DEPENDABLE MERCHANDISE AT ECONOMICAL PRICES. The WHOLESALE. Samud Lace Co HOUSEHOLD PROVIDERS STANDARD PATTERNS FOR MAY NOW READY. ASK FOR A FASHION SHEET. Smart New Ostrich Neckwear Wash Fabrics Feather You must see We are exhibiting alize full attractive- Boas very charming ef- ness.
Tissues, Fine Scotch Fluffy and their, gracefects. line Never shown a pret- in Linen Zephyrs, Fabrics, Novelty Batistes, ful, and furnish this city for spring Lawns, Dimities and Silk the proper degree of wear Waists. Magnificent with pretty Display of Striped profusion. Novelties New abound Dainty Spring in spring Modes warmth in days. for cool IMPORTED WAIST Gowns, Skirts, For spring, summer.
Many Every garment is not only fashCREATIONS and Silk Jackets, Etc. FASSO very are marked features. Supe- ioned upon strictly correct lines, but effective, new designs and rior in fit, finish and workmanship, also possesses a tone of individualstyles AND At Imported prices. ity that Women's you'll not see Hosiery elsewhere. THEO NANIT modest ered Hand- Muslin Made and Underwear Hand-Embroid- and Underwear day: Vega Sill Vests, with neat handIn a bargain sense we offer Mon- lavender.
variety of any house in the West. striped, in pink, blue and. We undoubtedly have the largest Silk Luster Ribbed Vests, lace CORSETS. French Skirts, richly embroidered, crochet and sleeves made of fine material; $2.90 white or pink worth $4.25. Fine Black Hosiery, fast color, French Gowns, hand embroidered piain or ribbed, with white sole or and tucked; worth $2.25.
all white feet. Special $1.50 pair for $1.00 New Veilings House Corsets The latest Gowns The new models will be found at Samuels'. are to the moment up The New Coronation We have now on sale in style Veiling, about 30 Negligee Gowns, The prices are eXThe New Shadow executed in design and ma: ceedingly derate, Veiling, Wash Lace terial so double as to command considering quality, Applique fully the prices. we workmanship and Veils, ask. Sale prices, durability.
Dotted Chiffon and Inquire for them Embroidered Nets. $5, $6.75, $7.50 here. NOTICE OUR SPECIAL VALUES IN GLOVE DEPARTMENT FOUBTH CAFE ROYAL SAN CORNER, MARKET, FRANCISCO. Ire Our Special Brew Steam and Beer, 5 Cents. Overcoats and valises checked free, RAILROAD TRAVEL.
SOUTHERN PACIFIC Trains leave and are due to arrive at SAN FRANCISCO. (Main Line, Foot of Market Street) FROM MARON 80. 1902. ARRIVE 7.004 Benicia, Sulsun, Elinira and Sacramento 6.55P 798: Vacaville, Vallejo, Napa Calistoga, Santa Roan. 6.25P 8.004 Daris, Woodlend, Knights Landing.
Margaville, A A NOes, Lathrop, Express- Stuckton Ogden wad East. AN Niles, Mendote, Hanford, Visalia, Porterville 4.55P Shasta Express Davis, Williams (for Bartlett Springs), Willows, Red Blunt, 7.55P San Jose, Livermore, Stockton. lone, Sacramento, Placerville, Marysville, Chico, Red Blum. Oakdale, Sonora, Vallejo 12.25P Los Angeles Martinez, Tracy, Lathrop Stockton, Merced, Fresno and Los 8.254 Vallejo, Martinez and Way Stations ward, Niles and Way Stations. The Overland Limited Ogden, 18 Denyer, Sacramento Omaha, River Benicia, Winters, Sacramento, Woodland, Knights Landing, Marretille, Niles and Way 19.88: 100 Martinez, San Ramon, Vallejo, Napa, Calistoga, Santa Niles, Livermore, Stockton, The Hayward, Owl Niles, Limited- San Jose, -Fresno, Livermore Tulare, 18.554 Bakersfield, Saugus for Santa Barbara, Los 18: Port Martinez, Costa, Tracy, Antioch, Lathrop, Stockton, Stockton Mer- 10.254 ced.
Fresno. 12-25P Niles Local Hayward, Niles and San 7.55 Vallejo. 11.264 Oriental Mall Ogden, Denver, Omaha, St. Louis, Chicago. 4.25P San Pablo, Port Cesta, Martinez and Way 11.254 Vallejo Oregon California Express- Sacrainento, Maryaville, Redding.
Portland, Puger Sound and East. 18.10P Hayward and COAST LINE Gauge). (Foot Market Street.) Newark, Centerville. San Jose, Felton, Boulder Creek, Santa Cruz and Way 5.50P 12.15P Newark, Centerville, San Jose, New Almaden, Felton, Boulder Creek, Santa Cruz and Principal Way 10.50 4.15P Newark, San Jose, Los Gatos. 18.50 19.50P Hunters' Train- -San Jose and Way 17.20P OAKLAND HARBOR FERRY.
