others about her beloved Michigan. Her taped monthly radio program, “Astronomy Reports,” was a regular feature on Michigan Public Radio.

I saw Doc on only a few occasions during my undergraduate years. She delivered an inspirational speech from the torch-lit steps of the graduate library at a large pep rally held two days before the 1968 Ohio State football game. The next year, she spoke from the front porch of the Sigma Chi fraternity at a much smaller pep rally held two days before Michigan's stunning upset over the Buckeyes. And, just before every home football game, an undergraduate M Club member escorted Doc across the Michigan Stadium field.

A few days before the first football game in 1973, I received a telephone call while studying in my room in the Law Quadrangle. A former track teammate and officer of the M Club knew I cared a lot about Michigan traditions and asked if l would consider taking an elderly former professor to the home football games. I asked incredulously, “Are you talking about Doc Losh?”

For the next two seasons, I picked up Doc Losh at her home on East University Avenue about two hours before kickoff. We parked in a reserved space just outside Michigan Stadium and walked down the dark tunnel to the eastern sideline of the field. Then Doc would sit in a folding chair and talk with well-wishers from the Athletic Department and the Marching Band. When the M Club banner was brought out, Doc and I would walk arm-in-arm out to the middle of the field and watch the team run out of the tunnel and under the banner. Then, we would slowly navigate through the team standing on the western sideline and walk up the section 23 aisle to her seat.

Doc sat with members of the Athletic Department and visiting dignitaries, like the governor and his wife for the Michigan State game. After the game, Doc and I walked up the aisle to the section exit and around the southern end of the stadium to the stairs on the eastern side. As we walked, she was always greeted by many fans and former students. She remembered an astonishing number of her former students and had a pleasant word or a remembrance to share.

Whether the day was beastly hot, freezing cold, or drenching wet, Doc never missed a game during those two years. Although the walking was very hard for her, and climbing the stadium steps even worse, she never once complained. Doc turned down a standing offer from the Athletic Department to sit in the press box because, as she told me more than once, the people up there “just don't watch the game.” By the time I walked her up the front steps of her home after each game, Doc was exhausted. But she always said that, if Michigan had won, it had been a great game.

During the half century she was at Michigan, Doc Losh embodied the Michigan spirit about which she so often and lovingly spoke. A few weeks before she died, confined to a wheelchair, Doc attended her last Michigan football game. The beloved professor, whom U-M President Robben W. fleming called “an institution within an institution,” passed away on Oct. 5, 1978. An overfl ow crowd attended her funeral service at the First United Methodist Church on State Street. Although hundreds attending the service bid farewell to Doc that day, her contributions to the Michigan spirit live on—on campus, in the stadium, and in our hearts.

JeffBracken, ’72, JD’75, and his wife Kathy, ’78, of East Lansing, Michigan, along with their sons, Matt, ’05, Andrew, ’08, MPP’13, and Chris, ’12, MSE’13, are a true blue U-M family.

Book Reviews

Jimmy Buffett: A Good Life All the Way

By Ryan White, ‘97, Touchstone, 2017

How does Jimmy Buffett inspire legions of his Parrot Head fans not simply to buy his Caribbean-inspired, country-inflected music but to buy into the to-hell-with-the-9-to-5 lifestyle he seems to embody? Buffett “had the guts to do what we dreamed about,” says one devotee in “Jimmy Buffett: A Good Life All the Way,” a new biography of the musician. “We became bankers ... So we can live vicariously through him, or through his music anyway.”

On the cornerstone of his 1977 song “Margaritaville,” Buffett has built an empire that extends well beyond albums and concerts to tequila, hammocks, totes, beer, books, and even a Broadway musical. Margaritaville Holdings, which Buffett established to manage his brand, is “a travel company,” its CEO says. “Because everything we do is sort of about taking you away, in one form or another.”

The book charts Buffett’s journey to such heights. Author Ryan White visits the places where Buffett became who he is: Alabama and Mississippi, where he developed his love of the sea; Nashville, Tennessee, and New Orleans, where he developed as a musician and raconteur; and Key West, florida, where he found his home.

Taking the approach he took in his previous book, “Springsteen: Album by Album,” White talks to the musicians, producers, and record executives who shaped Buffett’s career, and he unearths anecdotes that belie Buffett’s carefree public persona and foretell the success in business that he would become. “This would ruin my reputation entirely,” Buffett tells a friend who finds him organizing receipts and doing paperwork in his hotel room before a show.

A fellow bard of Key West, Ernest Hemingway famously described a character’s going bankrupt two ways: “gradually, and then suddenly.” So it was with Buffett’s success. Though an instant hit, “Margaritaville” was only the 14th-biggest pop singles hit of Billboard’s 1977 chart. It wasn’t until 2004 that Buffett— fueled in part by his cameo on Alan Jackson’s No. 1 song “It’s Five O’Clock Somewhere”—had the first No. 1 record of his own. A surge of Caribbean-country music followed and brought wider recognition to the “genre unto himself” that Buffett had created. And as White writes, more than any one piece of music, or branded product, it’s Buffett the man—amusing, but also amused at the carnival he’s created—who keeps fans coming back.

“He continues to smile a smile that hasn’t changed in decades, a smile that says ‘Can you believe I got away with this?’”

—Matthew Benz, ’98

The Shadow Land

By Elizabeth Kostova, MFA’04, Ballantine Books, 2017

Human remains in an urn set off the latest engrossing historical mystery from Elizabeth Kostova, who rocketed to fame with her bestselling 2005 vampire tale “The Historian” and plunged into the art world in her 2010 follow-up, “The Swan Thieves.” Now, with “The Shadow Land,” Kostova takes us to the sprawling plazas and looming cathedrals of Sofia, Bulgaria. There, through strange circ*mstances, those ashes wind up in the hands of a 26-year-old American woman, Alexandra Boyd.

Alexandra is in Bulgaria looking to teach English, but has her own concerns on her mind. She’s still coming to terms with the absence of her brother, who disappeared in the Blue Ridge Mountains without a trace years before. But her good-hearted attempt to return the urn to its rightful owner sets her off on a quest into Bulgaria’s past. Luckily, she has a friend in the chatty taxi driver Bobby. An activist and poet, he accompanies her into the countryside and serves as her translator and cultural guide—and not a moment too soon, because the authorities are on their tail.

The pair discover they possess the remains of Stoyan Lazarov, a violinist who was falsely imprisoned in a forced labor camp during Bulgaria’s post-World War II Communist rule and whose very existence carries life-or-death implications for the country’s current political climate. As Alexandra and Bobby track down Stoyan’s surviving family, from the big cities to the rolling hills of rural Bulgaria, they strike into the darkest depths of the country, opening up old wounds the nation has done its best to forget.

One of Kostova’s clear aims is to take the reader on the same journey through 20th century Bulgarian history that Alexandra discovers. The author has a personal connection to Bulgaria: she took a similar trip after college to research the region’s folk songs, met her husband there, set parts of “The Historian” there, and runs a foundation dedicated to teaching creative writing in the country. In Kostova’s hands, Bulgaria becomes more than that old cliché of a location that’s also a “character”; it’s a mausoleum that needs help finding its own bodies.

Jumping freely between past and present, and blending narrators young and old to create an evocative patchwork portrait of Stoyan’s life, “The Shadow Land” is steeped in details of Balkan culture and history. But the specter of loss hovers over all. If stories can heal, then Kostova is a healer for a nation.

—Andrew Lapin, ’11

Class Notes


Joan Brown Campbell, ’53

Retired in 2013 from the Chautauqua Institution in Chautauqua, N.Y., where Joan was director of the department of religion. An ordained minister in two denominations, Joan’s lifelong mission has seen her in a variety of pioneering roles, including the National Council of Churches and the Fund for Education in South Africa. She was the only woman in the clergy procession at the enthronement of Archbishop Desmond Tutu and earlier in her career worked with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Joan hails from Chagrin Falls, Ohio.


William E. Connolly, ’60, MA’62

Authored “Facing the Planetary: Entangled Humanism and the Politics of Swarming” (Duke University Press, 2017). William is a political theory professor at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore. In the book, he expands his work on the politics of pluralization, capitalism, fragility, and secularism to address the complexities of climate change and to complicate notions of the Anthropocene.

Mike Losey, ’61, MBA’62

Authored “Touching People’s Lives: Leaders’ Sorrow or Joy” (Society for Human Resource Management, 2017). The book offers Mike’s insight into leadership and professional development based on his more than 30 years of experience in the field. He hails from fleming Island, fla.

Sam Zell, ’63, JD’66, HLLD’05

Authored “Am I Being Too Subtle?: Straight Talk From a Business Rebel” (Portfolio, 2017). In the book, Sam shares the life stories that have shaped his principles and influenced his business decisions. Hailing from Chicago, Sam is the chairman of several companies, including Equity International and Equity Group Investments. He and his wife are the sponsers at U-M of the Zell Lurie Institute for Entrepreneurial Studies and the LSA Helen Zell Writer’s Program.

Ezra Dangoor, MA’67

Authored “Modern Short Stories” (Grosvenor House Publishing, 2016). Ezra, who is retired in London, taught English language and literature as an assistant professor at the National University of Iran from 1967 to 1980. His book deals with the human effort to soften the loneliness of the human state of being in the absence of “reality.”

Robert Prentiss, MBA’67

Named to the American Hospital Association Regional Policy Board. Bob is a trustee of North Memorial Health Care and serves on the board of the Minnesota Trustee Council. He also retired as CEO of ISC Financial Advisors.

Paul Dimond, JD’69

Co-authored “The Belle of Two Arbors” (Cedar Forge, 2017), a historical novel about a heroine, Belle, who balances life between rural Glen Arbor and the university town of Ann Arbor at the turn of the 20th century. Featuring the poetry of Martha Buhr Grimes, ’66, MA’72, the book shows how Belle finds her voice as a poet while facing the challenges of her time. Both authors hail from Ann Arbor.

Carol Yahne, ’69

Published an article, “Building a motivational interviewing learning community with Cuban colleagues,” through the American Psychological Association (www. in March. She hails from Albuquerque, N.M.


Dale R. Leslie, MA’71

Has had a file established in his name by the Bentley Historical Library. The Dale Leslie Papers ( feature digital recordings of his interviews and of historically significant events on the U-M campus. A retired Ann Arbor business owner, Dale’s lifelong avocation for researching local history and interviewing campus personages is also on display through his YouTube channel (

Doris Rubenstein, ’71

Won a silver award at the Independent Book Publishers Association’s Benjamin Franklin Awards for her book, “The Journey of a Dollar” (Beaver’s Pond Press, 2016). The book teaches children how even a small monetary donation can have a big impact. Portions from the sale of each copy of the book go to charity. Doris hails from Richfield, Minn.

John Charles Thomas, PhD’71

Authored “Fit in Bits” (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2016). The book offers advice for carving out small amounts of exercise time within a busy schedule. He has also created “Fit in Bits” demonstrations on YouTube. John hails from Solana Beach, Calif.

Richard Bendix, ’72, JD’75

After practicing law for 42 years, began a new career as an investment banker by joining Ravinia Capital, a Chicago-based boutique investment bank, in May. Using his experience as a commercial bankruptcy and restructuring attorney, Richard now focuses on the sale of distressed businesses.

Jill B. Berkeley, ’72

Received the first-ever Lifetime Achievement Award from the American Bar Association’s Tort Trial & Insurance Practice Section’s Insurance Coverage Litigation Committee in March. The honor recognizes Jill’s work on the committee and in the field. She practices with Neal, Gerber & Eisenberg in Chicago.

Ed Bujold, ’74

Celebrates over 30 years of family medicine as owner of the Granite Falls Family Medical Center in Granite Falls, N.C. Ed has also served as chief physician strategist of KPN Health Analytics, a data solutions and business management company, since 2013.

Jane Louise Campbell, ’74

Served as the first female mayor of Cleveland, from 2002 to 2006. She hails from Washington, D.C.

Robin Karson, ’74, MA’77

Co-edited “Warren H. Manning: Landscape Architect and Environmental Planner” (Library of American Landscape History, 2017). The book chronicles the influential landscape philosophy and projects of Manning, who was one of the founders of the American Society of Landscape Architects. Robin serves as executive director of the Library of American Landscape History in Amherst, Mass.

Claudia Rast, ’75

Reappointed in June to a oneyear term on the American Bar Association’s Cybersecurity Legal Task Force. She also co-authored a chapter in the second edition of “The ABA Cybersecurity Handbook,” published in July. Claudia is a shareholder in Butzel Long’s Ann Arbor office.

Peter Robinson, MBA’75

Received the Cranbrook Educational Community’s President’s Award for Excellence in April. The honor recognizes Cranbrook affiliates who demonstrate outstanding service to the community. Peter is a member of the Cranbrook Academy of Art’s board of governers and has served in numerous capacities in the Cranbrook community. He hails from Bloomfield Hills, Mich.

