Tag Games
Explore the classic pool game, sharks and minnows! Master the rules and strategies, to ensure a fun game experience.
Swim Level
Type of Pool
Any Pool
Accessories Needed
Sharks and Minnows is a classic game that has been enjoyed by children and adults of all ages. Even better, it can be played both inside and outside of the swimming pool.
The game challenges players to use their swimming skills, speed, and strategy to outwit and survive, creating a fun and lively experience. Get ready to chomp into the fun as we explore the rules, strategies, and variations to keep it playful!
Accessories or Set Up Needed
The great thing about this game is that it requires very little in terms of setup. As it can be played both inside and outside of a pool, all that is really necessary is a group of friends ready to play.
How to Play Sharks and Minnows
Sharks and Minnows is a relatively simple tag-style game that involves one player who is “it”, the shark, and the remaining players are the minnows who are trying not to get caught.
The objective of the game is for the minnows to reach the opposite side of the pool without being tagged by the shark.
Before the Game Starts
Before beginning the game, basic gameplay standards should be set.
Traditionally, the version that is played in the pool requires all participants to remain in the pool at all times with the goal of getting from one side of the pool to the other. Depending on the pool, there may be set boundaries by either using the whole pool or just the shallow or deep end.
Determine the method for selecting the first shark which could be based on age or a random choice. It is also helpful to clarify what it means to be “caught” by the shark.
Sharks and Minnows Gameplay
Sharks and Minnows will test every participant’s swimming, agility, and strategy, providing endless entertainment for participants of all ages.
- Each round starts with the shark in the middle of the pool and the minnows lined up at one end of a pool wall.
- On the shark’s signal, the minnows attempt to swim to the opposite side of the pool without being caught by the shark.
- Feel free to be creative with the signal. You can say “it’s feeding time!”, “shark attack!”or anything else that will start the fun!
- The round ends when every minnow safely reaches the other side and has been tagged.
- If a minnow is tagged, they will become a shark and assist in catching the remaining minnows when the next round starts
- The game continues until all minnows have been caught or one minnow remains.
- A game-winner is declared if a single minnow reaches the other side of the pool alone.
Rules to Follow
- Sharks must stay within the designated boundaries that were determined before the game began.
- Sharks cannot tag minnows when they are touching the beginning wall. That is considered home base.
- Minnows must leave home base after a set period of time. This typically is around 30 seconds.
- All players must stay in the water.
- Unless specified before the game, there should be no excessive splashing of any kind.
- Minnows must be tagged or touched by a shark to be considered caught.
Players who excel at Sharks and Minnows use a combination of swim speed and agility.
Minnows should take advantage of their numbers and attempt to confuse or evade the shark by changing directions or using distractions. Never try and be alone.
Sharks should focus on isolating minnows as much as possible and trapping them against the walls.
Variations of Sharks and Minnows
There are several variations and rule additions that can be introduced to keep the game fresh and engaging. Some examples include:
- Sharks and Seals: A slight variation of the game where minnows are now seals! Instead of starting in the water touching a side, seals are outside of the pool to start and can jump in and dive underneath to evade the shark. All other rules apply. This can only be played in pools with a deep end.
- Safe Zones: Set a couple of floats in the pool. Minnows are considered safe when touching these floaties. However, a minnow cannot move the floats when touching. The same rules apply as home base; a minnow must leave the safe zone after a set amount of time
- Minnow Defense: Minnows can use a pool noodle to defend against sharks.
- Super Minnows: A “super minnow” is designated before the game starts. Super minnows can create distractions, such as splashing water or making noise, to divert the shark’s attention and help other minnows safely reach the other side of the pool. Be careful though, as the shark may want to take out the super minnow first.
Safety Precautions
To ensure a safe and enjoyable game experience, always follow these safety precautions:
- Ensure all players are comfortable and capable swimmers. If the game is played in the shallow end or an above-ground pool, make sure players can easily stand.
- Never leave young children unsupervised while playing the game. Have a parent or adult act as the referee.
- Enforce basic pool rules and guidelines, such as no running or roughhousing.
Don’t be Shark Bait!
As you start playing, remember to prioritize safety, sportsmanship, and enjoyment. The essence of the Sharks and Minnows game lies in the laughter, camaraderie, and excitement shared among the players.
So dive in, have fun, and create cherished memories while playing this classic game!