From SAN FRANCISCO, Foot of Market St. (Slip 8) 9:00 11:00 A.M. 1.00 5.00 5.16 P.M. From OAKLAND, Foot of Broadway 16:00 $8:00 18:05 10:00 12.00 2.00 4.00 P.M. COAST LINE (Broad Gauge) (Third and Townsend Streets.) 6.10% San Jose and Way 6.404 7.00A San Jose and Way 18.00 New Almaden 14.10P Copat Line Limited San Jose, Gilroy, Salinas, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Los Angeles and Principal Intermediate Stations.
10.45P 1 San Jose. Pinos, Santa Cruz, Pacific Grove, Saline, San Luis Obispo and Principal Intermediate Stations San San Jose Jose Mateo, and and Way Way Redwood, Menio Park, 8.36 9.484 Pale Alto, Santa Clara. San Jose. Tres Pinos, Santa Cruz, Salinas, Del Monte, Monterey and Pacific 110.454 San Sunset Jose Jose and Limited and Way Principal Monday, Way April Stations 7th, 5.30 14th. 21st, for Los Angeles, El Paso, New Orleans and New York.
Last train leaves New Orleans April 10.154 San Jose, Gatos and Principal Way 19.004 San San New Jose Jose Orleans and and Way Principal Express Way San Stations Luis 7.30 Obtapo, Santa Barbara, Los Angeles, Deming, El Peso, New San Orleans Jose and Way Eat 188 a 1 Sunday excepted Sunday only, for Moralag. for Afternoon. Saturday only, Tuesdays and Fridays. The call PACIFIC TRANSFER COMPANY tin check baggage from hotels and Inquire of Ticket Agents for Time Carde other information. North Pacilic Coast Railroad PROM SAN (Via RANCISCO Sausalito TO Ferry.) MILL VALLEY AND SAN RAFAEL.
WEEK DAYS 6:65. 8:30, 11:00 A. EXTRA 3:15, 4:15, 5:15. P. TRIPS For Mill Valley, and San Sundays, at 9:30 and 11:40 Wednesdays, P.
M. Saturdays on Mondays, and and 3:15. 4:45. 0:50 and 9:30 P. $11:30 M.
8:00. Trains marked run to San Quentin. THROUGH TRAINS. 555 week Cazadero and way stations. P.
stations. M. Duncan Mills and way 8:00 A. Mi. Sundays--Duncan Mills and way Fairfax Legal Sundays 8:00, 9:00.
10:00, 11:30 M. Sunday time. holidays boats and trains will run on MOUNT TAMALPAIS RAILWAY San Leave Via Sausalito Ferry Arrive Fran. Foot of Market San Fran. eek Suns The d18 Sun- Week days.
days. Day. 145 1. A. 8:00 A.
A. De Les res 1:00 de the city at 0:45 3:00 P. 3:40 1 10:00 1:15 P. 5:55 P. SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE, SUNDAY, 'APRIL 6, 1902.
NEW NEW NEW DO UNE PARIS Dry Goods SILK DEPARTMENT Our Spring Silks ate entirely satisfactory; the color effects are harmonious; styles practical and artistic, admirably adapted to suit a refined taste. NEW COLORS. New Brocade Peau de Cygne -The very latest idea in fashions, and admirably adapted to suit the Tzarina, Astre, taste of critical. Crepe Princesse- No finer collection than ours of Reine, Princesse, this distinctively new weave for waists can be seen elseCamelia, Lichen, where for the $1.00 a Yard Colored Peau de Sole- -Showing 50 new pieces Pilote, Yapeur, in most harmonious colorings, including the very latest Paris tints and shades which present so graceful and Laurier, Etc, finished an appearance Yard Newly Opened. Soft Weave Printed Foulards- dainty and artistic thoughts and designs that were never show a here before.
New Fancy Taffetas and Soft Weaves -In stylish novel stripes, quaint polka dots, and innumerable fancy weaves at prices ranging from 75c to 0000.0 Taffeta Lining Silks. We have again received 200 pieces more of our Good Grade 1 19-inch Lining Silks (including every shade tint on the latest French color card) which have already been appreciated as the greatest value ever exhibited for Seventy-five Cents a Yard. CITY OF PARIS DRY GOODS COMPANY, S. E. Cor.
Geary and Stockton Streets, Union Square. 0000000000 'A LA SPIRITE CORSETS" FOR THE WOMAN OF FASHION Straight Front AT ALL LEADING STROUSE, ADLER CO. RETAILERS 412 BROADWAY, MANUFACTURERS NEW YORK. Kitchen Utensils HAVING THIS TRADE MARK Co.) EEL AWE MAKE 1520 KINDS (burned in the enamel) are Safe We claim Purity, and. Safety, and substantiate claim with Chemists' Certificate.