Gilbert Snider, MD’75, MDRES’81

Released “What More Can I Say (Wedding Song)” with his wife, Judy, in March.

Susan Burkhart, ’77

Named among the “2017 Women in the Law” by Best Lawyers Business Edition in June. In addition, Susan was a “Lawyer of the Year Honoree” in the publication. Susan practices with the Raleigh, N.C., office of Cranfill Sumner & Hartzog, focusing on insurance law.

Cynthia Stone, ’77

Received the Indiana Public Health Association’s Tony and Mary Hulman Distinguished Service Award in October. Cynthia is an associate professor at the Indiana University Richard M. Fairbanks School of Public Health and hails from Indianapolis.

Forrest Campbell, MMUS’78

Named a leading health care attorney by “Chambers USA: America’s Leading Lawyers for Business” in June. Forrest practices with Brooks Pierce in Greensboro, N.C.

Nancy B.G. Lassen, ’78

Named to the “2017 Pennsylvania Super Lawyers” list in May. Practicing with Willig, Williams & Davidson in Philadelphia, Nancy focuses her practice on labor and employment law.

Bruce D. Celebrezze, JD’79

Elected president of the American College of Coverage and Extracontractual Counsel in May. Bruce is a partner in the San Francisco office of Sedgwick, focusing in insurance law.

Roy More, ’79, MSE’81

Received the Silver Antelope Award during the Boy Scouts of America’s national annual meeting in May. The Silver Antelope recognizes registered scouts for noteworthy service of exceptional character provided within the region’s territory. Roy has been a volunteer leader with the Boy Scouts of America Michigan Crossroads Council and its legacy councils for 31 years.


Scott K. Lites, ’82

Named leader of the business law department at Plunkett Cooney in April. Scott hails from Bloomfield Hills, Mich.

Mark S. Edelman, ’83

Elected a fellow of the American College of Consumer Financial Services Lawyers in March. The fellowship recognizes Mark’s achievements in the field, commitment to improving legal assistance, and professional ethics. Mark practices with McGlinchey Stafford in Cleveland.

Steve Hamilton, ’83

Authored “Exit Strategy: A Nick Mason Novel” (Putnam, 2017). This sequel to “The Second Life of Nick Mason” follows the continuing, escalating struggle of the titular character to break free of his criminal past and the criminal mastermind to whom he owes his freedom. Steve hails from Cottekill, N.Y.

James L. Komie, ’84, JD’87

Joined the Chicago office of Howard & Howard in September 2016. James focuses his practice on civil litigation and counseling matters, with an emphasis on employment and trade secret/noncompete issues.

Cecilia Muñoz, ’84

Appointed to the Kresge Foundation’s board of trustees in June. Cecilia is vice president of policy and technology and director of the national network at New America, a nonpartisan think tank and civic enterprise in Washington, D.C. The Kresge Foundation is a private philanthropic organization that works to expand opportunities in America’s cities through grantmaking and investing in arts and culture, education, environment, health, human services, and community development efforts.

Kris Bauske, ’85

Authored “A Good Old Fashioned Redneck Country Wedding” (Samuel French, 2017), her third play under this publisher and a sequel to 2015’s “A Good Old Fashioned Redneck Country Christmas.” Kris hails from Ocoee, fla.

Mark R. Kennedy, MBA’85

Authored “Shapeholders: Business Success in the Age of Activism” (Columbia University Press, 2017). In the book, Mark, a former Fortune 500 executive, advises businesses on how activism, social media, and public relations are as important to success as shareholders, customers, and employees. Mark is president of the University of North Dakota in Grand Forks, N.D.

Elizabeth Schauer, ’86

Promoted to a full professorship at the University of Arizona in June. Elizabeth is a member of the conducting faculty of the Fred Fox School of Music.

Steven M. Taber, JD’86, MA’86

Joined the Pasadena, Calif., law firm of Leech Tishman in May. Steven focuses his practice on environmental law, aviation and airport development matters, corporate legal issues, complex litigation, and intellectual property.

Deborah Thomas, ’86

Has received several honors for her poems “The Little Slave Girl” and “Through the Eyes of the Rainbow,” which were published in the “International Library of Poetry” compilation. Deborah has dedicated her career to teaching underprivileged children and counseling women to pursue higher education. Deborah hails from Cohoes, N.Y.

James Zwolensky, ’87, MARCH’89, MBA’00

Joined Quinn Evans Architects as a senior associate in the firm’s Ann Arbor office in June. James’ particular focus is on major projects in higher education.

Scott G. Miller, ’88

Joined the Orlando, fla., office of Burr & Forman as a partner in May. Scott focuses his practice on tax matters and wealth and estate preservation planning.

Peter Markus, ’89

Authored “Inside My Pencil: Teaching Poetry in Detroit Public Schools” (Dzanc Books, 2017). In the book, Peter conveys the power and importance of enabling children to explore their inner voices through poetry and creative writing. Peter has taught in the Detroit Public School system for more than 20 years, while continuing his work for the nonprofit InsideOut Literary Arts Project.

Paul S. Selvin, ‘89

Named to Barron’s magazine’s 2017 “America’s Top 1,200 Advisers” listing in March. Paul has been with Merrill Lynch since 1989 and hails from Livingston, N.J.


Dave Bourgeau, ’91

Became a partner in the law firm of Kolisch Hartwell in June. Dave’s practice includes all aspects of intellectual property law, including patent, trademark, copyright, and trade secret matters. He hails from Portland, Ore.

Jacob S. Farber, ’91

Rejoined Perkins Coie in its Washington, D.C., office in April. Jacob spent the previous year as general counsel and co-head of regulatory affairs at R3, a consortium of global banks and financial institutions exploring blockchain technology.

Jason Horn, ’91

Voted Athletic Director of the Year for 2016-17 at the Gulf Coast Athletic Conference in June. Jason serves as athletic director at Xavier University of Louisiana.

Michael Bess, ’92

Became a partner in the Chicago office of Michael Best & Friedrich. He serves as a strategic counselor in complex commercial and criminal cases.

Rob Dwortz, ’92, MBA’04

Named president and a shareholder in Lambert, Edwards & Associates, a Michigan-based public relations agency, in May. In addition to leading existing operations, Rob will launch LE&A’s business advisory and consulting practice. He hails from Grand Rapids, Mich.

S. Bobby Mukkamala, ’92, MD’95

Elected to the board of trustees of the American Medical Association. Bobby resides in flint, Mich., and chairs the board of the Community Foundation of Greater flint.

Venessa Marie Perry, x’92

Became president of the George Washington University Alumni Association in June. Venessa is the first African-American president of the organization, which represents 300,000 alumni worldwide. Hailing from New York City, Venessa also serves as CEO of Health Resource Solutions, a health care consulting firm specializing in addressing public health issues in underserved communities.

David Turner, ’93

Appointed president and CEO of Hitachi Data Systems Federal, a government data and analytics solutions provider, in May. David hails from Haymarket, Va.

David C. Anderson, ’94

Elected to the board of commissioners of the State Bar of Michigan in July. David is a partner at Collins Einhorn Farrell, focusing on professional liability claims. He hails from Macomb, Mich.

Marci Hannewald, ’94

Promoted to vice president, assistant corporate secretary, and corporate counsel of The Auto Club Group in January. ACG is the second-largest AAA club in North America, with headquarters in Dearborn, Mich. Marci hails from Ann Arbor.

Nicole Jacquard, MFA’94

Received a Fulbright Scholar Award in June, which enables her to research at the University of Dundee’s Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art & Design in Scotland. Nicole is currently an associate professor of metalsmithing and jewelry design in the School of Art + Design at Indiana University in Bloomington, Ind.

Kristin Johnson, ’94

Authored “Ain’t ‘U’ Got No Manners?” (Vegas Publisher, 2016), offering guidance for utilizing social media. Kristin hails from Palm Desert, Calif.

Franz Bauer, ’95

Observed and led the report on an unusual cosmic event that occurred in 2014. The report, published in the February edition of the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, details a seemingly never-before-seen burst of X-rays from a galaxy 11 billion light-years away from our home galaxy. Franz is an astronomer at Pontifical Catholic University of Chile.

Tim Konecny, MS’95

Co-authored “DADLY Dollar$: How Marketing to Dads Will Increase Revenue and Strengthen Families” (Motivational Press, 2017). The book offers business advice on marketing to fathers. Tim hails from Bowling Green, Ohio.

Thad Kodish, ’96

Honored with a Professional Excellence award from the Daily Report, a Georgia-based law newspaper, in June. Thad is the managing principal of the Atlanta office of Fish & Richardson.

Jeff Valk, ’98

Was one of a group of U-M alumni from Admetsys, a medical research firm, that received the first-ever investment of U-M’s Zell Early-Stage Fund. Admetsys has developed an artificial pancreas for hospital and surgical care to control glucoses of metabolically challenged patients. The investment dollars come from a venture capital and preventure capital investment fund operated by U-M undergraduate business students under the supervision of the fund’s faculty managing director.

Sebastian Lucier, ’99

Elected a member of Mintz, Levin, Cohn, Ferris, Glovsky and Popeo in May. Practicing from the firm’s San Diego office, Sebastian represents publicly and privately held companies on a variety of issues.


Michael K. McLendon, PhD’00

Named The Fred and Edith Hale Endowed Professor in Educational Leadership and Policy at Baylor University in May. In addition, he was appointed Baylor’s interim provost in June. Previously, Michael served as dean of Baylor’s School of Education and interim director of the Hale Center for Educational Leadership.

Khaled Beydoun, ’01

Awarded the 2017 James T. Barnes Sr. Memorial Faculty Scholar Award from the University of Detroit Mercy School of Law in May. Khaled is a professor of U.S. constitutional law, civil rights, and torts at Detroit Mercy.

Ludgy LaRochelle, ’01

Joined the Cleveland office of Tucker Ellis in April. Ludgy focuses his practice on business and transaction matters.

Alison Orlans, ’01

Launched Orlans PC with her mother, the result of a merger between Orlans Associates, Orlans Moran, and Atlantic Law Group, in April. Alison serves as president and CEO of the new venture, which is the second-largest womanowned law firm in the U.S.

Kristen M. Walson, MSE’01

Became a shareholder in TLC Engineering for Architecture in May. In addition, Kristen is on the board of the University of florida’s Green Building Learning Collaborative, the City of Orlando’s Greenworks Advisory Panel, and the florida Hospital Sustainability Collaborative. She is also active in the U.S. Green Building Council. Kristen hails from Orlando, fla.

Hayden Goldblatt, ’03

Recognized in the “Up Next” listing of Variety magazine’s 2017 “Legal Impact Report” in May. The report is an annual overview of entertainment industry lawyers and experts. Hayden is counsel to the Entertainment Group of Frankfurt Kurnit Klein & Selz in New York City.

Patricia Gruits, ’04, MARCH’06

Received a Cooper Hewitt National Design Award in May as a director at MASS Design Group, an architecture firm based in Boston and Kigali, Rwanda. Conceived by the Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum to honor lasting achievement in American design, the award recognizes the firm’s combination of design and advocacy.

Adam Burns, ’05

Received a 2017 Kennedy Center/ Stephen Sondheim Inspirational Teacher Award in March. The honor recognizes American teachers who make an extraordinary impact on students. Teachers are nominated by former students who submit written testimonials to the Kennedy Center. Adam is a teacher at Troy Athens High School in Troy, Mich.

Amy E. Keller, ’05

Joined DiCello Levitt & Casey as a founding partner in the firm’s Chicago office in April. Amy focuses her practice on class action and mass torts.

Dana Khalife-Marjieh, ’05

Co-founded Black Marjieh Leff & Sanford, a law firm focusing on insurance defense and coverage, construction, real estate, commercial litigation, and immigration, in June. Dana hails from Hastingson- Hudson, New York.

Zach Teitler, PhD’05

Profiled by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Science as part of a series on National Science Bowl champions. Zach was a part of the 1993 national champion team from Albany High School in Albany, Calif. He currently hails from Boise, Idaho, where he is an associate professor of math at Boise State University.

Steven J. Boender, JD’06, MBA’06

Joined the corporate law firm of Stoel Rives in May. Steven focuses his practice on corporate transactional matters, including mergers, acquisitions, and joint ventures. He hails from Portland, Ore.

Jon Keller, ’06

As president of J. Keller Properties, saw his company win several awards this past spring, including its fifth consecutive Best Landlord award from The Michigan Daily and Ann Arbor SPARK’s FastTrack award. Jon’s company was also named one of 50 Companies to Watch at the Michigan Celebrates Small Business awards. Jon hails from Ann Arbor.

