The Charlotte Observer from Charlotte, North Carolina (2024)

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The Charlotte Observeri

Charlotte, North Carolina

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SECTION TWO PAGE TEN TUESDAY FEBRUARY 22 1938 THE CHARLOTTE OBSERVER The Foremost Newsparo-r of the Two Carolinas F2 1 1VN0IM W1P ftM Mg OW a 4vrIT COtartollt Ottowvtr TROTTER Financial Editor V4V71-111:" 4: srAL A Ata 1101b dft WOO 101b100W WO 0001AMAriIMOMAlb At: 1-'s 0N'Waliialt' '14lio- i i I 0 4- kg-No i milt 'tr'N" A 7 Nc qtrefitrifignal 'i t'' 11 ''1'' Th4f i'' 04kt 'A''''''''' ij4" "46 4444'''''411: IASI" ttidtAilig Ai takA 111140oI: Pfe S4 4t kb'Wh 4 6 ettl 1 tv: 1 -4 '1 '411i1 2i '''( N'ikt'43 Ittl'its 4 44(144 1 4 viA 1 CqltariollteOttottvitr TROTTER Financial Editor -7--' fin 61100r41771 j)M1 t1 -101qpir pill alti: 41'1 s4' 1577 I biiia1- kio 77 4 Sales Last Price Quotations 1 NEW YORK STOCK LIST High and Low Price Records For the Day and Rates and Net Changes for the Day Previous 4 a I a Not High Low Flocks Div Hndrd High Low 1a1 Chg Previnum High Low reviottl High LOW 41141 Net Ntnelis la Div Hndrd High Lew 1vt Chg tales Net Illorhe A Div Hndrd High Low Last Chg In The Spotlight Schen ley 1110 (3) 3 Sehil Rig Store' 17 Kean Paper (40E) 00 Meal) Air Line 87 3812 31 135 135 13'5 1114 795 125 375 37 37' 405 385 49 1021 181 1011i 25 21i 15 121 11104 1101 1135 1135 1135 2fila Devoe A Ray A (2) Hi 1211 Old Corp heag (50E) 4 12 lift Mat Coro-8 pf ww (5) 1 Dome Minea CIE) 8 404 3714 Doug Aircraft 1101a 11111 Dow them (15E) 2 21a 2a Dunhil Inter Info doPont de to15() 11371 lii duPont pt (4)0) 5014 1013 3934 414 1614 i10 3414 2334 20 HO 3274 43 IOW 1113 Ps Pi 3134 414 311 21 1134 Is 131i 134ti 12111 Ml 4 :111 214 133i Lima Loco t250(i) 8 Liquid (art ILO) 2 Loew's (150() 21 Loew's pC (050) Loft Ina 8 Lone Star Cem (3) Long I4II Lumber A Loose Wiles Ells 4 Lorillard (P) (120) 10 Lorillard pt Cl) 90 Louis and Nash (250E) Leith( Gas A 'E A (150) I Ludlum SO (25E) 1 80111 1611 Mt 41114 A014 ifill 1941 11 I I 39 44 41i 111t 1i IA IA 130 tin )1(1 dIli 411 lAli -t 112 48 li Previous Pales Net High Low Attacks et Div Hndrd High Low LAO Chi 1134 Ali Am Stores I Ills 011 31 Am Sur Ref (2) 1 29 29 29 1 112 1115IS Am Pug pr (7) I III 111 111 1 Dila it Am Sum Toll (I) illa 171i illb 11914 1321e Am Tel Tel (9) 13914 13714 13014 111h 71 5014 Am Tob (5) 3 021e 112111 ti2la la 7214 63le Am Tob (5) 11534 11516 514 Am Type Fdrs 4 Hi Htlt Lila Lle Am Witt Wks 30 10 9le 110 711 Am WI Wks Int Pt (5) 1 773e 7734 773e 53a Amer Woolens I Val tille Ala 35la 27 Am Woolens pf 5 Vile 11514 3514 ls 434 Am Zino Ld 714 ll's la 3534 Ma Ansa Cop (1756) JIM 331a 3914 R3 Vie Ale Arm III (JOG) 20 0 Ala Alit 7 till Arm III pr pf (5A) 5974 59le 3934 le 39 $1114 Arm Cork (25E) II 3334 3214 3334 Ili Pi 4y Artloom 2 414 It 03le Mad Dry tide I 744 Ilk 42 3234 Atch (26) 37 37la 87's 1 72 Mlle Atchison pi (5) 2 6114 114II 3414 II 273k 2014 Ati Cat (I50G) 24' 14 231i 24 I 2334 211 Atlantic Ref (I) 10 2334 23 23111 4- II IF's 114 Atlas Corp (J10) 4 