Note the blue label used by us (and fully sustained by recent U. S. Circuit Court decision) to distinguish our absolutely pure Agate Nickel-Steel Ware. This label is pasted on every piece of genuine Agate Ware. A full assortment of these goods for sale by all the leading DEPARTMENT and HOUSE FURNISHING STORES.
Booklet showing fac-simile of our label, free to any address. LALANCE GROSJEAN CO. NEW YORK BOSTON CHICAGO ARE SAFE. Prime BLATZ BEER -MILWAUKEEis today the American people's choice. Backed by quality that has always celled, this beer has won a most enviable standing with beer drinkers everywhere.
MERIT HONESTLY WON BLATZ MALT VIVINE (Non-Intoxicant) Tonte. Druggista or direct. BRAUNSCHWEIGER (Inc.) 5 and 7 Drumm San Francisco. WHOLESALE DEALERS. Mala 1646 Every Woman a interested as and should know about the wonderful MARVEL Whirling Spray The new Syrlage.
tion and Suction. BestMost Convenient It Cleanses year for It. If he cannot supply the MARVEL, accept no other, but send stamp for book sealed It tall particniart and directions invaluable to ladies. MARVEL CO. 503 Mission San Francisco, THE BALDWIN PHARMACY, 119 tHis St.
WM. HATTERO IN, 321 Kearny St. (Ladies' Dept.) NEWS OF OCEAN AND WATER FRONT Arrival of the Long Overdue Ship Windsor Park From Australia. CONTRABAND, GOODS TRANSPORTS. SOUTH AMERICAN STEAMER co.
LOMBIA EXPECTED TO.DAY FROM VALPARAISO. The Crew of the Steamer Eureka Is Held in Quarantine Peru Reached Manila on Friday, The British ship Windsor Park, long overdue on the trip from Newcastle, Australia, with coal, arrived in the harbor yesterday, 113 days out. Shipping men had almost given up the ship, and on the reinsurance board the Windsor Park was quoted at 20 per cent. Captain Livingstone has little to say in explanation of the ship's long passage, beyond tie fact that extremely light winds were the rule throughout, and that the vessel's bottom is greatly in need of cleaning. With the arrival of the ship, the rate on the British ship Frankistan, out one day more from Australia, was cut from 20 per cent to 10 per cent, and the bellet exists that the Frankistan is all right.
Contraband Goods Seized. 'An examination of the recently arrived Army transports by customs inspectors yesterday brought to light a quantity 0f dutiable goods which had been concealed in different parts of the vessels with the evident intention of smuggling ashore. The following is a list of the articles seized: On the Kilpatrick-2100 cigarettes, 3850 cigars and two china tea sets. On the Crook-1295 cigars, 3 embroidered silk table cloths, 2 silk waists, 1 dolly, 4 metal plaques, 3 printed pillow covers, 85 silk handkerchiefs, 24 embroidered slik handkerchiefs, 1 woolen shawl, 13 silk shawls, 2 china tea sets. On the Egbert-2 cases crockery, 400 cigars, 2 packages just cloth, tea set.
The searching officers were Shekett, Benninger, Frank McDonald, Head and More The Colombia Due To-Day, This morning the Pacific Steam Navigation Company's steamer Colombia, Captain Heath, is expected to reach port from and all the principal Intermediate. ports with passengers and freight. As the steamer's schedule time from Panama is seventeen days only, she is ed to bring news of the actual condition of affairs on the Isthmus. Fifty passengers have been booked for return trip of the Colombia on April 10th. Crew in Quarantine.
The crew of the steamer Eureka WaR ordered from the vessel to quarantine on Angel island for detention of several days. The Eureka brought 10,000 bags of sugar from Kahului, arriving Friday, and this freight, it is expected, will be landed on the wharf at Crockett early this week. Iroquois Driven to Sea. A London telegram yesterday morning reported that the American ship Iroquois previously reported ashore in Sapis straits. had got off leaking and had afterward been driven from her anchors to sea.
has since been heard of the Iroquols. The vessel is well known. here. Perm Reaches Manila. The Pacific Mail steamer Peru, Captain Pillsbury, first of the new line of merchant steamers to make Manila a port of call, reached that port last Friday.
The next to call at Manila will be Gaelic of the Occidental and line, scheduled to sail Tuesday afternoon. Ships Damaged in Collision. In the port Newcastle: Australia, yesterday the British ship Port ready to sail for this port, was in collision with the British ship Ditton and both vessels were damaged. The British bark Peobleshire. lying alongside, was also damaged by the collision.
Miscellaneous Notes. The new river steamer St. Helena, built expressly for the Napa trade, was given her trial trip yesterday, making a run to Vallejo. A large number of invited guests were on board. Chief Engineer F.