Gilbert David Nuñez, ’06

Earned his PhD in government and politics from the University of Maryland in May. His work focuses on American political institutions, including the American presidency, with a dissertation on presidents’ critical executive orders. At U-M, he studied political science and worked closely with the late professor Hanes Walton Jr., who inspired him to pursue an advanced degree in the field and study issues related to the chief executive. Gilbert thanks his friends and family (especially Amanda, to whom the dissertation is dedicated) for their support in pursuing this dream. He hails from Washington, D.C.

Amy L. Stone, PhD’06

Authored “Cornyation: San Antonio’s Outrageous Fiesta Tradition” (Trinity University Press, 2017). The book documents the history and impact of the titular event, whose origins trace back to the 1890s and which exists to this day as one of Texas’ iconic LGBT events. Amy hails from San Antonio.

Emily Chivers Yochim, PhD’07

Co-authored “Mothering through Precarity: Women’s Work and Digital Media” (Duke University Press, 2017) with Julie A. Wilson. The book explores how working- and middle-class mothers negotiate the difficulties of 21st century mothering through their everyday engagement with digital media, including online communities. Emily is an associate professor of communication arts and theater at Allegheny College in Meadville, Pa.

Travis Radina, ’08

Elected president of the Jim Toy Community Center (, an LGBTQ resource and advocacy center serving greater Washtenaw County, Mich., in December. Travis hails from Ann Arbor and serves as senior global engagement manager at the Alumni Association of U-M.

Leanna R. Simon, ’08

Honored with a 2017 Emerging Leader Award from the American Association of Law Libraries in May. Leanna serves as a reference librarian at Honigman Miller Schwartz and Cohn in Detroit.

Drew Philp, ’09

Authored “A $500 House in Detroit: Rebuilding an Abandoned Home and an American City” (Scribner, 2017). Through this memoir, Drew documents his journey of purchasing and rehabilitating an abandoned house in the heart of the city and the complex history, struggles, and personal maturing that came with it. Drew continues to hail from Detroit.

Francis Wilmore, MARCH’09

Named to design:retail magazine’s “40 Under 40” list in May. Francis is an architect at the Lansing, Mich.-based firm of ASL.


Teleicia J.R. Dambreville, ’10

Named a 2017 Pennsylvania Rising Star by Super Lawyers in May. Practicing with Obermayer Rebmann Maxwell & Hippel in Philadelphia, Teleicia focuses on employment litigation matters.

Lauren K. Wrona, ’10

Earned her doctor of medicine degree from Wayne State University in May. She is currently a resident at Parkland Hospital in Dallas.

Alexander J. DeWitt, ’11

Received the 2017-2016 Pro Bono Service Award from the Detroit Bar Association in June. An attorney in Butzel Long’s Bloomfield Hills, Mich., office, Alexander volunteers at the Detroit Legal Services Clinic. There, he provides free advice and consultations to clinic participants on a variety of legal issues, including child support and custody, landlordtenant disputes, domestic violence, and expungements.

Andrew M. Gaggin, ’11

Joined the Detroit office of Gallagher Sharp in May. Andrew focuses on labor and employment law matters.

Trevor Hoppe, MPH’11, PhD’14

Co-edited “The War on Sex” (Duke University Press, 2017) with U-M Professor David M. Halperin. By examining how the ever-intensifying “war on sex” affects both privileged and marginalized communities, this collection of essays explains why sexual liberation is indispensable to social justice and human rights. Trevor is an assistant professor of sociology at the University at Albany, State University of New York.

Matthew McCullough, ’11

Joined the San Francisco office of Winston & Strawn as an associate in June. Matthew focuses his practice on intellectual property litigation.

Arielle Milton, ’11, MPA’15

Joined the GHR Foundation, a philanthropic organization based in Minneapolis, as a program associate in its global development program.

Jerri Bamberger, ’12

Became vice president of strategic development for GenHERation, a professional networking platform for young women, in May. Jerri hails from Plantation, fla.

Channing Robinson-Holmes, ’13

Joined the Royal Oak, Mich.-based law firm of Pitt McGehee Palmer & Rivers as an associate attorney in June. As a law clerk with the firm, Channing worked on two large class-action lawsuits filed on behalf of thousands of residents affected by the water crisis in flint, Mich.

Julia Wang, ’13

Authored and published an article on bioinformatics in the American Journal of Human Genetics in May. “MARRVEL: Integration of Human and Model Organism Genetic Resources to Facilitate Functional Annotation of the Human Genome” describes Julia and her collaborators’ work to create a practical, centralized search engine of various institutions’ databases of human genome variants. The collaborative project included the Baylor College of Medicine (where Julia is a medical scientist in training), the Jan and Dan Duncan Neurological Research Institute at Texas Children’s Hospital, and the Harvard Medical School.

Jennifer Spears, ’14

Promoted to account executive at Franco, a public relations and marketing firm in Detroit. Before joining Franco, Jennifer completed an internship at MSLGROUP Detroit and served as an Americorps member with City Year Detroit.

Jessica Sumney, MA’14

Married Gabby Follett in July. Hailing from Boston, Jessica is a program assistant for the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Sloan School of Management MBA Program, where she supports students’ campus experiences as they pursue their degrees. Gabby is an adjunct professor at Emerson College, where she teaches undergraduate students 16 mm film techniques. Gabby is also a videographer at Harvard University/ HarvardX, where she develops open online learning experiences.

Isaac Wade, ’15

Promoted to analyst at the retail data analytics firm °84.51 in May. Isaac hails from Cincinnati.

Whelan Wins Twain Award

The winner of numerous awards for her writing, Gloria Whelan, ’45, MSW’48, can now add to her collection the 2017 Mark Twain Award for distinguished contributions to Midwestern literature. Whelan is known for her children’s and young adult literature and has also written other works of fiction and poetry; much of her work is about Michigan. The Society for the Study of Midwestern Literature bestowed the award in June.

Ross Organization Recognized

As founder of the Ross Initiative in Sports for Equality (RISE), Stephen Ross, ’62, HLLD’11, accepted the Stuart Scott ENSPIRE Award in July. The chair of The Related Companies real estate development firm and principal owner of the Miami Dolphins, Ross is also a major donor to the University. The humanitarian award recognized RISE for its work in using sports to improve race relations and drive social progress.

Alum’s New Podcast: Friction

In his new podcast, Stanford Professor Bob Sutton, MA’80, PhD’84, is on a mission to understand friction, that phenomenon that “frustrates employees, fatigues teams, and causes organizations to flounder and fail.” In each episode, Sutton uses humor to tell stories from the front lines of work from Silicon Valley and offers tactics to improve the way we work. Sutton is an organizational psychology and professor of engineering.

Behm Named Chair of U-M Regents

At its June 15 meeting, the U-M board of regents announced that Michael Behm, ’89, would serve as chair beginning July 1. The term lasts for one year. As chair, Behm sets the annual schedule of meetings, agenda, and major topics for the board; monitors committee agenda planning; and acts as spokesperson for the board, among other responsibilities. The board also announced that Andrew Richner, ’82, JD’86, will serve as vice chair.

U-M Alumni Network

You can count yourself among one of the nation’s largest alumni networks, according to The Cheat Sheet. U-M, with 575,000 living alumni, follows only Penn State (673,000) and Indiana University (650,000). Rounding out the top five are Michigan State (552,000) and UCLA (500,000). The Cheat Sheet, whose president and co-chair is Derek Hoffman, ’03, lists many benefits to a vibrant network of graduates, including networking opportunities, connections to mentors, and news about jobs.




› The men’s swimming team wins its seventh consecutive national championship.

On Campus:

› Madelon Louisa Stockwell Hall opens in February 1940

› Fall enrollment as of Oct. 3 is 11,569.

› President Alexander G. Ruthven delivers the commencement address for the fifth consecutive year. He’d go on to deliver the addresses in 1941, 1942, and 1943.


› The University and Life magazine cosponsor the Conference on New Technologies in Transportation.

Arts & Culture:

› All-American Tom Harmon stars in the Michigan Men’s Union Opera, “Four Out of Five”— as in “Four out of five girls are beautiful, and the fifth one comes to Michigan.” We disagree!

Submit class notes by emailing them to or sending them to Class Notes, Michigan Alumnus, 200 Fletcher St., Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1007.


1.Dave Courtis, ’63, MS’65, signals his support for U-M football in front of Mount Fitz Roy (11,171 feet) in Patagonia, Argentina. 2. At 560 feet in length, the Trift Bridge is the longest pedestrian-only bridge in the Swiss Alps and a perfect backdrop for the Ryan family, from left: Dayna, ’07, DPT’10, her father, David, ’84, and her sister, Jessica, ’12—now a University of Geneva doctoral student. 3. Max Bonnefil, ’69, and his daughter Christine, ’97, explored the historic village of Gordes in Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, France. Their U-M degrees in architecture and French, respectively, proved to be quite useful! 4. Norris Turner, PHARMD’90, with wife Denise Artaud-Turner, left, visited the Seville Cathedral in Seville, Spain, in March. The two were visiting their daughter, Victoria Turner, during her study-abroad semester in Madrid. 5. Steven Bartholomew, ’70, at left, with his sons Wade and Todd (off-camera), visited the 3rd Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry Monument on Culp’s Hill in Pennsylvania. Their ancestor, Samuel Bartholomew, served with this Union regiment at the 1863 Battle of Gettysburg. 6. Robert C. Thurston, ’84, crosses the Atlantic City, N.J., finish line in June. He biked 55 miles from the Philadelphia area for the 2017 American Cancer Society “Bridge to the Beach” bike-a-thon. 7. Several Michigan alumni turned out to celebrate the July 22 commissioning of the USS Gerald R. Ford in Norfolk, Va. Todd J. Anson, JD’80, took this group shot, which included U-M head football coach Jim Harbaugh, ’86, second from right, and the family of President Gerald R. Ford, ’35, HLLD’74.