114 71i 711 14 43 3934 Atlas Corp pr (3) I 4014 4014 40Is It 11 105 Atilt Pow pt (3) 10 115 115 11A 1 stil 4 Auburn Auto I 4 4 4 2111a 15 Aus NI pr pt A (56) WS IHh 1934 491 11111 Arial Corp Vs all 3lia 4k 1 11 4s 14 ilt in 1 't lb It 2 Ii Scab 011 Co Ili Seagrave (JAG) Sear Roth (IA) 20 Servel Inc (11 11 Shp Dhm pt 050) 1 Sheatter Pen (lE) 20 Shell Un Oil (1(1) a Shell Un Oil pt WM) Silt King Coal (25E) 1 Simmons (22561 likelly Oil 415001 4 Si Sht Sale (1506)1110 Smith A 0 (IA) Soeny Vaem MO) $0 Sou C20() 1 gnu Cul Edis 4 South re 07 South 21 South By pt 15 Soo Ida South Pao 97 South By 21 South By pt 15 Spa 1dg -M (By The Annociated Pres) NEW YORK Feb len high low cloning prices and net thing of the 13 most active storks today: otes In lindl High Low Clone Net Ch A Rubber i02 011la altla 13n Deere Co "in 241n 22'la 2071 1 In ant Nickel Can 181 Only 501n 1 In Anaconda Copper 139 01 7n 097n Wit th Steel 101 11314 ACti 113111 General Electrie 130 414 1(II4 41 in Flee Pow Lt Psi 104s Illin Standard Oil (N J) 30 filla 112n Raldwin Locomotive Ct 109 1031 1144 101n la Bethlehem Steel 1011 1111n tifng Al4N 14 National Supply 90 211a 2114 141 Central 911 1104 174 1914 southern Patille 97 1914 1114 191g Xenneeott Copper 3911 3S34 30311 General Motors 93 3Als 931a 333s 14 OMMIllin 3 156 434 1434 lOti 4334 4474 2814 21 434 4234 4414 2N11 711 Eastern Roll Mills 8 107 I491i Eastman Mod (3311E) 3 Mit Eastman Mod bt (8) 4a Pa Eitingon Sett 21I1 13h Elect Auto I (2800) 8 I()A 3 Elea Boat (8)0) El 5s El Pow LI 129 411 20 El $8 Pt 3 43 an El Pow pr 19 29 Elea Stor Bat I 21 Elva El Paso Nat 0 (2A) I Ole lita Engin Pub Seri IS 4914 411 Eng 14 I pt (3) 8 81 431's Eng( 8 pt ww (550) 27a ISa Equit Off Bldg 814 I Erie It It 1 A14 Erie ist pt 4 lOta VI Evans Prod 911 139 11131 19 1011 11344 37 '2811 21 124 131 211 3N1 011 51i 1A4 0214 1144a 2014 201i 41k 424n 451i 318 6 9 41 I I -I tAl 27') 21 7 II 1711 Is Is eV) 20 R41) 51's 103) 13 44 4:11) 271) 241) 111) 1414 10144 114444 A') 01s 2114 711) at34 246 921S 53 201) 151) JO) IV) A'S 114 241) 1103) 221) 1016 7344 10 2134 131) 314 4 21) 2141 Ws 39 30 0111 1111 511s 211) IR's 114 724 707 71311 811 23 51) 11) 71n Al 2214 73s 203) 33114 351 311a 53 441) 511i 10414 1134 Its 7134 A 71) Mtn 411 73') III) 2934 23 33a 21) 1734 73 24 IA IA 791) 27 231) 701) 714 11! 1e1a 18 131 314 21 Wm 3f1 ell 2112 Ws la 0311 234 lila Ala 11114 201a 31la 441a 5410 els It Ws 11 la 23 211 13 It lull 2314 114 2484 2i84 2484 It 3984 3012 3984 711 84 141 2514 2414 23 412 412 412 In 112 0034 0112 MR 1114 15 45 45 45 14 21114 2014 2014 114 1314 1314 1314 1r4 01114 10114 11104 7:14 74 714 14 2112 21 2112 30 2012 30 tit AO 12 17 17 17 1111 15411 151i 2 2 2214 21 2214 AA 1014 11112 1012 11 12 14 11 13 104 1012 1011( 1114 X14 312 X12 14 214 In 311114 1041 10 1 XI X1 At 11 10 11 Ai Alli 11 lit 1012 2012 2014 10 AN 10312 10312 10312 3 a 4 Pi 4 1112 1114 1111 111 11 1711 11 I 2174 21 21 1 2214 XI 121i 4- 86 X3 X2li Bs 55 1114 1212 114 0111i 51114 084 1 1111 912 I 44 1111 Ws X12 1t 11 11 111 1 1511 1271 131i 1411 24 14 26i 261 14 14 14 24 24 