H. May of the tug Redmond had the fourth finger of his right hand amputated yesterday by the machinery of the boat. The overdue British ship Speke, out 106 days from Adelaide for Portland, upon which reinsurance of 10 per cent had been quoted, reached Astoria yesterday. Yesterday the Navy tug Unadilla brought from Mare island a shipment of 8500. old rifles which had been taken frora the natives.
of Samoa. in 1898. The rifles have been sold to a local mercantile firm. The British ship Scottish Glens, Captain Johnson, arrived yesterday with a general cargo from Hamburg, after a passage of 154 days. Nothing noteworthy occurred during the trip.
A number of excursionists are booked to sail to-morrow on the steamer Curacoa for Mexican ports for the round trip, lasting three weeks. The Pacific Mail steamer Acapulco will be. due Tuesday from Panama and way ports. Next Wednesday the steamers City of Sydney and Hermonthis will both sail for southern ports, the Koamos liner being destined for Hamburg. MARINE NEWS.
Branch Hydrographie Omee, 0. 8. Exchange, San Francisco, April 5, 1902. The Time Ball on the tower of the Ferry building was dropped exaotis at noon to-des, at noon of the 120th meridian, or at 8 P. Greenwich mean time.
H. STANDLEY. Llentenant, U. S. In Charge.
POINT LOBOS, April 5, 10 P. cloudy; wind south, velocity 6 miles. U. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY. Time and Heights of Bigh and Low Waters Fort Point, entrance to San Francisco Bay.
By authority of the Superintendent. NOTE. The High and Low Waters occur at the City Front (Mission-street wharf) about are minutes later than at Fort Point; the belgat of tide is the same at both places. APRIL 6 TO 12. Feet Feet 3:30 1.5 1.8 4:21 0.0 10:5 5.0 5:05 0.5 1124 5:14 0.1 4.9 2.1 0:03 8:40 0:46 5.4 7:81 7:28 1:32 5.3 8:29 0.1 8:41 8:26 2.8 APRIL Sun Rises 5:47 Sun 6:37 the above tabulation of tides the dally tides are giren the order of their occurrence commencing with the early morning tide in the left-hand tide column and the succeeding tides as they occur to times some daze but three tides occur, the usual fourth tide oceurring the following morning.
The column of heights gives the elevation of caes tide above or below the plane of Coast Surves Chart sonadings. The numbers are always tire to the chart depths unless preceded by the minus sign or dash -). when the number la subtractive from depths given on the chart. MOVEMENTS OF STEAMERS. Steamers due and to sail to-day and for the seven days are as follows: DEPART.
Steamers. For Sails. Umatilla Victoria, Puget Sound and Alaska April Spokane- San Diego and way April Mexican ports April Pomona -Eureka, Arcata, April Mandalas Coquille River Eureka- -Honolulu, via Seattle April Gaelic- Hongkong, via Honolulu, Yokohama and Manila April George Elder -Astoria and Portland. April Gipsy Santa Crus and April Empire- Cooa Bay April Santa Cruz Newport, San Pedro, April Argo Eel River ports April PhoentsHarbor April Grace Dollar Gray Harbor April Eureka- -Eureka, Arcata, Rival- Willape Harbor. April National City- Fort Brag April State of California- San Diego ports April Hermonthis- -Hamburg and way ports.
Felton- -Fort Bragg April City of Sydney -Panama and way ports April Arcata- Bay and Port Orfor 9. Sierra- Sydnes, via Honolulu, Pago Pago and Colombia- Auckland Valparaiso and way ports April April 10 Alliance Eureka, Coos Bay, Astoria and Portland April Santa Ana- Seattle and Tacoma April 10 City, of Puebla Victoria, Puget- Sound and Alaska April Sequoia- Gray's. Harbor April Crescent City--Crescent City April Pomona- -Enreka, Arcata, Santa Cruz and April Point Arena- -Point Arena and Mendocino. April Cons Bay -San Pedro and way April Columbia- Astoria and Portland Coronado Gray' Harbor April North Fork- Eureka, Areata, April Spokane San Diego and way ports. ARRIVE.
Steamers, From Due. Chebalis- Gray's Harbor April National City- Fort Bragg April State of California San Diego and ports April Gipsy--Santa Crus and Monterey A pell Colombia -Valparaiso and way ports. April Mackinaw Tacoma April Argo -Eel River ports Apell Phoenix Mendocino April Rival- Willapa Harbor April City of Puebla- Alaska, Puget Sound and Victoria April Eureka- Eureka, Arcata. April Grace Dollar- Gray's Harbor April Arcata- Coos Bay and Port Orford. Santa Ana- Seattle and Tacoma April Pleiades Seattle April Edith- Seattle Santa Arcata, April Sequoia- -Gray's.