In Memoriam


JOHN S. CROSBY, ’34, Liberty, MO, Jun. 30, 2017

MARY M. BELL, ’35, Gwinn, MI, May 02, 2017

HELEN H. PERRY, ’35, Greenwood, IN, Feb. 25, 2016

LEONORA R. VANDENBERG, ’38, Franklin, TN, Sep. 14, 2016

FRANK M. DAVIS, ’39, Cedar Mountain, NC, May 16, 2017

ALBERTA K. LINDSTROM, ’39, Columbus, OH, Apr. 05, 2017


KATHERINE Z. GLASER, ’40, MMUS’41, Skokie, IL, Jan. 01, 2016

ANN V. MERCER, ’40, Lakewood, OH, Feb. 12, 2017

ELSIE JANE PLUMB, ’40, Coronado, CA, Mar. 15, 2017

YVONNE M. LOGAN, ’41, Jun. 24, 2017

JOHN P. LORD, ’41, Southington, CT, May 11, 2017

ROBERT H. PHELPS, ’41, Lincoln, MA, May 10, 2017

CHARLOTTE W. SEILER, ’41, Venice, FL, May 21, 2017

HOLLIS B. TARA, ’41, Picayune, MS, Aug. 21, 2016

WARD W. THIEL, ’41, Willoughby, OH, Apr. 09, 2017

FLORENT J. VERHULST, MBA’41, Denver, CO, Apr. 18, 2017

JULIUS S. YOUNGNER, MSPH’41, SCD’44, Pittsburgh, PA, Apr. 27, 2017

MARJORIE O. ALPERN, ’42, Southfield, MI, Mar. 17, 2017

ALFRED E. FALK, ’42, Prescott, AZ, Apr. 01, 2017

THEODORE W. HILDEBRANDT, ’42, MA’47, PhD’56, Longmont, CO, Apr. 29, 2017

CARMELITA R. PARKER, ’42, MA’43, Loudon, TN, Apr. 24, 2017

P. KENNETH PIERPONT, ’42, Newport News, VA, May 03, 2017

VINCENT L. REES, MS’42, MDRES’43, May 21, 2017

WILLIAM B. STEGATH, ’42, MA’49, PhD’61, Ann Arbor, MI, Mar. 29, 2017

VIRGINIA M. VLIEK, ’42, Decatur, MI, Dec. 14, 2016

VALERI I. WOLFFGANG, ’42, San Carlos, CA, Feb. 19, 2016

TEEFE G. BANDER, ’43, Rochester, MI, Jun. 08, 2017

MARY L. CURRAN, ’43, Basking Ridge, NJ, Jun. 08, 2017

LILLIAN M. CURRIE, ’43, Fremont, CA, May 02, 2017

WILLIAM MACRITCHIE,’43, JD’49, Green Valley, AZ, Mar. 05, 2016

THEODORE P. BLEVINS, MD’44, Portola Vally, CA, Mar. 15, 2017

EILEEN B. FOLEY, ’44, Exeter, NH, May 10, 2017

SHIRLEY N. LEVITT, ’44, Brookhaven, GA, Mar. 29, 2017

RUTH B. MCDERMAID, ’44, Santa Rosa, CA, May 14, 2017

THELMA B. MCKELPIN, MA’44, Charlotte, NC, Jul. 09, 2016

EILEEN M. MOLONEY, ’44, MA’68, Williamston, MI, Apr. 04, 2017

MARGERY S. POSNER, ’44, Westminster, CA, Mar. 11, 2017

E. PETER SCHELLENS, ’44, Essex, CT, May 09, 2017

MARION STAMPER, ’44, Seattle, WA, Apr. 26, 2017

ROBERT N. YODER, ’44, Naples, FL, Apr. 27, 2017

JOHN W. ATHENS, ’45, Salt Lake City, UT, Jun. 01, 2017

MARGARET A. COX, ’45, Ridgecrest, CA, Feb. 28, 2017

DWIGHT M. DAILEY, ’45, MMUS’46, Tulsa, OK, Mar. 28, 2017

SYRILLA H. EVERSON, ’45, Dimondale, MI, Jun. 20, 2017

ROBERT L. HESS, ’45, MSE’48, PhD’50, Ann Arbor, MI, May 19, 2017

MARY W. MCLELLAN, ’45, Needham, MA, Jun. 01, 2017

VIRGINIA F. BAILEY, ’46, Meridian, ID, Jun. 06, 2017

ARLENE P. BARRY, ’46, Muskegon, MI, Jul. 01, 2017

BARBARA B. BEERS, ’46, Traverse City, MI, Mar. 01, 2017

JEANNE L. BENZ, ’46, Adrian, MI, Mar. 25, 2017

MARCELLA BERKY, ’46, MSW’48, Chicago, IL, May 04, 2017

JACQUELINE H. CALLAHAN, ’46, Bradenton, FL, May 21, 2017

BETTY K. COOPER, ’46, Miami Beach, FL, Jun. 30, 2017

PAUL F. EHINGER, ’46, Eugene, OR, Feb. 27, 2017

JOHN J. FLEISCHMANN, ’46, Orangevale, CA, May 31, 2017

CLAIRE GREINER, ’46, Costa Mesa, CA, Mar. 06, 2017

JOYCE D. HIRSCHHORN, ’46, Killingworth, CT, Feb. 14, 2017

MARY LOUISE LOWTHER, ’46, Ann Arbor, MI, May 08, 2017

ANGELINE G. POST, ’46, Lexington, KY, May 14, 2017

NAOMI G. RAPPORT, ’46, Canton, OH, Jun. 07, 2017

ELIZABETH L. ROGERS, ’46, MA’63, Ann Arbor, MI, May 11, 2016

SAMUEL ROSEN, ’46, New York, NY, Mar. 11, 2017

MORTON L. SCHOLNICK, ’46, Birmingham, MI, Apr. 06, 2017

LYLE J. SCHRUM,’46, Clive, IA, Apr. 15, 2017

JAMES STEPHENS, ’46, Naples, FL, Feb. 26, 2016

THOMAS E. TWITCHELL, MD’46, Wellesley Hills, MA, Mar. 12, 2017

ROSEMARY C. BAUER, ’47, Westfield, NJ, Mar. 23, 2017

RAYMOND A. BRANDTE, DDS’47, Concord, NH, Jun. 26, 2017

ELIZABETH A. BROWN, MS’47, Seattle, WA, Apr. 22, 2017

HERBERT E. CHINWORTH, MSE’47, North Manchester, IN, May 03, 2017

EILEEN D. COHEN, ’47, Eau Claire, WI, May 06, 2017

RAYMOND W. GANIM, JD’47, Stratford, CT, Apr. 24, 2017

MAURICE F. GARTNER,’47, MBA’48, Darien, IL, Mar. 21, 2017

JOHN G. GERMAN, MSE’47, North Saanich, BC, Apr. 23, 2017

HOMER B. HARRIS, ’47, Boulder, CO, Jun. 08, 2017

WILLIAM R. HOWE, ’47, MF’47, Escanaba, MI, Jun. 11, 2017

SCOTT H. JAGGAR, ’47, MA’48, Port Washington, NY, Jun. 06, 2017

JOHN J. LICHTY, ’47, Grand Rapids, MI, May 11, 2017

EDWARD G. LIPP, ’47, MS’48, Spring, TX, Mar. 13, 2017

BENJAMIN C. LOVERIDGE, MBA’47, Okemos, MI, Mar. 18, 2017

CHRISTIAN F. MATTHEWS, ’47, Clinton Township, MI, Oct. 17, 2016

VERONICA A. MILLER, ’47, Remus, MI, Jul. 04, 2017

DONALD W. NOLTE, ’47, Cameron Park, CA, Apr. 18, 2017

JEAN F. ROEMER, ’47, Raleigh, NC, May 14, 2017

FREDERICK A. SCHIPPERT, ’47, MA’53, Palms, MI, Jun. 13, 2017

WILLIAM O. SCHOEDINGER, ’47, Paradise Valley, AZ, Mar. 25, 2017

STEPHEN S. SQUILLACE, ’47, Roseville, MI, Apr. 24, 2017

CARL WIEDMAN, ’47, Lake Forest, IL, Dec. 11, 2016

DOROTHY WINDES, ’47, Naperville, IL, Apr. 19, 2017

JOHN M. WRIGHT, JD’47, Flushing, MI, May 05, 2017

MARY T. WRIGHT, ’47, Walnut Creek, CA, May 31, 2017

JOHN R. BARNEY, ’48, MWT’49, Cary, IL, Mar. 16, 2017

JOHN A. BENJAMIN, ’48, MA’49, Saginaw, MI, Apr. 17, 2017

DOROTHY J. BORST, ’48, MMUS’51, Zeeland, MI, May 15, 2017

CORAMAE BRODEUR, ’48, Clinton Township, MI, Jul. 01, 2017

BRUCE D. CALLANDER, ’48, Onanco*ck, VA, May 04, 2017

KATHRYN M. DARNELL, ’48, Milwaukee, WI, Apr. 17, 2017

LAWRENCE R. DAWSON, MA’48, PhD’60, Carlisle, MA, Apr. 28, 2017

CHARLES A. GALLUP, ’48, Ann Arbor, MI, Apr. 23, 2017

HARRY K. GOODMAN, MBA’48, New Bern, NC, Apr. 05, 2017

MARCELLA A. HALL, ’48, Mar. 08, 2017

KARL T. HECHT, ’48, MS’49, PhD’56, Grosse Pointe Park, MI, Jun. 18, 2017

ESTELLE S. JACKSON,- MA’48, Henrico, VA, Jul. 06, 2017

HAROLD J. JOBSE, ’48, Federal Way, WA, Apr. 29, 2017

CHARLES H. KERNER,’48, San Antonio, TX, Mar. 12, 2017

ALAN I. KROHN, ’48, JD’51, Ventura, CA, Mar. 09, 2017

GERALD E. LINDQUIST, ’48, Grand Rapids, MI, Apr. 10, 2017

DONALD A. MAGEE, DDS’48, Ellwood City, PA, May 03, 2017

LUCY W. MARTIN, ’48, Albany, OR, May 31, 2017

ROBERT E. PRICE, JD’48, Greenville, MI, Jul. 10, 2017

GERALD M. REES, ’48, MS’50, Ann Arbor, MI, Jun. 21, 2017

RICHARDA. SCHMIDTKE, ’48, MSE’49, Hiawassee, GA, Mar. 27, 2017

JEANNETTE C. SCHNEEBERGER, ’48, Marquette, MI, May 04, 2017

JUSTIN H. SMALLEY, ’48, Boulder, CO, Jul. 01, 2017

ROLLYN L. STOREY, ’48, MBA’50, JD’51, Hudson, OH, May 28, 2017


MERIDETH P. WISWELL, JD’48, Huntington, WV, Apr. 07, 2017

W. TOM ZURSCHMIEDE, ’48, MBA’50, Grosse Pointe Shores, MI, May 05, 2017

LEONARD G. ALLEN, ’49, MS’51, Quincy, MA, May 06, 2017

WILLARD J. BRASK, ’49, MMUS’50, Gainesville, FL, Mar. 26, 2017

B.S. BROWN, ’49, MA’51, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, Jul. 08, 2016