24 1112 112 171i 25 21 25 "11 1112 Xli A 7 i0 8 Stocks Tilt Upward lb li 4- 41 114 is Confusing Foreign Developments Fail to Halt Advancing List And Gains Running to a Point Generally Are Chalked Up 21'q 18 521i '28 20t 12 1111 112 113i 11lis 7 73it 211t 1812 251i 7214 4211 11114 AIN II 9112 80 151a 1248 10 743i 10 40 281 381i 004 101 85 So 5 1114 30 1111 71i 224s 171 2711 20 85 WI 71i 534 80 NI RAi 21i 'Pi 114 23 1 35 17i 17 13 PI 7714 30'4 30111 214 1534 14 1011 2114 1814 57 50 111 24 12 Pi 034 7 73ii IVO 211 8114 X0 1141 Ils 40 Dili la 30 1114 30 14 1711 20la 4611 lilt MI 214 134 1 Ili 1714 lit 1534 101a 1614 60 6 Mark Truck a (IA) 2114 2034 2114 ti Macy (2) 114 3I1S 311a Manhattan By gtd 90 13 13 13 Maracaibo Oil Esp 4 2 2 Marine Mtd Cp 1101 2 4 II14 4 Market St Ry pri pt 03i 034 034 -4- 14 Marshall Field Ills Ills Ills la Martin Glenn 7 1114 1114 1114 14 Mathieson Alk (143G) 4 24 2334 24 May Dept St (3) 1 4034 41131 4034 4i Maytag (306) 1 534 314 34 14 Maytag 1s1 pt (4) 10 90 PO cM McCall (150) 2 1134 123a 11314 McCrory Stereo (MG) I 914 911 934 McGraw El (I) I 13 LI 13 I Mein ty Min (1) 14 42 41 411a Mc Kee Tin (2) 13 2111 21 II Mc Kass and Rob 4 7 7 7 IA Mc Kess Rob PI (3) I 3414 3114 3414 Mead Corp 050(i) I 133a 1311 1331 40 Mesta Maeh Co (2E) 4 3734 37 3134 Ili Miami Copper (13G) IS 101S 9 10 MidCon Petrol (1506) 9 2014 11134 2014 Midland Steel (3G) 11 2314 2Alt 23 I Minn-Honey Reg (3) 4 40 3934 6934 Minn Mot Imp 20 114 7 114 Minn Mot Im pf (650G) I 43 53 63 2 Mo Kant Tex in Missouri Tex Pt Pi II 113i Missouri Pacific 3 114 1is Is Missouri Pao pr 7 214 2 mohk mills (120) 3 1314 1314 1314 114 Monsanto Ch (2) 16 9014 X914 96 1 Monte Ward (1)0E) 69 3611 atli 35 Mor Pis (31714) AA 33 83 gh 14 Mother Lode (45G) 2 lit 31I 30 Motor Prod (56) 0 1914 14 1104 Motor Wheel (10E) 2 1114 1114 1114 Mueller Braa 1A1 IX 173a 1131 Murphy (4) 301 ba Murray Am (256) 61i 614 SI 14! 1t Ai I 1 14i lot I 1 i 1 2 4- 1l4 1 1 ti it It 34 4 Sparks Withgtn Sperry Corp (1211() AO Sp leer Mfg pt A'(3) Spgi Inc (I) MI Spit Int pt (42) 1 Square Co B(G)" A Stand Brandi (AD 24 Stand Drncla p1(450) 1 Stand Corn Tob 1 Stand le Stand pt 24 Stand pr pt 2 Stand 27 pr pl le Stand Oil Cal (IA) 13 Sid Oil Ind in 15 Stand Oil NJ (1A) 1211 slu*t Prod (IAO) Stew War Speed (MA) 4 Stone Ill'ebster Studebaker 5 Sun Oil (IA) Sunohino Mng Suphtr Co (211E) 4 Superior OD re Superior Strel 1 Sutherind Pae(te0) I Swift Co (I20) Swift Int SymktnGId ww (25E) Synntn-Gld kw (25E) 4 As IA IA Fairbanks le 2 SO 1 1114 lits Fairbanks Co pi JO 7 3311 21 Fairbanks (i) 3 23 33 2s Fajardo Su (1E) 3 31 101S Feder IA Tr (16) I 1 Feder Wet Serv A 1 Wig Ws Feder Dept Sirs (2SE) 2 IS 321s 274 Fidel Ph IF In (160A) 3:1 25111 13 Firestone (50E) 2 21 IS 11 Flintkete (I) 13 IP 331e 27 Food Math 1250) I 3t1 9514 119 Food Math pf (CM) le itS 201s 141i Foster Wheeler 4 11 11 31S Francisco Sug 1 4 23 22s Freeport Sul (2) 18 21 27 231: P'uller Co pr yr 10 21 7 7 217 31 93 27' 23 11 7 7 7 7i 29 2E1 31 31 1Pi 131 74N 74s 791 744B mit 3214 31 3211 2144 2111 2116 1704 1702 3014 3914 30! 