Harbor April Acapulco -Panama and way ports, April Alliance -Portland, Astoria, Puget Sound and Eureka April Tellus Oyater Harbor, April Crescent City Crescent City April Coos Bay San Diego and way ports. April Robert Dollar San Pedro April Columbia- Portland and Astoria. April 10 Point Arena- Mendocino and Point Arena. A April -Pomona Eureka, Arcata, etc. April 10 North Fork -Eureka, Arcata, ete.
10 Spckane- San Diego and way April 10 Gipsy- -Santa Cruz and April Coronado Gray's Harbor April 4 Gray's Harbor. Nanaimo April Queen- Czarina Alaska, Seattle Puget and Sound Tacoma and Victoria. April 12 Rainier-Seattle and Newburg- Eureka--Eureka, -Gray's Arcata, April 12 Harbor April National City. Fort Bragg Santa Cruz -Newport, San Pedro, April State of California- San Diego and ports April 13 ARRIVED AT SAN FRANCISCO. Ger stmr Hermonthis, Knudsen, 4 days from stint Wisconsin, Reiter, 48 hours from Seattle.
San Diego. Stmr George Elder, Randall, 65 hours from Portland, via Astoria 53 hours. Stmr Alcazar, Martin, 43 hours from San Pedro. Stmr Bonita, Nopander, 62 hours from Newport. Stmr Empire, Macgenn, 70 hours from Coos Bay.
Stmt Pomona, Shen, 18 hours from Eureka, Stmr Aztec, Trask, 4 days from Tacoma. Stmr Celia, Adler, 13 hours from Rules Landing. Stur National City, Johnson, 14 hours from Fort Bragg. Br ship Scottish Glens, Johnson, 146 days from Hamburg. Br ship Windsor Park, 113 days from Newcastie.
Aus: Bark Alex McNeil, Jorgenson, 63 days from Valparaiso. Bark Kaiulani, Dabel, 21 days from Honolulu. Bark Mauna Ala, Smith, 28 days from Honolulu. Schr Monterey, Crangle, 24 hours from Mendocino. Schr Marston, Curtis, 25 days from Honolulu.
CLEARED FROM SAN FRANCISCO. Stmr. St Paul, Hays, Seattle and Unga. Stmr Umatilla, Cousins, Victoria. Stmr Lakme, Johnson, Portland.
Stmr Hyades, Garlich, Honolulu and Kabuloi. Ital ship -Salvatore Clampa, Cafero, Queens: tOWn. Ship Falls of Clyde, Matson, Hilo. SAILED FROM SAN FRANCISCO. Stmr Del Norte, Green, Crescent CItE Stmt Hyades, Garlieh, Honolulu Kahului.
Stmr Coquille River, Johnson, Fort Bragg. Ship Tillie Starbuck, Curtis, Honolulu. Schr Una, Harking, Port Blakeles. Schr Zampa, Pedersen, Klawack. SPOKEN.
Feb 15, lat 52 8, 56 W. Fr bark Grande esse Olga. from Portland for United Kingdom. Mar 18, lat 1 N. long 25 W.
Ger ship Octavia from Hamburg for Santa Rosalia. Per Alex McNell- 1, lat 37:57 Ion 127:46 W. a bark, probably bark Carondelet, hence Mar 28 for Prince William Sound. COAST PORTS, CRESCENT CITY-Salled Apr 5, stmr Westport for San Francisco. To sall Apr 6, stmr Crescent City for San Francisco.
COOS BAY-Salled Apr 5, stmr Arcata for San Franeisco. Arrived Apr 5, stmr Alliance from Astoria; stmr Signal, hence REDONDO Arrived Apr 4, stmr Despatch from Port Madison. BANDON Arrived Apr 5, schr. Corinthian, hence 98. TILLAMOOK Arrived Apr 4, stmr South Coast, hence 1.
NEAR -Passed In Apr 5, stmr Progreso, hence. 2 tor Seattle, PORT ANGELES -Sailed Apr 5, bark Gatherer for Oyster Harbor. TACOMA- Arrived Apr 5, schr Glendale, benee Mar stmr Tacoma from Hongkong: stir Queen, hence stme Edith from fishing cruise; stir Czarina from San Francisco. Sailed Apr 5. stmr Queen for San Francisco; stmr City of Topeka for Skagway: stmr Elian Thomson for Skagway.
POINT REYES Passed Apr 5, 1. A large, full-rigged ship, bound south; 9:30 A achr Monterey from Coos Bay for San Francisco; bkta Wider from Honolulu for San Francisco. GRA HARBOR-Salled Apr 4, stmrs Grace Dollars and Sequoia for San Francisco. Arrived Apr 4. schr Fannie Adele, hence Mar 26; sebr A Johnson, hence Mar 20; schr Laura Madsen, hence Mar 22.