ROBERT G. CAUGHEY, ’49, San Mateo, CA, Jun. 14, 2017

THOMAS D. CRAMER, ’49, MBA’50, Pittsburgh, PA, Jan. 26, 2017

MARY L. EBNER, ’49, Lynnwood, WA, Apr. 25, 2017

ELDORA D. GIVENS, MA’49, Crowley, LA, May 30, 2017

PALMER T. HEENAN, JD’49, Grosse Pointe Park, MI, Feb. 29, 2016

THOMAS S. HEINES, ’49, MSE’50, PhD’54, Willoughby, OH, Apr. 21, 2017

MARY J. JEWETT, MA’49, Sun Lakes, AZ, May 12, 2017

ARNOLD H. LEVY,’49, MBA’50, Northbrook, IL, Mar. 01, 2016

HENRY R. MASON, MPH’49, Vernon Hills, IL, May 01, 2017

HAROLD M. MCCASKEY, ’49, Lander, WY, Jun. 08, 2017

FRANKLIN L. MORGAL, JD’49, Hershey, PA, Apr. 01, 2017

NEIL POTTER, ’49, Bronxville, NY, Apr. 13, 2017

MARGERY S. SHARP, MA’49, Concord, NH, Apr. 04, 2017

DUANE F. TAYLOR, ’49, MSE’50, Carrboro, NC, Apr. 07, 2017

SYDNEY A. THOMAS, JD’49, Waterloo, IA, Apr. 14, 2017

EUGENE B. TURNER, MS’49, PhD’56, Torrance, CA, Feb. 28, 2017

ROBERT C. UHLMAN, ’49, Apr. 14, 2017

DONALD J. VELDMAN, ’49, JD’52, San Antonio, TX, Jun. 18, 2017

WILLIAM W. WELLS, ’49, MS’51, Northport, MI, May 22, 2017


FRANCES M. GILLETT, MMUS’51, Villa Ridge, MO, Jun. 28, 2017

PHILIP N. GLOVER, ’51, Durango, CO, Mar. 09, 2017

ARTHUR W. GOTTSCHALK, ’51, San Jose, CA, Mar. 08, 2017

RICHARD H. HAGERMAN, DDS’51, Spokane, WA, Jun. 13, 2017

GEORGE M. HARTUNG, JD’51, Seattle, WA, Mar. 06, 2017

RICHARD L. HERSHATTER, JD’51, Clinton, CT, Apr. 10, 2017

PETER J.HILL, ’51, MA’52, Glouster, OH, Jun. 13, 2017

LEROY F. HINSPETER, ’51, Houston, TX, May 10, 2017

WILLIAM L. HULBERT, ’51, Pompano Beach, FL, Feb. 17, 2017

MARY S. HUMRICH, ’51, Evans, GA, Apr. 21, 2017

FREDERICK D. JOHNSON, MBA’51, Pasadena, CA, May 28, 2017

BERDJ KENADJIAN,’51, Haymarket, VA, Jun. 23, 2017

CHARLES R. KING, ’51, Green Valley, AZ, Jun. 08, 2017

JOSEPH F. KOSIK,’51, JD’55, MBA’55, Lake Angelus, MI, Jun. 12, 2017

LOREN W. KUICH,’51, Green Bay, WI, Mar. 19, 2017

LAWRENCE P. LAKE, MBA’51, Binghamton, NY, Jun. 03, 2017

ROBERT LAYTON, ’51, Lakeville, CT, May 12, 2017

JOYCE L. LOPEZ, ’51, Chula Vista, CA, Dec. 12, 2016

ROBERT A. LYNCH, ’51, Toledo, OH, Mar. 01, 2017

RICHARD F. MAIER, JD’51, Massillon, OH, May 17, 2017

F. LATITIA MILLER, ’51, Little Rock, AR, May 20, 2017

KENNETH H. NELSON, MBA’51, Banning, CA, May 01, 2017

PETER ROSKO, ’51, MBA’55, PhD’64, Excelsior, MN, Dec. 23, 2016

MARILYN J. SMITH, ’51, Jun. 25, 2017

PAUL W. STEERE, JD’51, Seattle, WA, Mar. 19, 2017

HENRY F. TYSON, ’51, Coldwater, MI, Apr. 14, 2017

EDWARD VALLORANI, ’51, Springfield, PA, Nov. 25, 2016

DALE R. WEILL, ’51, Troy, MI, Mar. 25, 2017

JAMES R. WEY, ’51, Dayton, OH, Apr. 23, 2017

E. WARNER WHITE, MS’51, Red Bank, NJ, Mar. 14, 2017

CHARLES K. WORTLEY, ’51, MDRES’60, May 31, 2017

WALTER T. ADAMS, DDS’52, Peoria, AZ, May 31, 2017

RICHARD G. BURLINGAME, ’52, MA’55, Garden City, MI, Apr. 15, 2017

CHARLES B. CARTWRIGHT, DDS’52, MS’60, Harbor Springs, MI, Apr. 11, 2017

HUGH A. COOK, JD’52, North Bend, OR, Nov. 17, 2016

JESSE D. CRELL, ’52, White Plains, NY, Jun. 06, 2017

CHARLES P. DEEM, MS’52, Montclair, NJ, Apr. 30, 2017

STACY L. ELLIOTT, ’52, MBA’53, Bloomfield Hills, MI, May 31, 2017

NORMAN F. GOECKEL, ’52, Beverly Hills, MI, May 20, 2017

WILLIAM A. GOULD, ’52, Apr.25, 2017

JULIA A. HENNIG, ’52, MMUS’54, Carbondale, IL, May 21, 2017

DONALD C. KALDA, MSE’52, Sioux Falls, SD, Oct. 07, 2016

DAVID E. KASER, MALS’52, PhD’56, Mar. 24, 2017

WILLIAM E. MATTHEWS, ’52, New Castle, KY, May 13, 2017

ARTHUR B. MCWOOD,’52, Nov. 22, 2016

FREDRICK H. PIERCE, ’52, MD’55, Marion, CT, Jun. 26, 2017

PAUL R. RICHMOND, ’52, MMUS’54, Gregory, MI, Dec. 12, 2016

WILLIAM A. RYAN, JD’52, Wilmette, IL, Oct. 20, 2016

MICHAEL D. SCHWARTZ, ’52, Macomb, MI, Jun. 17, 2017

ROBERT SLAGER,’52, Muskegon, MI, Jun. 14, 2017

CHESTER S. SLEDZIK,’52, New Britain, CT, Apr. 04, 2017

RICHARD D. STEWART, ’52, MD’55, MDRES’61, MPH’62, Oregon, WI, Apr. 23, 2017

JAMES C. STREICHER, ’52, MBA’61, Florence, SC, Jun. 20, 2017

CHARLES H. VAN DEUSEN, ’52, Novi, MI, Feb. 15, 2017

GERALDINE M. WEINRICH, ’52, Glendale, CA, Feb. 11, 2017

BEN R. WHITELEY, MS’52, Portland, OR, May 04, 2017

ROY A. WHITMORE, ’52, MF’54, Charlotte, VT, Apr. 02, 2017

RAYMOND V. WIZBOWSKI, MD’52, Fresno, CA, May 12, 2017

ALLEN L. ZEMMOL, ’52, JD’54, Beverly Hills, MI, May 12, 2017

ALFRED J. ALBISTON,’53, MWT’54, Richmond, VA, Mar. 10, 2017

CAROL-LYNN BAUDER, ’53, Lansing, MI, Jun. 17, 2017

MARGARET N. BESHORE, MALS’53, Falls Church, VA, Apr. 17, 2017

HARRY S. BLANCHARD, MS’53, PhD’55, West Chester, PA, Mar. 27, 2017

MARY J. BROCK, JD’53, Macon, GA, Jun. 06, 2017

THIRZA M. CADY, ’53, Ann Arbor, MI, Mar. 04, 2017

MARGARET K. DUDAR, MA’53, May 14, 2017

DAVID P. GOLDSTEIN, ’53, Corrales, NM, Jun. 01, 2017

F. LEROY HIGGINS, ’53, Gulfport, MS, Jun. 14, 2017

HOWARD W. HILFINGER,’53, MBA’54, May 24, 2017

JOSEPH G. HIPFEL, ’53, Cincinnati, OH, Apr. 09, 2017

MICHAEL P. HLADY, ’53, Dearborn, MI, Apr. 04, 2017

EARL S. HOLKEBOER, MA’53, New York, NY, Apr. 26, 2017

BERNARD HULKOWER, JD’53, Port Washington, NY, May 20, 2017

ALBERT A. JADACH, ’53, MBA’55, Royal Oak, MI, Mar. 22, 2017

CHARLES F. KEELEY, JD’53, Portland, OR, Jun. 30, 2017

WILLIAM E. KIRK, JD’53, Harwood, MD, Apr. 21, 2017

SAMUEL M. KRIEGMAN, ’53, May 31, 2017

LOUIS J. KRZYCH, ’53, Garfield, NJ, Mar. 20, 2017

JO A. KYHL, ’53, Denver, CO, Mar. 04, 2017

EDWARD A. MAY, ’53, Calgary, AB, Jun. 25, 2017

DAVID R. MCCUBBREY, MD’53, MDRES’61, Ann Arbor, MI, Jun. 22, 2017

HERBERT L. MESCHKE, JD’53, Minot, ND, May 19, 2017

FRANKLIN C. NORMAN, ’53, MD’56, Eden Prairie, MN, Jun. 16, 2017

PHILIP T. PAUL,’53, Hilliard, OH, Apr. 03, 2017

BURTON L. PERRY, ’53, MD’60, MDRES’64, Saline, MI, May 04, 2017

A. HAEWORTH ROBERTSON, MA’53, Wilmington, NC, Mar. 07, 2017

JOHN F. ROONEY, JD’53, May 30, 2017

GEORGE STIGLICH, DDS’53, Lawrence, MI, Apr. 11, 2017

WILLIAM F. SUTTON, ’53, Fort Washington, PA, May 2,0, 2017

TED P. TOPOR, ’53, Highland, IN, Jun. 05, 2017

FRANKLIN W. VOGENITZ, ’53, MSE’54, Anderson, SC, Mar. 21, 2017

WILLARD H. WALKER, JD’53, Longview, WA, Mar. 10, 2017

JEREMY D. WEBSTER, ’53, MD’57, Holland, MI, Apr. 01, 2017

ROGER W. WILKINS, ’53, JD’56, L.H.D.Hon.’93, Washington, DC, Mar. 26, 2017

DONALD C. WINSLOW, MS’53, Golden, CO, Jul. 05, 2017

LESTER K. ARQUETTE, ’54, MSE’57, Ann Arbor, MI, May 20, 2017

JOANNA BERGER, ’54, West Bloomfield, MI, May 12, 2017

JACK BORSUM,’54, Plantation, FL, Jun. 15, 2017

SUSAN B. BURD, ’54, Ann Arbor, MI, Jun. 02, 2017

WILLIAM M. CARY, ’54, Spring Lake, MI, Jun. 15, 2017

GERTRUDE B. COUCH, PhD’54, Silver Spring, MD, Jun. 19, 2017

GEORGE A. DAVIDSON, ’54, Watertown, MA, Jun. 01, 2017

THOMAS A. DELL, ’54, JD’72, Plymouth, MI, Apr. 13, 2017

JOLEEN M. FLACK, MA’54, Ooltewah, TN, Jun. 21, 2017

LOUIS GALAN, MSE’54, MSE’55, Pinehurst, NC, Apr. 14, 2017

ANN C. GETOOR, ’54, MA’57, San Luis Obispo, CA, May 09, 2017

ABRAHAM GOLOS, JD’54, Elmira, NY, May 04, 2017

RONALD A. HARBERT, ’54, JD’59, Mar. 28, 2017

PHILIP A. HOGAN, ’54, St. Paul, MN, Jun. 02, 2017

EUGENE W. KUTHY, ’54, Birmingham, MI, Dec. 12, 2016

EDWARD G. LARSEN, MD’54, MDRES’59, Lewisville, TX, May 14, 2017

RICHARD M. LEACH, ’54, MA’58, Grand Blanc, MI, Mar. 23, 2017

GEORGE E. MONTGOMERY, ’54, JD’57, Superior Township, MI, Mar. 28, 2017

FREDERIC G. NEWSTEAD, ’54, MS’60, Grass Lake, MI, Jun. 16, 2017

JARROLD C. PATTERSON, MS’54, MD’58, MDRES’62, Bloomfield Hills, MI, May 11, 2017

AGATHA K. SALVIN, ’54, MPH’68, Grand Rapids, MI, Apr. 20, 2017

BILLIE R. SMITH, ’54, Pittsford, NY, Apr. 09, 2017

EDWARD VASTA, MA’54, South Bend, IN, Mar. 20, 2017

RICHARD A. WARREN, MA’54, Arlington, VA, Jun. 01, 2017

ALICE B. WEND, MALS’54, Bozeman, MT, Apr. 18, 2017

NORMAN H. ZIEGELMAN, ’54, MARCH’57, Bloomfield Hills, MI, Apr. 18, 2017

JOANNA L. BALL, MMUS’55, Pittsburgh, PA, Apr. 24, 2017

J. LESTER BRUBAKER, MA’55, Lititz, PA, Jun. 15, 2017

JOHN J. BUCKLEY, MSE’55, Newburyport, MA, Apr. 01, 2017

ROSS W. CAMPBELL, JD’55, Ann Arbor, MI, Apr. 06, 2017

FRANK B. CORY, JD’55, Lima, OH, May 03, 2017

HUGH C. DAVIS, MS’55, PhD’62, Leverett, MA, Jun. 21, 2017

WALLACE O. ENDERLE, MSE’55, Mesa, AZ, May 16, 2017

GUY T. GILLESPIE, MDRES’55, Jun. 05, 2017

IDA L. IACOBUCCI, ’55, St. Clair Shores, MI, Jun. 01, 2017

CHARLES B. KAMINSKY, ’55, Toledo, OH, Apr. 20, 2017

CHARLES A. KOSKELA, MA’55, Fullerton, CA, Mar. 01, 2017

C. ANDREW KOSTREVAGH,’55, Kalamazoo, MI, Apr. 11, 2017

CARL K. KRAUSE, MA’55, Westwood, MA, Apr. 16, 2017

PAUL KUTSCHE, MA’55, Grand Rapids, MI, May 18, 2017

MELVIN L. LEE, MMUS’55, Oklahoma City, OK, Jul. 04, 2017

ROBERT D. NEARY,’55, Cleveland, OH, Jun. 11, 2017

W. RICHARD PETRIE,’55, MA’58, Brighton, MI, Jun. 22, 2017

DONALD E. SARASON, ’55, MA’57, PhD’63, Berkeley, CA, Apr. 08, 2017

DONALD E. SCHULTZ, ’55, Bradenton, FL, Mar. 20, 2017

WILLIAM L. SHELTON, DDS’55, Rochester Hills, MI, Jun. 22, 2017

PHILIP J. SHERIDAN, MA’55, Mar. 18, 2017

JOHN R. SPENCER, MD’55, Traverse City, MI, May 11, 2017

HARRY J. ATHANSON, ’56, Valparaiso, IN, Apr. 12, 2017

JOHN T. BELL, ’56, Farmington, CT, Apr. 15, 2017

PETER E. BLACK, ’56, MF’58, Syracuse, NY, May 12, 2017

PHILIP M. BREEN, ’56, Pleasanton, CA, Mar. 31, 2017

JUSTON B. DAVENPORT, ’56, Charlotte, NC, Mar. 28, 2017

BERNARD G. FRANCIS, ’56, Los Gatos, CA, Dec. 24, 2016

WILLIAM W. GAY, MSE’56, Advance, NC, Mar. 06, 2017

NORMA R. GODWIN, MALS’56, Marysville, MI, Jun. 15, 2017

SYDNEY JOSEPH, ’56, MDRES’65, Arlington, MA, Jul. 05, 2017

PETER N. KIVY, ’56, MA’58, New York, NY, May 06, 2017

JOHN H. LUNDEN,’56, MBA’57, Big Rapids, MI, May 04, 2017

JOAN B. LYNDE, ’56, Houston, TX, Jun. 10, 2017

ROBERT P. REYNOLDS, MA’56, Mount Pleasant, MI, May 01, 2017

IAN M. ROLLAND, MA’56, Fort Wayne, IN, Jul. 01, 2017

ROBERT M. RUSSELL, ’56, Berkeley, CA, May 08, 2017

DONALD J. SCOTILLA, ’56, Ebensburg, PA, Jan. 09, 2017

WILLIAM G. SESLER, JD’56, Erie, PA, May 22, 2017

HOWARD R. VOORHEES, PhD’56, Ann Arbor, MI, May 25, 2017

BARBARA J. WALTERS, MA’56, Flint, MI, Apr. 15, 2017

BETTY E. YONKERS, MA’56, Norton Shores, MI, Jul. 06, 2017

EDWARD A. ZAWISTOWSKI, ’56, Middlebury, VT, Jun. 08, 2017

DEWITT P. ZUSE, MMUS’56, Guilford, CT, Jun. 08, 2017

EDWARD ACKERMAN, ’57, Oviedo, FL, Jun. 16, 2017

THOMAS K. BROWN, MMUS’57, Tallahassee, FL, Apr. 21, 2017

BRUCE W. BRUNSON, ’57, Spring Lake, MI, Apr. 10, 2017

RITA M. DES ARMIER, MS’57, MA’69, Garden City, MI, Apr. 22, 2017

ROGER B. DEVRIES, ’57, MBA’58, Sierra Vista, AZ, Jun. 06, 2017

DAVID F. DORSEY, MA’57, Atlanta, GA, Apr. 08, 2017

DALE L. DYKEMA, MBA’57, Newport Beach, CA, Jul. 04, 2017

DEAN S. EITEMAN,’57, MBA’58, Athens, GA, Apr. 21, 2017

DIANE V. KVAMME, ’57, Decorah, IA, May 12, 2017

BRUCE T. LESSIEN, MD’57, Bloomfield Hills, MI, May 30, 2017

CAROLYN MUENCH,’57, MA’68, Augusta, GA, Dec. 10, 2016

WILLIAM R. OLSEN, MD’57, MDRES’62, Highland, MI, Jun. 14, 2017

FREDRICK W. OSBORN, ’57, Santa Clara, UT, May 16, 2017

JAMES E. OVERBERGER, MS’57, Morgantown, WV, Jun.22, 2017

GUS A. PAULOS, MA’57, Cadillac, MI, Sep. 22, 2016

FREDERICK J. PETERS, ’57, Richland, MI, May 23, 2017

RICHARD A. REINLEIN, MSE’57, Southfield, MI, Mar. 20, 2017

CHARLES G. RICHARDS, ’57, MSE’61, PhD’64, Albuquerque, NM, Jun. 05, 2017

CATHERINE P. RUBY, MPH’57, Toledo, OH, Apr. 06, 2016

DONALD E. RUTLEDGE, ’57, Ann Arbor, MI, Apr. 20, 2017

JANET J. ST. JOHN, ’57, Kalamazoo, MI, Jun. 14, 2017

JOHN H. STONE, ’57, Chula Vista, CA, Jun. 10, 2017

SALLY A. TRAFELET, ’57, Alpena, MI, Apr. 24, 2017

DAVID P. VANNOTE, JD’57, Lansing, MI, May 23, 2017

KERMIT D. ANDREASEN, ’58, Valley Center, CA, Apr. 05, 2016

JOHN W. ASMA, MBA’58, May 16, 2017

WILLIAM S. ATKINSON, MHA’58, Evans, GA, Jun. 14, 2017

CHARLOTTE C. BEDFORD, MALS’58, Lawrence, KS, Mar. 25, 2016

CHESTER F. BERGMAN, MA’58, Jefferson City, TN, May 09, 2017

THOMAS R. CROUCHER, ’58, Long Beach, CA, Jan. 01, 2016

VIRGINIA E. DRIVER, ’58, Rocky River, OH, Apr. 22, 2017

BERNARD W. HANNA, ’58, Calgary, AB, Mar. 15, 2017

E. JAN HARTMANN, MBA’58, Naples, FL, Jun. 14, 2017

RICHARD C. HAUSLER, ’58, MD’60, Saginaw, MI, Jun. 06, 2017

WILLIAM K. HUGGETT, ’58, MSE’61, Caldwell, NJ, May 25, 2017

JANE M. KAUFER, ’58, Ann Arbor, MI, Apr. 14, 2017

GEORGE MEYER, MBA’58, Oxford, MI, May 28, 2017

ADELE MONTGOMERY, ’58, MPH’63, McMechen, WV, Mar. 16, 2017

TED J. MUSIAL, MA’58, Troy, MI, Dec. 25, 2016 S.