1 93 93 1771 1711 1741 411 4I1 411 240g 2946 25 23 II 12 14 1 i I STOCK AVERAGES 1Compiled by the Associated Press) 30 15 15 so Indust Rails Lilts Stocks Net change 12 11 4-15 4-0 Monday 656 196 316 454 Previous day 644 190 312 440 Month ago 657 190 3:11 459 Tear ago 1195 432 010 672 High 031 210 340 419 DU Low 594 116 300 413 1037 high 1016 495 510 15 1037 low b11 190 316 411 IN 1 1- 4 In It Is 411 Ai a 4 11! 10111 714 Raid Lon et 199 1016 114 Ra It Ohio IA 1314 Pt Balt Ohio pf 15 Ws 1411 Barber Co (1G) 25 1011 13 Barnsdall (I) 63 1234 101i Rayuk Cig (1614E) I 1146 714 Belt! Hemingw (1) 1 141a 1014 Bend Aviat (1) Ws 19a Bent Ind 1m (2G) 11 311s 29 Best Co (250A) 1 9516 2114 Beth Sti 100 Ws 1414 Beth 911 5 pf (1) PAIs 111116 Beth RI 7 pl (7) 1116 136 Black Deck (1) 14 116 Blow Knot (120G) 2514 2614 Boeing Airp 14061 31 9211 OS Ron Ami A (1E) 10 4436 40 Hou Ami 16212E) 10 1316 12 Bond Etre (160) 1 196 1714 Borden (120) Ws 22 Borg-Warner (2A) 414 I Bost Maine 1016 714 Bridgp Br (15G) 14 294 1914 Briggs Mfg (4G) 7 3014 1916 MYPTS (240) Bklyn Qu Tr pf 19 1:1411 236 Bklyn-Mh Trans I 211a 1116 Bklyn 1 Gas IN 34 IRrunsw Balite (1G) 1 936 714 Rueyrul-Erie (76G) 96 414 Budd Mfg 1116 3511 Rudd Wheel 12061 I 3111 2414 Bulova Wit (4) 2 1111 7 Rurlingt Mills 411 204 1216 Burr Add Mh (20E) 11 7 Bush Term 7 deb 1 1114 1114 Butler Br 1601 21 19 Butler Br pf (1501 1 41 III Butte (106) 119a 211 Byers (AM) Co 03I 101i 113S 1111 111S 1034 111S WS 1114 la 1314 1514 153S 12 12 12 121I 121S 1234 11IS Ms 3als 31ils 3gl1 SIN 563s 57'llt 147it 1l Itit 312 03 PI 13 1434 1734 13 12 34 13 28'S 2 211le Ills EIS 44 41 a le 12 12 111S 11 ti 1771 23lS 24IS 25 314 a DIS RI R1i 2334 2314 233s 3034 2034 3034 1114 11 111S 11 It 11 17 17 17 a I'S ls 1114 Ils I114 Ili IlS Its 211 211 211 Ili 71s 7111 lals 11 la 111 la all als 111 21 21 21 3lS 1114 014 034 Movement In Recent Team 1832 low 175 87 218 1128 high IMO 15310 1313 1577 1927 low 51-1 953 118 118 -N inni 1 I 47 47li Tairott Pt Pt (273A) 10 04 421i Ali 41a le 'autograph C6411 Al A A A Tenn Corp (336) I (13i 072 4411 37 Te XIII Corp (2) 3 431s CV 4314 1- 131 41 113 Tex Gil Prod s(111G) 411 Pa la At 27 Ti Siphr CAM 1121 1731 VI IoI 71 Tex Pao Codia (40) 13 101a 1131 10 113s I's Pao Land Tr(211(7) 13 10 1014 tons toe Tex 1 Tr Cil4i2061 01 1010 1073 1013 Thateher rot pt (300) I hati Mli Agq 4- Alt The Fair pl (71 00 621) AO 60 4lb I Thermold Ca 1 Al AV 113i Its 1311 13 Thmpsn Prod (170G) 1 1314 131 la 33 Thmpsn Starrett I IN tai 214 1311 131a Wet As Oil (1) 21 141A 137a 141a 113 71 Wit As p1 (450) 1 711 710 71111 13 lnla Tim net Axle (1500) I 12 12 12 141 Ws 30 Tim Roll art Len) 7 43 4I 414 1244 104 Tran America 175 0 1fl 1fl 1(144 0 Ili 334 Air 4 Ais 012 41 3la Cent Corp (356) A Ala Agl 25 lb 24 Ws Twen Fox v(csoG) 1 2214 213 314 Twin City Rap Tr Ps 414 6 Ilt Gabriel Snub A 11 171 1t 12i 31) Gair Robert 2 424 tit 414 IS 122s Gair Robert pt 2 131S 131a 1311 131 Gamewell Co 10 1' tit* IA'S Gar Wood Ind 12561 I Os A's A's Gen Am Invest I 4 a a li 3614 Gen Am Tr (330G) 7 424 41 4214 Po li Gen Cable A 10IS 10 POI IS 1734 Gen