BOWEN'S LANDING Sailed Apr 5, stmt Redwood City fer San Francisco. -Sailed Apr 5, stmr Luella for San Francisco. SEATTLE Sailed Apr stmr City of Seattle for Skagway; stmr City of Topeka for Skagway; stmr Paralion for Skagway. Arrived Apr 5, stmr Progreso from San Francisco; Br ship Senator from Greenock. PORT TOWNSEND -Passed in Apr 5, Br ship Senater from Greepock; Ital bark Macdiamid from Vancouver: schr Bainbridge from Callao.
TRINIDAD Arrived Apr 5, stmr Homer, hence 3. PORT. BLAKELEY-Arrived Apr 5, schr Bainbridge from Callao. PORTLAND- Arrived Apr 5, star Columbia from San Francisco. ASTORIA- Arrived Apr 4.
bktn Gleaner, hence Mar 29, Apr 5, atmr Columbia, hence Br ship Speke from Sydney; schr Alcalde from San Francisco. Salled Apr 5, Br ship Incheape Rock for South Africa: Br ship Star of Germany for South Africa. EUREKA- Arrived Apr 5, atmrs Eureka, laqua and North Fork, hence schr 1 Wall, hence Mar 25. ISLAND PORT. -Arrived Apr stmr Peru, hence Mar 5.
EASTERN PORTS. NEW YORK-Arrived Ape 5, stmt from London; atmr Graf Waldersee from Hamburg: stmr Auguste Victoria from Genon: St. Louis from Southampton and Cherbourg; stmr L' Aquitaine from Havre. Sailed Apr 5, stmr. Mesaba for London: stmr Mongolian for Glasgow; stmr Rotterdam for terdam, via Boulogne; stmr Umbria for Liverpool: stmr Lahn for Naples and Genoa: stmr Patricia for Hamburg, via Plymouth and Cherbong: stmr La Bretagne for Havre, BOSTON- Arrived Apr 5, stmr Sylvania Liverpool and Queenstown; stmr Sardinian from Glasgow, via Halifax.
FOREIGN PORTS. LIVERPOOL-Arrived Apr Br ship Lonsdale from Oregon. Apr 5, stmr Campania from New York. Sailed Apr 5, stmr Saxonia for New York. YOKOHAMA- Arrived Apr 5.
stir Glenogle from Tacoma for Hongkong; star Tartar from Vanconser for Hongkong: stmr Coptic from San Francisco, via Honolulu, for Hongkong. Sailed Apr. 5, Br stmr Dorie for San Francisco. HIOGO- Passed prior to Apr 5, stmr Yang Taze from Singapore, etc, for Beattie. GENOA- Arrived Apr 4, stmr Hobenzollern from New York, via Naples.
ANTWERP-Salled Apr 5, stmr Kensington for New HAVRE Sailed Apt 5, stmr La Champagne for New York. Arrived Apr 5, Br ship Australia. hence Nov 24. CHERBOURG-Sailed Apr 5, atme Philadelphia for New York from Southampton. CAPE TOWN- Salled Apr 5, ship Abner Coburn for New York.
VICTORIA-Arrived Apr. 5. Ger ship Ostara from Santa Rosalia: bark Challenger, hence 27. stmt Aorangi for Sydney. RINSALE -Passed Apr 5, Nor bark Care from Tacoma for Queenstown.
hence Dee Arrived Apr 5, Br ship moa, 24.2 Salled Apr 4, Br ship Falls of Halladale for Grimsbs. MAZATLAN-Salled Apr 2, stmr Acapulco for San Franetseo. PANAMA Arrived Apr 1, stmr Argyll, hence Mar 18. VANCOUVER (B. -Arrived Apr 5, ache Forester, hence Mar 26.
Railed Apr 5. Br bark Adderley for Sydney. AKYAB Sailed Feb 22, Br stmr Queen Adelaide for COLON Sailed Apr 3, atmr Advance for New York: FALMOUTH- Sailed Apr 2. Br ship Ellisland for Fleet wood. LIZARD -Passed Apr 4, Br ship Mayfeld from Portland for Queenstown.
-Arrived Apr 4, BE. ship Eudora from Tacoma, SWANSEA- Arrived Apr 3, Fr. bark Europe from Oregon. Arrived Mar 28, Ger stir Pentour from Hamburg tor San Francisco. MURORAN- Sailed Apr 4, atmr Ventor San Francisco.
There la no excuse in drinking poor brandy when all bars and cates sell Repeold Cognac. WILL, SING FOR SWEET CHARITI St. Patrick's Choral Society to Produce "Patience" This Week. Gilbert and Sullivan's popular opera etta, will be produced by the St. Patrick's Choral Society in Native Sons' Hall on Wedneday and Thursday evenings next for the benefit of the fund being raised by the congregation of that parish in order to tear down the old and erect a new pastoral residence.