GEORGE NOTARAS, MBA’58, Indianapolis, IN, Apr. 19, 2017

CLAIRE M. O'CONNELL, MA’58, North Hollywood, CA, Jul. 24, 2016

LEN B. PARMET, MSW’58, Prescott, AZ, Apr. 15, 2017

MARY J. PASSMAN, ’58, San Diego, CA, Mar. 26, 2017

LAIRD D. SLOAN, ’58, Houston, TX, Jun. 23, 2017

PETER N. STAVROULAKIS, MA’58, May 01, 2017

MARY STOCK, ’58, Portland, OR, Apr. 25, 2017

NALINKUMAR H. UDANI, MSE’58, Rochester Hills, MI, May 27, 2017

MYRTLEJ. VANLAAR, MA’58, MALS’65, Silver Spring, MD, May 26, 2017

JEROLD D. WARD, ’58, Annandale, VA, Apr. 01, 2016

JUDITH R. WOOLLEY, ’58, MA’64, Ann Arbor, MI, Jun. 14, 2017

CHARLES E. ZILL, ’58, DDS’62, Palm Springs, CA, Apr. 07, 2017

GLENN E. BOND,’59, MBA’60, Redmond, WA, Nov. 12, 2016

JAMES W. BREHL, JD’59, Stillwater, MN, Mar. 06, 2017

DANIEL N. CHAPPELEAR, ’59, Emerald Hills, CA, Jun. 01, 2017

HAROLD G. COLLINS, ’59, Laguna Hills, CA, Mar. 11, 2017

RAYMOND J. FERGUSON, MBA’59, Cincinnati, OH, May 21, 2017

JULIAN L. GOOCH, MA’59, New Canaan, CT, May 25, 2017

WILLIAM L. KILMER, PhD’59, Amherst, MA, Mar. 16, 2017

JOHN S. KLEIN, PhD’59, Jacksonville, FL, Jul. 28, 2016

ROBERT L. KRUGER, MD’59, Omaha, NE, May 06, 2017

VIRGINIA K. LANE, ’59, Long Beach, CA, Apr. 26, 2017

JAMES E. LORION, MA’59, Apr. 30, 2017

JANET J. MALEY, ’59, Presque Isle, MI, May 10, 2017

JACK C. NEAL, ’59, MA’61, Sandy Creek, NY, Mar. 02, 2017

LUTHER S. NELSON, MDRES’59, MDRES’59, Plano, TX, Jun. 24, 2017

GORDON H. PETHERICK, MBA’59, Knoxville, TN, Apr. 03, 2017

ROBERT W. PRATT, MBA’59, PhD’70, Essex, CT, Jun. 12, 2017

JULIA H. RIDDLE, MA’59, Bronson, MI, Jun. 05, 2017

R. PERRY RYAN, ’59, MA’62, EdS’67, PhD’69, Sanibel, FL, Jun. 02, 2017

LAUREN R. SCHOTT, ’59, Hanover, PA, May 29, 2017

RONALD J. ST. ONGE, JD’59, Stuart, FL, Jun. 06, 2017

HAROLD G. TROTT, MA’59, Jonesville, MI, May 12, 2017

EUDORA H. WEBER, ’59, Mequon, WI, Feb. 16, 2017

ANDREW ZAKALA, ’59, Berkeley, IL, Jun. 27, 2017


ANGELINE P. ANTONOPULOS, MA’60, Grand Rapids, MI, May 15, 2017

JACK D. BUNCE, ’60, Jackson, MI, Jun. 02, 2017

WALTER J. BUSHNELL, MD’60, MDFEL’65, MDRES’65, Littleton, CO, May 18, 2017

RICHARD R. DARR, ’60, Dexter, MI, Mar. 24, 2017

WIGHT S. DAVIS,’60, Tempe, AZ, Jun. 17, 2017

M. DONALD DRESCHER,’60, JD’67, Jun. 09, 2016

HARRY A. DUGGER, MS’60, PhD’62, Flemington, NJ, Jan. 07, 2017

MICHAEL E. FILLICHIO, ’60, MA’63, Boynton Beach, FL, Jun. 13, 2017

JOHN C. FRAKES, JD’60, Grosse Pointe Woods, MI, Jan. 18, 2017

GEORGE W. GENYK, ’60, Fennville, MI, Apr. 29, 2017

SARAH T. JACOBSON, ’60, May 02, 2017

DAVID R. JARRETT, ’60, MSE’61, Northville, MI, Apr. 30, 2017

WILLIAM R. JONES, ’60, JD’62, Phoenix, AZ, May 07, 2017

MARY W. LUGINSLAND, ’60, Lansing, MI, Apr. 08, 2017

JAMES A. MARTENS,’60, Kamuela, HI, Apr. 07, 2017

BARBARA L. NICOARA, ’60, Hollister, CA, Jun. 14, 2017

ROBERT RAINEY, ’60, Danbury, CT, Mar. 23, 2017

DON W. SCOLES, ’60, Elk Grove, CA, Mar. 26, 2017

ALBERT P. SHULTE, MA’60, PhD’67, Waterford, MI, May 04, 2017

DAVID P. TAYLOR,’60, MBA’62, JD’62, Edwardsburg, MI, Apr. 01, 2017

MARY E. VERHOEVEN, MA’60, Akron, OH, Nov. 25, 2016

EUGENE S. ZEMBRZUSKI, MBA’60, Troy, MI, Jun. 06, 2017

LAVINIA M. CRANE, MPH’61, Victoria, BC, Apr. 12, 2017

THOMAS L. DULIN, MDRES’61, Charlotte, NC, May 26, 2017

ROBERT J. ELEVELD, JD’61, Grand Rapids, MI, Mar. 19, 2017

STUART S. GUNCKEL, JD’61, Littleton, CO, Jun. 01, 2017

CHARLES D. HAFNER, MS’61, Marco Island, FL, Apr. 23, 2017

ROGER A. HARD,’61, MBA’63, May 04, 2017

ROGER G. HORN, MALS’61, Clarion, PA, Jun. 06, 2017

CECIL M. INMAN, MA’61, Crest Hill, IL, Apr. 06, 2017

JUDITH H. JAMES, ’61, MA’63, Traverse City, MI, Apr. 29, 2017

JUDITH W. KNORP, ’61, Auburn, CA, Jun. 28, 2017

JOHN J. LIVINGSTON, JD’61, Tulsa, OK, Apr. 23, 2017

HERBERT T. LOUV, ’61, Santa Cruz, CA, Apr. 14, 2017

ALLAN W. REED, MA’61, Doylestown, PA, Apr. 24, 2017

THEODORE A. REYMAN, MD’61, Royal Oak, MI, Mar. 24, 2017

MARILYN B. SELIG, ’61, Harrison, NY, Apr. 01, 2017

JOHN STENCEL, MSE’61, Rochester, MI, Feb. 20, 2017

HELEN A. ZISSIS, MA’61, Grosse Pointe, MI, Jan. 05, 2016

SANDRA T. COLLARD, ’62, Delafield, WI, Jul. 02, 2017

JOSEPH J. DANZI, MS’62, Flushing, NY, Jun. 22, 2017

GARY J. GRANATA, ’62, Niantic, CT, May 03, 2017

DAVID O. HARBERT,’62, MBA’63, Tampa, FL, May 28, 2017

L. RUTH HENDERSON, ’62, MA’65, PhD’74, Gainesville, FL, Mar. 19, 2017

C. VERNON HOWARD, JD’62, May 25, 2017

THOMAS C. IRWIN,’62, Belmont, NC, Mar. 30, 2017

PETER T. KIRSCHNER,’62, Portland, OR, May 22, 2017

HARVEY S. MORRISON, JD’62, University Heights, OH, May 15, 2017

LAWRENCE W. PENROD, DDS’62, Battle Creek, MI, May 14, 2017

PATRICIA L. RICHARDS, ’62, Shaker Heights, OH, May 21, 2017

GEORGE W. RITSEMA, ’62, Canyon Lake, CA, May 13, 2017

HERBERT M. SACHS, MS’62, Annapolis, MD, Apr. 21, 2017

GEORGE A. SCHAUB, ’62, MD’66, MDRES’71, Ann Arbor, MI, Apr. 30, 2017

DAVID L. SMITH, PhD’62, Kalamazoo, MI, Jun. 24, 2017

THOMAS D. SMITH, JD’62, Whitehouse, OH, Jun. 27, 2017

ROY Y. TAKEYAMA, JD’62, Honolulu, HI, Apr. 01, 2017

TIMOTHY A. WESTERDALE, ’62, Lakeland, MI, Jun. 01, 2017

PAUL G. WOUTAT, JD’62, St. Paul, MN, Jun. 24, 2017

LAWRENCE H. BOYD, ’63, MSW’66, PhD’71, Tempe, AZ, Mar. 07, 2017

SIDNEY A. BROCKLEY, ’63, JD’66, Carlton, OR, Jun. 18, 2017

RANDALL K. HALL, MBA’63, Saginaw, MI, Apr. 09, 2017

VANCE D. MACDONALD, MD’63, Las Vegas, NV, Jun. 19, 2017

DOROTHY J. MANN, MA’63, Wakefield, RI, Jun. 16, 2017

JAMES W. NEY, EdD’63, May 30, 2017

HAROLD W. TRENOUTH, ’63, Townsend, MA, May 23, 2017

FRANCIS H. WHITCOMB, MS’63, West Glover, VT, Jun. 21, 2017

CHARLES L. ADAMS, MPH’64, Atlanta, GA, Apr. 23, 2017

NOEL W. BEYLE, MA’64, Jun. 14, 2017

MARY C. EHRNST, ’64, Petoskey, MI, Mar. 28, 2017

RAYMOND J. FORESMAN, ’64, Beulah, MI, Jun. 10, 2017

THOMAS J. GARDNER, JD’64, Dunn Loring, VA, May 09, 2017

GORDON C. GOSSARD, ’64, MA’69, Berrien Springs, MI, May 28, 2017

JOHN L. HUTSON, MA’64, Warsaw, OH, Aug. 09, 2016

ROBERT E. JONES, MS’64, Dearborn, MI, Jul. 06, 2017

ELLSWORTH R. LITTLER, MDRES’64, Alpena, MI, May 27, 2017

LOLA F. O'MEARA, MA’64, East Lansing, MI, May 08, 2017

CAROL L. RIUTTA, ’64, Grand Ledge, MI, May 16, 2017

BETTY J. ROBERTSON, MALS’64, Mar. 23, 2017

GARY L. SACKETT,’64, Livonia, MI, Feb. 17, 2017

GLENDA B. SCHERF, MMUS’64, Sarasota, FL, Apr. 16, 2017

CHANCHAL SINGH, MA’64, May 12, 2017

HUBERT L. SMITH, MD’64, Houston, TX, May 03, 2017

ROGER L. STRONG, MA’64, PhD’75, Crystal River, FL, Jun. 12, 2017

JOANNE A. THOMPSON, ’64, Jun. 18, 2017

WILLIAM W. WIDDOWS, ’64, Almont, MI, May 21, 2017

J. KARYL L. WINN, ’64, MALS’65, Seattle, WA, May 20, 2017

LOUIS J. BANCIU, ’65, Grosse Ile, MI, May 28, 2017

TIBOR BEZEREDI, MS’65, MDRES’66, West Vancouver, BC, Jun. 01, 2017

J. DOUGLAS BIRCHMEIER, ’65, MBA’74, Longmont, CO, Mar. 26, 2017

SUZANNE S. BLANEY, ’65, Richardson, TX, Dec. 30, 2016

DAVID D. BURTNER, MD’65, Norwell, MA, May 05, 2017