Cable A I Ws 201i 20'1 21 AA Gen Cable Pt (761 I 62 62 62 I 243i Gen Cigar (50E) I 27i 271i 2731 Vis 3734 Gen Flee (2206) 130 4134 4014 4131 is 30 Gen Foods t2) A 3134 319a 3134 I Gen A 4 Pa I I A034 Gen Mills (3) 3 14 A4 A4 294 Gen Mot (25E) OA 1151S 351S WS 14 421 Gen Outdoor Adv Ais A14 ilis 2i Gen Print Ink (MG) I As Ali ills 24 liPs Gen By Signal (23El 3 2334 231i 2334 121 Ps Gen Real and UM pi 13 13s Ita Ita 13 Gen Real and COI pf 3 litis IA IA 24 WS Gen Refractories 1261 3 23 224 WS 2s 20S Gen Sit Cast pf It 2711 26 21 I 10111 Gen 'T 41Ir Rub 411 13 1314 13 13 24 e's Gillette Safety Ras (I) 4 91s 91i 911 A's Gimbel Bros 14 A1S 71a IPS As AO Gimbel $6 pt (6) I AA AA AA I 2014 Glidden Ca (2) 4 24'4 241e 241i 4 VII Gebel Adolph Inc I Vi Ve Ve la 3 Goebel Brew (1201 4 314 311 34 1334 Goodrich tIGI 42 1814 173s 1111a 2i 46is Goodrich pt (I) 2 63's We 4234 IV Goodyr 125E1 93 Ws tt Ws 44 74 Goodyr pt (5) I 11434 1144i 1104 11 Gotham Silk Hos I 4 4 4 itt Gotham Silk Hos pf (7) AO A3 A3 AA 4- Ili 114 Graham Paige Mot 43 Pi Pi Pi 411s Granby Con Mining 3 I A A 4- 14 1334 Granite SU (11V1G) I Wi IPA 131i 4 rpi Grant WT) 1t5E 1 3 Vi 24 24 20 Grant WT pf (i) I 22 22 22 12 Gr Nor I 0 ett C73E) 2 113i 121 1234 IS 19S Great Nor By pf (26) SS 23As 2111 23's 41 723 Ge West Sot pt (7) An 11n 120 720 le Green (160A) 2 Wit 174 Ila l'il Greyhound Corp (MA) I PI It'i 211 21i "44 21) 114 451 13 1 I 2134 'a coi 3314 3414 Jill 291i 2 10 i 19 1 24 213i VI D11 14 An 211i I 314 841 214 14 914 5114 23 1141 43151 2 2 In I I 273s 1 23 VI! toi 2f114 I 111211i 111 I 10At IMENIMENIEt 91(1 911 911 1111 11 1114 91 91g 111 Alp lit 1911 19 191 11 1114 1111 1114 1414 1414 141t pm 199 109 7 1 7 43ig 434 2234 22'4 2234 it 71i 714 112 tilt 29 23 2134 21It 2134 Vs 634 634 II 951i 913s 1431i It 2114 19It 2114 4- 114 25 214 29 1 3II 33i 334 914 914 014 114 17 IR3 1R asli asii II 191i 1114 MA 4 24 17 17 17 1 2114 2712 It 253I 2334 114 4 91 4 4 14 911 911 911 2" 2311 2i 634 Ps 914 11 9 9 0 74 1114 'X 194 11414 lo 111 91 1 1211 1111 1111 11 2'1 21i 231 1 17 17 Sti Nash-K Corp (12IsE) 18 10o Nat Acme (1() 1034 11s Nat Ayia Corp 20a 17a4 Nat Biscuit (40F1 24 121S 147a Nat Cash Reg (511E) 4 15a4 131S Nat Da Prod (120) 2 109 100 Nat Dairy pf ill 10 ting Nat Dept Stores 1 ills 41S Nat Dept Strs pt 1 19as Nat Distil Prod (2A) 20 las Bait Nat Gypsum 25 2934 21to Nat Lead (501 a 24 16 Is Nat Cast (2) 014 Nat la (00) 8234 01 Nat St! Corp (250A) 5 22is Pin Nat Supply 90 2514 21 Nat Sup 22 pf (21 8 4I1 SIS Nat Tea 1014 04 Natomas Co (2th 1 191s We Newport hid (2G1 22 29 29 NY Air Brake (25E) 1 197i 151i NY Central 22IS 141s NY Chi St 1 2Als 24a4 NY Chi St pt 20Is 20 NY Omnibus 149061 8 4as 21i NY Dock 190 latis 2 NY Dock pt 100 2a4 3 NY New Hay A Hit 2 031 44 NY NH HIfd pt 101it Wit tsl'Y Ship Bldg 1 10li Sla No Am Avis (12G) 121a North Am (100G) RS 544 50 North Am pt 131 2 12as Northern Pao Via Nor Tire Rub 21 17 Nor pt (311712141 BY FREDERICK GARDNER By the Associated Press NEW YORK Feb led the stock market on a telatirely forward tilt today for gains running to a point