For some time the old residence, which was erected over thirty years ago, has been wholly inadequate for the purposes for which it was designed. It was therefore decided that, in order not to be behind the other parishes of this city, St. Patrick's should arise to the occasion and tear down the old building on Mission street, near Fourth, and replace it with a modern four- story building which should be strictly up to date in all its appointments. On Tuesday next the work of demolishment will be com menced, the occupants of the old structure meantime taking up temporary quarters at 860 Mission street. While funds have already been raised from various sources, the Choral Society volunteered its services to aid the cause, and about three months ago its members decided to give a performance of some comie opera.
was decided upon and the task of rehearsing was at once commenced. From that time until the present the members of of Choral Society have been unremitting in their training for the event, and tomorrow evening they will have their Arst full-dress rehearsal at the hall for the purpose of putting the Anishing touches to their work. The cast follows: Miss. Etta Welch, Patience; Miss Generieve Sullivan, Lady Jane; Miss. Lilian Hyrnes, Angela: Miss Frances Hausmann, Ella; Miss Margaret Anthony, Saphira; A.
F. Schleicher, Bunthorne; James C. O'Donnell, Archibald: John H. 0' Brien, Duke: Roy B. Colonel: Eugene Bourgizeau, Major; William Ogilvie, solicitor; Chorus Misses Mary Anthony, Ethel Brown, Catherine Blake, Ella Barry, Libble Brooks, Susan Brooks, Ella Canning.
Eva Canning, Kate Cusack, Gertie Cronin, Celia Feeney, Lizzie Fuller, Kate Fuller, Mary Fitzgerald, Agatha Glover, Moille Glover, Mary Hegerty, May Lyne, Kate McGuire, Lilian Tunan, Fredrica Reid, Kate Robinson, Loretta Smith, Elenor Sheehy, Nonte Sullivan, Nellie Tehaney and Louise Wiskotschill: Messre. James Buller, James Casey, Dennis Casey, Maurice Corridan, William Cox. John Doherty, Michael Donnigan, Thomas Fay, John Griffin, Walter Hanco*ck, Ignatius Kerr, Thomas Leach, James McBrearty, John O' Brien, Thomas O'Brien, George Shields, Harry Smith, James Smith, and James O'Brien. A. F.
Schleicher is manager, Curt C. Davis musical director, and Miss Mary Short accompanist. Tickets for reserved seats may be obtained from the sacristy of the church on Monday, Tuesday, Wednsday and Thursday, B. KATSCHINSKI PHILADELPHIA SHOE 10 THIRD STREET. SAN FRANCISCO.
95c. PERFECT EASE, ALWAYS STYLISH. Manufacturers 'occasionally send us shoes that are not up to our expectation, in which case we sell them at a sacrifice. Here is sample: Last week we received an invoice of Patent Leather vamp one-strap Sandals, with bow, vici kid quarters, plain toes, hand-turned soles and low heels. We intended to sell them for $1 50, but instead have cut the price to 55 cents; sizes 3 to widths A to E.
90c. PARENTS SHOULD READ THIS: A special sale of Children's and Misses' Box Calf- -Lace Shoes, with coin toes and tips, spring heels and heavy single soles. We ordered this lot with extra heavy double soles, but they were made with heavy single soles. so the manufacturer made a reduction and have eut the price. Widths to E.
Sizes 8 to 90e Sizes to 2.......... Regular $1.35 and $1.50 B. KATSCHINSKI, PHILADELPHIA SHOE 10 THIRD STREET, San Francisco. RAILROAD TRAVEL. Santa Fe Trains-Daily Leave Market street Ferry Depot.
Elm. Ov Id ocal Daily Dally Dally Dally W. San Francisco Stockton Merced Fresno Hanford Visalia 8:39 Bakersfield 5:20 Kansas City. Chicago A for morning. for afternoon.
9:00 carrying a. m. Palace train Sleeping Cars and Dining is the California Limited, Cars through to Chicago. Chair Car runs to Baker for accommodation No of second-class local passengers. tickets are honored on 7:05 this a.
m. train, dally Corre- 5 1:20 spondine p. m. is Stockton, Merced and Fresno train arrives Jocal. Corresponding train arrives at 12:30 p.
m. daily. the Overland Express, with 8:00 and Tourist Sleepers and Free through Reclining Laair Cars to Chicago; Palace Bleeper, which, train cuts arrives out at Fresno. Corresponding 6:06 p. a.
m. m. daily. Bakersfeld Local, stopping at all points in arrives Joaquin 8:40 a. valley, m.
daily. Cor Offices responding train Market street and Ferry Depot. San Francisco, 1112 Broad Oakland BAY AND RIVER STEAMERS. FOR S. NAVY YARD AND VALLEJO.
STEAMERS 3115 GEN. and 8:30 FRISBIE P. M. OR (ex. 8:30 P.