VICTORIA E. COLWELL, ’65, St. Clair Shores, MI, May 29, 2017

ROBERT L. DUNSTON, ’65, Jun. 22, 2017

WALLACE E. FUSILIER, ’65, MS’69, PhD’82, Dexter, MI, Apr. 15, 2017

DONNA T. GANN, ’65, MA’75, Bernard, ME, Jun. 12, 2017

JOHN M. HELGREN, ’65, Edmonds, WA, Apr. 25, 2017

DONALD T. HERRICK,’65, Richmond, VA, Jun. 10, 2017

JOSEPH E. MCMAHON, JD’65, Miami Beach, FL, Apr. 21, 2017

KEITH L. MORRILL, DDS’65, Battle Creek, MI, May 15, 2017

GEORGANN T. NOVAK, ’65, Wixom, MI, Jul. 24, 2016

RICHARD D. SALVATI, MPA’65, New Ulm, MN, May 04, 2017

JOSEPH A. SUTORIK, MS’65, MS’66, Longmont, CO, Jun. 23, 2017

JANE C. THOMPSON, MALS’65, Royal Oak, MI, Jun. 11, 2017

ROBERT D. ALEXANDER, ’66, East Lansing, MI, Apr. 26, 2017

KENNETH C. BELL, MBA’66, Toledo, OH, Apr. 13, 2017

GLADYS R. BLACKBURN, ’66, Linden, MI, Jun. 12, 2017

WILLIAM R. BRITTON, MAS’66, Charlotte, NC, Jun. 27, 2017

JOSEPH J. CAVALLARO, PhD’66, Avondale Est, GA, Mar. 28, 2017

JOSEPH A. CLAYTON, MS’66, MS’67, Novi, MI, May 12, 2017

LOLA A. COHOE, ’66, Lewiston, MI, May 05, 2017

JUSTUS T. DEWINDT, ’66, Houston, TX, Jun. 16, 2017

CAROL L. DOUBBLESTEIN, ’66, Grand Rapids, MI, Jun. 30, 2017

FRED P. KNUST, ’66, Mason, MI, Jun. 20, 2017

MARY A. LUTOMSKI SHURLY, ’66, Goodyear, AZ, Mar. 17, 2017

JAMES C. MILLS, MPH’66, Aurora, CO, Apr. 29, 2017

JOHN G. MOYER, ’66, MSE’68, Ann Arbor, MI, May 15, 2017

BRIGITTE D. MULLER, MA’66, Punta Gorda, FL, Jun. 13, 2016

THOMAS A. PLISKIN, JD’66, Shrewsbury, NJ, May 21, 2017

RONALD A. SPAETH, MA’66, Apr. 23, 2017

GEORGE H. VANAMBURG, MPH’66, Jun. 01, 2017

JUDITH M. AUFHAUSER, ’67, Moraga, CA, Apr. 04, 2017

WILLIAM R. AUSTAD, MDRES’67, MDFEL’67, Las Cruces, NM, Jun. 30, 2017

HAROLD J. BAETEN, PhD’67, De Pere, WI, May 03, 2017

CHRIS A. COMMON, MS’67, PhD’71, Flushing, MI, May 18, 2017

HAROLD R. CROOKES,’67, Newport Coast, CA, Apr. 07, 2017

RICHARD T. EGER, MSE’67, Seaford, DE, May 08, 2017

FRED W. FISCHER, MA’67, Rock Hill, SC, Apr. 23, 2017

ASTRA U. KIDD, MPH’67, Elizabethtown, KY, Jun. 19, 2017

LYLE E. LARSON, MA’67, Amherst, MA, Apr. 20, 2017

JACK M. LEVY, DDS’67, Kalamazoo, MI, Oct. 04, 2016

MARY F. MCKENNA, MA’67, Grand Rapids, MI, May 12, 2017

JOHN T. MEREDITH, ’67, JD’73, Shaker Heights, OH, Apr. 10, 2017

REA P. MILLER, JD’67, Jefferson Hills, PA, Mar. 04, 2017

CHARLES J. NEIR, ’67, Sammamish, WA, May 19, 2017

HERBERT E. PALMER, MS’67, MS’68, Warner, NH, Jul. 02, 2017

FOSTER D. POTTER, ’67, Norton Shores, MI, Jun. 18, 2017

PATIA M. ROSENBERG, MA’67, New York, NY, Mar. 20, 2017

RICHARD D. STARKEY, MA’67, Sanford, MI, May 15, 2017

DARRELL J. VORWALLER, PhD’67, Salt Lake City, UT, May 16, 2017

MARSHALL A. WAKAT, PhD’67, Charleston, SC, Jan. 09, 2017

ELIZABETH R. WARNER, ’67, Brighton, MI, Jun. 03, 2017

POPPY A. WARREN, MA’67, MHSA’79, Portland, OR, Apr. 20, 2017

LEANORE A. BLOCK, ’68, Atlanta, GA, May 25, 2017

CATHERINE W. CURTIS, ’68, Wayne, PA, Mar. 14, 2017

BENNETT DYKE, PhD’68, San Antonio, TX, May 23, 2017

RAY E. ELMORE, MFA’68, Greenville, NC, May 01, 2017

JACK L. GRAY, ’68, MM’80, Auburn Hills, MI, Mar. 29,2017

MARTIN H. KANE, ’68, PhD’75, Trenton, MI, Jun. 12, 2017

MICHAEL E. KANE, ’68, MSE’70, Perry, FL, Apr. 15, 2017

ARTHUR G. LIPMAN, PHARMD’68, Salt Lake City, UT, Apr. 23, 2017

JOHN S. MCCONNELL, MA’68, Minnetonka, MN, Mar. 27, 2017

KENNETH H. OBERHEU, MDRES’68, Matthews, NC, Jun. 23, 2017

LAWRENCE E. RASMUSSEN, MA’68, Davison, MI, May 05, 2017

SUSAN M. ROSS, ’68, Easton, CT, May 17, 2017

JAMES R. STEIDTMANN, PhD’68, Arvada, CO, Apr. 15, 2017

JOSEPH H. STOCKS, MSE’68, Baltimore, MD, May 06, 2017

PAUL R. TABER, ’68, Bloomington, MN, Mar. 14, 2016

JOHN R. VAN ATTA, PhD’68, Montecito, CA, Apr. 15, 2017

SUSAN G. BERKOWITZ, ’69, MA’72, PhD’84, Rockville, MD, May 03, 2017

LINDA BERRY CIPCIC, ’69, Decatur, GA, May 28, 2017

BARBARA J. COOPER, ’69, MSW’75, Saginaw, MI, Mar. 16, 2017

LILLIAN R. FINNELL, MALS’69, Westerville, OH, Mar. 22, 2017

GILBERT A. GOODWIN, MA’69, Ann Arbor, MI, Apr. 21, 2017

WILLIAM KACH, MPH’69, Dearborn, MI, Mar. 19, 2017

CHAMAN N. KASHKARI, PhD’69, Mar. 23, 2017

STEPHEN G. KEMP, ’69, Whitmore Lake, MI, Jun. 11, 2017

ALBERT K. MOONEY, MBA’69, Saginaw, MI, Mar. 26, 2017

MICHAEL B. MURPHY,’69, Ann Arbor, MI, Jul. 03, 2017


RICHARD M. CAMPBELL, MA’70, PhD’75, Houston, TX, Mar. 14, 2017

MARY ELLEN COLTEN, ’70, PhD’78, Cambridge, MA, May 02, 2017

LAURA A. CRAIN, MALS’70, Ortonville, MI, Aug. 11, 2016

JOHN J. DELLAS, ’70, Jackson, MI, May 26, 2017

RANDY L. HAMMOND, ’70, MBA’72, Apr. 26, 2017

J. MICHAEL HARRISON, JD’70, Delmar, NY, May 20, 2017

ROBERT B. LOWE, PHARMD’70, Shepherdstown, WV, May 28, 2017

SHARON M. MCCAULEY, ’70, San Jose, CA, May 20, 2017

JAMES SAPALA, MD’70, Homer, MI, Apr. 12, 2017

BARBARA L. STARMANN, ’70, Ann Arbor, MI, Mar. 01, 2017

NOLENA L. STEPHENS, ’70, Biloxi, MS, Jun. 27, 2017

JAMES N. STILLMAN, ’70, Whitmore Lake, MI, Jun. 02, 2017

ROBERT S. THOMPSON, PhD’70, Mar. 15, 2017

MARY A. VALENTINE, MPH’70, Seattle, WA, Apr. 12, 2017

JOSEPH F. ADKINS, MSW’71, New Franklin, OH, May 03, 2017

ROBERT W. BENNETT, ’71, Oakland, CA, Jun. 02, 2017

FRANK M. CHAPMAN, MS’71, PhD’73, Houston, TX, Jun. 22, 2017

MICHAEL R. DUNAWAY, ’71, White Lake, MI, May 13, 2017

PAUL A. HANDELMAN, ’71, MBA’78, Fairfield, IA, Mar. 20, 2017

ROGER M. HAWK, MS’71, PhD’73, Little Rock, AR, Apr. 10, 2017

DAVID D. MCFARLAND, PhD’71, Rancho Palos Verdes, CA, Apr. 20, 2017

DAVID M. NORDIN, MSW’71, Escanaba, MI, Nov. 21, 2016

HUGH A. ROSE,’71, Chicago, IL, Jun. 28, 2017

HAROLD J. ROSENTHAL, ’71, Delmar, NY, Jun. 10, 2017

CHARLES M. STEWART, MLL’71, Fredericksburg, VA, Feb. 14, 2017

ELLSWORTH R. WEBB, MD’71, Mountain Home, AR, May 10, 2017

WILLIAM R. ANTONUCCI, ’72, Albion, MI, May 23, 2017

JOANNE BOUMA, MMUS’72, Spokane, WA, Jun. 03, 2017

DANIEL J. BRENNAN,’72, Sarasota, FL, Apr. 03, 2017

THOMAS J. DANIS, MBA’72, Jun. 10, 2017

DONALD J. DESHANO, ’72, Granger, IN, Apr. 24, 2017

PETER W. FARRELL, ’72, Apr. 23, 2017

LAURA L. GILLAIN, MA’72, Rockford, MI, Apr. 01, 2017

JOSEPH R. HAMO, ’72, Grand Blanc, MI, Jun. 09, 2017

BASHA V. HICKS, ’72, Miami, FL, Feb. 23, 2017

LAWRENCE K. HUI, ’72, MSE’77, Belleville, MI, Jun. 19, 2017

ERIC E. MULLOY, JD’72, Bellevue, WA, May 14, 2017

JOSEPH H. NIU, MBA’72, Houston, TX, May 26, 2017

JONATHAN B. SCHOCH, ’72, MSE’77, Webster, NY, Apr. 17, 2017

JUDITH A. CORWIN, ’73, Livingston, NJ, Apr. 06, 2017

HARRY L. DALSEY, MPH’73, West Bloomfield, MI, May 04, 2017

ROBERT J. HEJNA, ’73, MSW’78, Ann Arbor, MI, Dec. 07, 2016

DAVID E. KEMPNER, JD’73, Ann Arbor, MI, Jun. 12, 2017

SARA A. LAPIDES,’73, Cary, NC, Jun. 15, 2017

CAROL B. MITZEL, ’73, Ann Arbor, MI, Jun. 15, 2017

HELEN M. NEWBURN, ’73, Apr. 14, 2017

BILLY K. PATE, MALS’73, Dearborn Heights, MI, Apr. 09, 2017

JAMES A. PHILLIPS, MS’73, Valrico, FL, Mar. 18, 2017

BERNARD J. REILLY, DA’73, Traverse City, MI, May 05, 2017

ALFRED L. STEINHOFF, ’73, Goodrich, MI, Apr. 16, 2017