generally With I few advances of JI so The tart the list wee able to make headway In the fare of lionfosing foreign developments including the Hitler speech and resignation of British Foreign Secretary Eden was espeeially threeIng to analysts who have been forecasting a turn for the better to price trewds It was a slow-motion session with the ticker tape dawdling from the start The upturn started alter a ragged opening Steel Pointed the way There were profit selling intervals and closing ntations were somewhat under the best of the day Transfers totaled 75 XII shares compared with 11111910 lad Friday The Associated Press average of 00 issues was op 11 of a punt at 454 Liatlessnese of the proceedings was attributed partly to the fart Many traders decided to skip the Monday session and extend their holiday through tomorrow when the exchange will be elosed in oblervenee of Washington's birthday While Wall Street was concerned about European matters there was the solacing thought that in view of the unsettled situation abroad transatlantic capital may deride Amer lean stocks and bonds are a safer haven than at home At the same time no great haying rush was looked for at the moment from this quarter heelers fears still exist overseas that the United States may yet be forced into more "inflation" An estimated drop of 8 of a point in this week' steel mill Operations Waft a bit of a damper on sentiment but Meet shares Were not particularly ruffled Steel and Bethlehem were up lib points each at 5518 and 571 respectively Seleeted electrical equipments themicals mail orders rubbers tarist implements coppers oils and a few rails and utilities came in to buying attention Favored were Westinghouse at 871:1 American Can SO Arnettean Telephone 1397 Allied Chemical Mit Electrie Power Light Hatt Manta Fe 3114 Amer lean Smelting 511 Cerro De Paseo II Montgomery Ward 354 1 1 Cue li4t8 Rubber Ws Du Pont and Standard Oil of OVA Some better than expeeted earnings statements notably that St Westinghouse were a bolstering influence Investment trust and Institutional purchasing was reported Bonds remained in the background with Austrian iaeipe weak in reflection of the talent turn in Reich affairs Commodities were Wheat at Chicago was unchanged to off Sri of a rent a bushel Corn was down la to It Cotton advanred 03 to he Ileitis bale The improved in terms of foreign curreneles 171t 011 l'n Ragir (111tC) 1112 1111 1112 1111 1114 01434 In Curb (00E) no 71111 771l 2114 Isla l'n Oil et Cal 11201 14 210a 201a 21 -4- Is ssirs 7334 Un Pat) (150E) 4 Ms Mt 741 171 01 71 In Pao pt (4) 78 7414 78 83i 0311 Unit Mr Lines 115 ri 213rn 7114 Un Aircraft Corp(Itl) 12 23a 231a 2304 4 N4 4NNii 31 Unit Carbon (4) 4 ON 42 4)10a 334 714 Unit Corp (196) Pt 3 211 11714 201i ITnit orp pt (3) 11 7)111 230) 29 BO 144 0111 Unit Mu (MG) 2 AN 6111 014 434 En Eke Coal 11 0471 5614 Unit Fruit (3A) I 1 al Al 1134 414 Unit (I) Joii 104 1134 4 11 See 7 GU I 1414 71 USIFor See pt (6) I 7134 10 a Unt States Frght a 114 114 71 A7 ITS Gypain (2A) I 61t 12 3514 3111 ITS Minn Meh Pt(17111 1 