M. Leave Vallejo, 9:45 A. 6 M. Sundas, 7 A. 15:10.
P. P. M. Fare, 50 cents. Pier 2, 4:15 street dock.
BATCH BROS. BLACKHEADS CURED AT YOUR HOME. With my scientific home treatments, specially prepared for each case, 1 can positively cure red nose, red face, enlarged. pores and biotchy, pimply, ugly skin, no matter what the cause, and restore to the complexion a healthy roseate glow. sultation is free and you are cordially in vited to investigate the means by which you can be speedily, thoroughly and permanently cured.
Call or write JOHN H. WOODBURY D. 163. State Street, Chicage, QUIT PAYING RENT Own Your Own Home. Don't Pay Interest.
PACIFIC MUTUAL HOME SOCIETY. Will buy you a home or pay off your mortgage. You repay them in small monthly payments, much less than Rent. No. Interest.
You can't afford to miss this opportunity of living under your own root. Only $1 35 per month before maturity. New ap-to-date contract that has never been equaled. Call. write or phone for particulars.
Home office, 462 and 453 Parrott bullding. Phone. Jessie 1371. Open evenings. Live agents wanted everywhere.
Dr. Humphreys' "177" breaks up Colds, Grip, Influenza, Catarrh, Pains and soreness in the head and chest, Cough, Sore, Throat, General Prostration and Fever. COLDS FIVE DOLLAR ELECTRIC BELT Same A8 others sell at $15 and $20. Guaranteed genuine. Powerfull current, Latest improvemente.
It cures without medieine. Not sold by agents or druggists. No discounts. Free by mail on receipt of price. Circulars free.
Ask for the Alden Electric Call or address the PIERCE Francisco. ELECTRIC 206 Post street, San MELA Or. Stops Hall's all losses in 24 REINVIGORATOR We could safely offer five hundred re: ward for any case we cannot cure. This secret remedy restores lost maubood, cures Emissions, VaricoFOR YOU cele. Gleet.
Strictures, Loss of Memory, Drains and all other wasting effects caused by errors of youth or excesses. Sent sealed, $2 per bottie; three bottles, $5. Guaranteed to cure INSTI- any case. Call or address HALL'S MEDICAL TUTE, 855 Broadway, Oakland, Cal. Send for tree book.
On sale also at Market S. F. DR. MEYERS CO. SPECIALISTS FOR MEN.
Established 188L Consultation and private book free at office or by mall. Cures guaranteed 731 MARKET ST. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL long's PRESERVES the finest on the market. CENTS CENTS The WEEKLY 5 CHRONICLE IN WRAPPERS, CONTAINING THE NEWS for the entire week, or sent three months for 40 cents to any address in the United States. Collection of Duties.
The duties collected at the dueIng the past week bare been as follows: Monday 06 Tuesday 31,340 17 Wednesday Thursday Friday 14,368 68 Saturday 16.631 12 Total. 58 The collections during each month of the past twelve mohths were as follows: Mouth- Amount. April, 1901 $566,721 May 75 June July 63 August I September 585,835 October 695,251 74 November 03 December 600.003 43 January, 1902.... 786.246 81 Vebruary 505, 00 March 20 MISCELLANEOUS. Five Dollars a Box The Price Cut No Figure With Him.
"I want to say for the benefit of some poor dyspeptic that Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets will give comfort and a cure every time. Five dollars a box would not stop my purchasing them should I ever enflet again as I did for a week before using them. "The one 50-cent box I bought at my druggist's did the work, and my digention is right egain. "Many of my neighbors have also tried these tablets and found them to be just as represented, and Mr. Eilms also wants me to use his name in indorsing Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets.
Signed, ELLMS and CHAS, F. BUZZELL, Postmaster, "South Sudbury, Mass." Mrs. James Barton of Toronto. Canada, writes: For eighteen months suffered from what I supposed was bladder and kidney trouble, and took medicine from three different doctors without any of cure. I felt so ill at last I was able to do my work.
"I thought I would try a box of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets and see if they would make me feel better, never really thinking had dyspepsia, but after only three or four tablets had been taken all the acid trouble disappeared, and then I discovered I had had acid dyspepsia, while the doc tors had been treating me for kidney and bladder trouble and one of them treated me for rheumatism. "My digestion is fine. my clear and I am able to do my work and low spirits are unknown to me. "I am so thankful for finding a cure so good and so pleasant to take as Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. I am surprised at the change they have made in All druggists sell and recommend Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets because they contain only the simple natural digestives.
and, taken after meals, prevent acidity and cause prompt digestion and assimilation of food. Physicians everywhere indorse them because they are as safe for the child as for the adult. They are invaluable for sour stomach, nervous dyspepsia, heartburn, gas on stomach and bowels and every form of stomach derangement. $1000 REWARD It we fall to do as we agree. are Individual ways.
book, men they cured last. when others fail. Ours pages, free while DR. WIELIAMS 00. 140 Geary street, S.
1. Buy You'll like Longe Every grocer keeps.