EDWARD A. STRAIT, ’73, Mar. 29, 2017

JEREMIAH R. TOOMEY, MPH’73, Henderson, NV, May 08, 2017

R. JAMES BOLT, DDS’74, MS’79, Grand Rapids, MI, Nov. 14, 2016

WILLIAM D. BROWNING, DDS’74, MS’91, Carsonville, MI, Jun. 10, 2017

SUSAN M. EI, ’74, MA’85, Southport, CT, Apr. 01, 2017

JAMES L. KAY, ’74, Dayton, OH, May 25, 2017

PETER B. KRAEGER, ’74, Saline, MI, Jun. 27, 2017

DOUGLAS W. PETERSON, JD’74, Kalamazoo, MI, Jul. 10, 2017

DEBORA B. ANDLER, ’75, Indianapolis, IN, May 02, 2017

SUSANNE L. JONES, ’75, Blaine, WA, Jan. 14, 2017

PHILIP L. MCCOOL, ’75, Indianapolis, IN, Mar. 23, 2017

MICHAEL A. MORRISON, ’75, MA’81, PhD’89, Lafayette, IN, May 14, 2017

ELIZABETH A. PYPA, ’75, Glen Burnie, MD, Jun. 09, 2017

SHERRY J. WARD, ’75, Cave Creek, AZ, Jun. 01, 2017

JULIA B. ANDERSON, MA’76, MSW’77, Baltimore, MD, Jun. 25, 2017

DAVID W. BOOTH, ’76, MSE’87, Chelsea, MI, Apr. 16, 2017

JAMES R. LANG, ’76, PHARMD’82, Saline, MI, Jun. 13, 2017

JOSEPH M. RIMAC, JD’76, San Francisco, CA, Jan. 16, 2017

JEANNE M. GUSTAFSON, MSW’77, Scottsdale, AZ, May 30, 2017

LAWRENCE A. KING, MARCH’77, Linden, MI, Apr. 17, 2017

DOROTHY B. KNOPPER, MA’77, Ann Arbor, MI, Mar. 15, 2017

KURT T. KNORPP, ’77, ’79, MSE’79, San Carlos, CA, Apr. 30, 2017

JOHN M. RAMOCKI, ’77, Bloomfield Hills, MI, Jul. 02, 2017

JACK L. SHENEBERGER, MS’77, Midland, MI, Feb. 22, 2017

CHERYL A. STEFANAC, ’77, MSE’87, Sterling Heights, MI, Feb. 05, 2016

ROSS C. WARD, MSW’77, Ann Arbor, MI, Jun. 22, 2017

DEBORAH A. LARSON, ’78, Libertyville, IL, May 22, 2017

MARCY S. MEISNER, ’78, Keego Harbor, MI, Mar. 12, 2017

GREGORY B. MONROE, MA’78, Apr. 11, 2017

PATRICIA M. MONTPAS, ’78, Swartz Creek, MI, Feb. 16, 2017

ASHOK R. PRASAD, ’78, South Lyon, MI, Apr. 20, 2017

PAMELA J. PUNTENNEY, MS’78, PhD’83, Ann Arbor, MI, Jun. 10, 2017

ROBIN F. RISSER, MBA’78, Ann Arbor, MI, Apr. 16, 2017

SUSAN L. ROGERS, ’78, Willowbrook, IL, Apr. 08, 2017

MARY W. SEROTE, MS’78, Toledo, OH, May 01, 2017

RICHARD R. CALLUS, ’79, Phoenix, AZ, May 18, 2017

SERVONIA W. JONES, ’79, MS’83, Inkster, MI, Apr. 09, 2017

WILLIAM LAKATOS, MA’79, Frankenmuth, MI, Apr. 20, 2017

DALE A. MUIR, MA’79, Yachats, OR, May 02, 2017

THOMAS R. NESBITT, MSE’79, Ann Arbor, MI, May 27, 2017


MINDY A. GOLDBERG, ’80, Knoxville, TN, Apr. 23, 2017

NEIL S. GORDON, ’80, May 19, 2017

SUSAN J. MARTIN, MALS’80, Mt Zion, IL, Feb. 16, 2017

JOHN J. MOSKWA, ’80, MSE’81, Madison, WI, Jun. 03, 2017

KENNETH J. POTTS, MALS’80, Modesto, CA, Jun. 01, 2017

BRYAN K. POURCHO, ’80, Madison, AL, May 11, 2017

GREGORY J. SCHNEIDER, ’80, St. Clair, MI, May 17, 2017

SUSAN K. SHEEHAN, ’80, Flushing, MI, Apr. 16, 2017

MARY B. SWANN, MSW’80, Raleigh, NC, Jun. 21, 2017

LEONARD D. WRIGHT, MD’80, Muskegon, MI, Apr. 08, 2017

JOHN K. BLEYAERT, ’81, Linden, MI, Jun. 28, 2017

FRANK J.GIUFFRIDA, ’81, MS’85, Ann Arbor, MI, Apr. 30, 2017

BRIAN J. O'KEEFE, ’81, Ann Arbor, MI, May 20, 2017

HAROLD J. SPAETH, JD’81, East Lansing, MI, Apr. 08, 2017

JAMES ARETAKIS, JD’82, Grosse Pointe Park, MI, Jan. 18, 201

BRIAN V. CHALLY, JD’82, Henderson, NV, Jun. 24, 2017

JEAN A. TOTH, ’82, Fenton, MI, May 02, 2017

DAVID L. BURGERT, JD’83, Houston, TX, Jul. 07, 2017

MAVIS O. CARIOU, PhD’83, Toronto, ON, Apr. 17, 2016

CYNTHIA E. HAMMERSLEY, ’83, Oakley, MI, Oct. 22, 2016

FRANK T. JUDGE, JD’83, Ridgefield, CT, Jun. 17, 2017

DAVID J. MCGINN, ’83, Ypsilanti, MI, Mar. 17, 2017

FRACIS G. MCKENZIE, MSE’83, Farmington Hills, MI, Apr. 26, 2017

ROBERT A. NELSON, PD’83, Berkley, MI, Feb. 05, 2016

TERRILYNN PHILLIPS, ’83, Tijeras, NM, Mar. 19, 2017

DAVID B. SPRINGGATE, ’83, Jun. 16, 2017

ALEXANDER M. CHALLIS, ’84, MS’86, Ann Arbor, MI, Jun. 26, 2017

VICKIE J. HOOVER, ’84, Linden, MI, Jun. 30, 2017

MICHELE A. REA, ’84, Ann Arbor, MI, Mar. 07, 2017

B. DEANE BJORK, MALS’85, Sarasota, FL, Apr. 02, 2017

PHYLLIS M.BLOME, ’85, Asheville, NC, Apr. 07, 2017

CHARLES A. CARMODY, ’85, Grand Blanc, MI, Mar. 29, 2017

MARY B. COBB, ’85, Wixom, MI, Jul. 06, 2017

JOHN R. NOWACZYK, ’85, ’16, Clarkston, MI, May 26, 2017

JILL S. ROSSET, MDRES’85, Dayton, OH, Apr. 17, 2017

JANIS E. RICHARDS, ’86, MSW’89, Grand Blanc, MI, Apr. 09, 2017

DENISE J. GRIMES, MS’88, Jackson, MI, Jun. 25, 2017

BARBARA R. MORGAN, MA’88, Conyers, GA, May 07, 2017


SCOTT D. LEW, ’90, Van Nuys, CA, Feb. 25, 2017

VINCENT J. MOSCA, ’91, Saginaw, MI, Jan. 18, 2017

JENNIFER S. WYLIE, ’91, Clifton Heights, PA, Feb. 23, 2017

AMY L. BINGAMAN, ’92, Seattle, WA, Feb. 07, 2017

EILEEN C. PRINSEN, ’92, Dearborn, MI, Jan. 17, 2017

TONY D. WILLIAMS, ’92, Hartford, CT, Jan. 05, 2017

STEVE M. CURTIS, ’93, Austin, TX, Jan. 18, 2017

LINDSEY B. FINSILVER, ’94, Bloomfield Hills, MI, Dec. 18, 2016

EDWARD J. GREENAN, MSE’94, Sparks, NV, Jan. 17, 2017

DOROTHY M. STEELE, EdD’94, Berkeley, CA, Feb. 27, 2017

KELVIN K. BELCHER, MDFEL’95, MDRES’95, Atlanta, GA, Feb. 18, 2017

WILLIAM G. BOWEN, HLLD’95, New York, NY, Oct. 20, 2016

BRENT C. HOLLY, ’95, Harrison Township, MI, Oct. 20, 2016

DUSTIN E. HOWES, ’95, Syracuse, NY, Jan. 21, 2017

DAVID K. MCCONNELL, ’95, Belleville, MI, Mar. 15, 2017

SARA E. PORTER, ’99, Bloomfield Hills, MI, Mar. 13, 2017

ANDREW J. VRABEL, ’99, West Hartford, CT, Jan. 11, 2017

LINDA L. WEBSTER, MSW’99, Byron, MI, Jan. 25, 2017


ALBERT P. CHISCAVAGE, ’00, Pottsville, PA, Jan. 23, 2017

DAVID E. KACZAN, ’00, Southgate, MI, Jan. 17, 2017

SHANNON R. LAURSEN, MS’01, Saline, MI, Feb. 10, 2017

RUTH C. MORRIS, PhD’01, Charlottesville, VA, Jan. 17, 2017

TIMOTHY L. BRADY, ’02, Chicago, IL, Feb. 23, 2017

DOUGLAS J. SARTOR, ’02, Mount Morris, MI, Jan. 17, 2017

CASEY B. WHITE, MA’03, PhD’05, Charlottesville, VA, Dec. 12, 2016

HELMUT F. STERN, HLLD’04, Ann Arbor, MI, Jan. 21, 2017

MATTHEW R. KUNDINGER, ’06, Silver Spring, MD, Jan. 18, 2017

COLIN E. SCHRECK, JD’06, San Francisco, CA, Feb. 17, 2017

JONATHAN C. WHITE, ’06, Michigan Center, MI, Feb. 28, 2017

BRIAN G. CHILCOTT, MLARCH’07, Davis, CA, Dec. 14, 2016

MARC S. ORLEWICZ, MDFEL’08, Bloomfield Hills, MI, Jan. 17, 2017


JOHN KARPOWICZ, MBA’12, Washington, MI, Feb. 20, 2017

JESSE R. ENJAIAN, JD’13, Fremont, CA, Feb. 17, 2017

JANE R. SLOTSEMA, ’13, Grand Rapids, MI, Feb. 23, 2017

SHANNON M. SCHAMBACK, DNP’14, Grand Haven, MI, Mar. 03, 2017

The Alumni Records Office compiles this list, which Michigan Alumnus publishes as a service to our readers. “AT-UM” designates a current student. To notify U-M and Michigan Alumnus of alumni/student deaths, contact Alumni Records at 734.647.6190 or The obituaries listed here were submitted by July 18, 2017.

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Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

Birthday: 1992-06-28

Address: Apt. 413 8275 Mueller Overpass, South Magnolia, IA 99527-6023

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Hobby: Letterboxing, Vacation, Poi, Homebrewing, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.