3331 3332 X345 1 1314 It I'S Intl Alcohol 1934 1914 1914 014 ft Leather 2 4 1416 714 11 8 Leather A 93t 1111 93t 112 31 20 l9pe8Edy (7) 13 29 21114 29 la (111 11 I'S RItylkImp I 131 514 51t 4- 4 N2'4 Rubber 03 tmoi 311i 331a 71 4s1a I Rob 1 of 34 71 07 71 4- 4 In 411 I'S Smaltet 49 (19 1 f121 Wit 111 Steel 1I S81t 5114 551i 112 1111a 1041a IT 14 Steel of 171 7 147 14014 1117 4 11 'Fob (8A) 10 10111 1011a 1011111 411 411 l'n Stkyda (1)) 414 414 411 I14 Unit Stores A 2 j14 IS 57 54 In Leaf Tob (3A) 27 17 h7 1 4 1041 11 Ohio Oil 10 (1G) 11 13it 114 lati Ili SI 24 Oliver Farm as sm 241'4 sai VS ii 93i Omnibus (1104-1) tit's 114 lilli 11434 01 Omnibus of (Ai 20 05tS Octi 114:4 ttio 10a4 Otis Fleirstor (15E) 2 21tS 2lit 211 li 12 ItSS Otis 0 10 Oti Oli IA lifiti 4Xl2 Owens 111 GI (ME) I tilli Ph Iii 4- hi 7 5 Hall Printing' 1 5111 5'11 111 190 95 HIM Men WWII pf (A) 10 95ta 95Ia 051a 9511 93 Hanna 15 pt (5) 10 113IS 0311 031'1 4- 234 25 20 Harbison Walk 125E) 8 2110 214 1 114 121 Harbison Walker pt (4) 40 125 125 125 11 Hat Corp A (101) 1 41i ON CS 14 l'a 4 Meeker Prod (001 1 04 14 17 Heresies Motor (1) 1 114 ltli 51 Ws Herrn les Powd (75G) A4 5511 it4 221i 1 Holland Furn (50E) 5 194 194 2514 litti Holly suit tvz5E) 193s 013a Homestako Min (4501 13 014 SOIS 001" ea 11S Hriud-Her (150) I Ills Vs Ota 07 034 Household Fin pt (8) 1 07 07 17 11is 114 Houston Oil 7 1131i A 533a 411S Howe Sound Co (3A) 13 801i 49 49111 11 JO 44 Hudson Car (2501 4 111i 119 1111 141 Hupp Motor Car 12 11S l's 114 4 4- At 4- 1 114 I At fly the Aloof lilted Pr' NEW TORK Eel) Is the eomplete closing HA of taday'a transactions en the New Vick Stock Lichentet TOTAL PALES 75J11111 PREVIOUS DAY 495950 WEEK AGO SALES 40016 TEAR AGO SALES CLOSED TWO TEARS AGO 2 MAO I Is st 's monom I EIMPIMP Wit 84i 32'4 llt 21414 444 Wks alllit 44 11 lig lb 7041i 2811 4- II 13 Vanstim Corp (IG) Viek 11A) P't Virg Cam ehem I 22'4 V-e eh A pf(1506) I Provietie Nigh Low Blocks A Div hales het Madre High Lew Leal Chg 0 114 1714 1714 94 2014 20 2614 0014 A03i 4434 01i 034 014 91i 914 es 4- 11 AA 40 53 1914 R4 A4 A9 101 10 10 0914 1914 "Ii 1014 Inli 10i 4- lit 244 21i Alt 14 Alli 0414 A414 4- 11 1914 1914 1914 94 111 111i 1114 14 44i Ali sli 10 4314 014 Olt 4- 4 7111i SO lftli Ilk 214 214 214 434 934 444 111 211i 211 2214 4- Ai AA RA NA 1 2034 2034 203i 4- li 1134 1134 1444 10 0114 614 0114 14 27 2714 44 914 94i 4'4 a4 -t- 14 -4- 14 14 214 111 Calif Park (IVA) 4 3 2111 31'1 1111 216 11 Callahan Zine-td 4 114 Ili 113 1014 6711 Cal Hecia (1106) 23 118 1111 314 1514 le Campb Wyant (1) 2 114 1334 1414 1914 1311 Canada Dry Ale 48 19g 1414 19 $14 4114 Canadian Pao 4 614 1134 811 41 31 Carrier Gen (35G) 2 334 314 334 Wilt 19 Case I I (66) 22 Da 03 11412 109 931 Case I pt (7) 444 10 103 1011 103 3511 4116 Caterpil Tr (50E) 15 42 4A 4X 1024 1004 Calerpil Tr pt (3) I 102 102 102 Wit 14 (el Corp of Am le 1611 1811 164 251 1911 Ce (12116) 2111 2114 214 60 55 Celotes pt (5) 10 52 Mt 63 411 31 Cent Fdy 2 32i 34 32i rear Vial Sur (60G A 711 114 Cent Rib Mill pf 111) 103 103 103 4011 3511 Cerro de Pasco (1E) 11 411 404 41 11114 8 Cart-Teed Prod 1 11 11g it 3214 2131 Cert-Teed 0 01' 20 01 Mils anti 301 27 Ch Pap (115E) I 2111 2111 2111 3311 3111 Chesap is 0 (LADE) 3114 331 31111 481 119 ('hesap Corp (3) 2 41 4014 40o i Chic Nor West 11 111 14 144 416 2 Chia Nor West 1 31a 331 33 316 3 Chic Gt We pf I 414 414 41 11 Chio Mil St 2 34 34 $4 11 1l Chia Mil St pt 9 11 114 114 1114 911 Chia p*rn Tool 3 1034 101 1011 1634 1234 Chick Cot Oil (50E) 2 lela 1534 18'4 All 314 Childs CO 1 31 111t 31s MP X4 Chile Copper (50E) 111 3613 3611 63111 4411 (hry4ler (10G) Pt 5114 5011 34134 13a 1114 City I (2) I 1111 111g 1111 110 HMI Cleve El III pf (450) 111 lin Ile 116 2611 1914 Cleve Gr Br (28411G1 1 2111 2111 2111 40314 331 Climax Moly 11InG) 3314 33 31114 1511 1311 Cluett Peabody (1) 2 151a IS 1514 1114 1112 Col Palmolive 23 34 $3i ela 211a 21 Col Aikman (30E) 1 2314 2334 2334 314 8 Colo South AS Pia it'a 34 1124 I Cal So Ist pf 30 1614 1034 1034 1111 IS Col a it (ta) 2 le 1514 10 rvi me tel Br 2124 (IOE) 6 1911 10 1011 94 7 Col 41s (456) 28 714 111 713 151 11 Col Piet vie (1) 3 1114 136 1114 IS 03 (alum Carbon (4) 2 fill 03 ell 3334 311 Commer Cred (4A) 1524 33 331 4434 30 Comm Inv Tr (4A) WI 392i 40 Ws 93 Coml Inv Ti ev 1425) I 9613 3611 0613 10 1 1 corn Sovent Chel it 314 1114i 81 2131 2234 (omwith Edison (123) 13 25 240 24t 111 ('omwith South 241 11 111 1'1 4214 314 Corn Sou tit 475K) 41 341s 3:4 11311 241a 201s Congo' Nairn C25E1 4 4 22'4 2211 22's 114 Congress Cigar (IG) 1 71 11 Vs 1911 141 Con Airs Corp (30G) 8 154 151 153a 2514 20'4 Con Edison (50E) 00 21 214 2114 114111 90 Con Edison pt (5) 1 0111 0113 0113 Ws 311 Cons Oil C801 34 934 114k 014 Con Oil 13 pt (1) I 10114 1011a 10114 11 11 Congo! Textile I 34 1a lot 14134 123a Contain Corp (120) 5 1414 1411 1414 loll 104 Coot Bak 4 3 1134 1414 1444 Cont Bak 8 3 1 114 454 3314 Conlin Can (50E1 1 4:111 4214 43 11014 1117 Cont Can pl 44301 1 1104 1104 11011 0114 Cont Diam Fib I vit 114 714 31 1111v Cont Ins (I60A) 3011 Re 3011 14 114 Conlin Mot 1 13a 136 134 3111s 21 Con 0 ot Del (25E) 4 13 3116 3814 311a MI 4934 Corn Each 13k (3) 50 MI 110 3511 Mit Corn Prod (3) 4 11411 6431 0471 10011 184 Corn Prod pf 1 19114 16111'4 114114 27 19 (ran Co fIG) 34 264 111 241 25 2111 Cream ot Wit CM1E) 2 231 23 23 1011 Crosley Radio 1 911 911 211 394 3111 Crown Calk (50E) 0 3514 344 XS 121 1114 Crown Zella (25E) 9 le 04 10 4414 3314 Crucible Steel I 3611 30'4 11401 114 1a Cubs Co 7 31 11 la 131 836 Cuba pr 10 1111i 1011 101 Po 4 Cuban Am Sugar 1 411 414 4a 111 10 Cuban A I pt 11361 1 14 14 14 131 IS Cudahy Pack 1 leti 11111 1411 14 3 Curtis Pub 11 111 314 814 3014 39 Curtis Pub pi (2K) 1 411v 4111 411t 314 4 Curtiss Wright 19 4114 414 434 1134 1431 Curtiss Wr CMG) 11 141 18 1314 3212 4414 Cushman's 7 pt (350 20 311 011 3211 2414 1316 Cutler Hammer (25G) 11a Ills Ins 4- 114 I's 4 2 tIII 034 Pao Am Fish I 12 13 Pao Coast 1st pt la tatg '1314 Pie VI (t) 46 3314 Pao Light o3i 131i Pit Pee Io 4t Oil O1361 0 Vs 4 Packard Mot (M) 73 0312 40 Panhandle Prod of 36 33 Paraffine Cos it I 01i Perim Pict 1171s II? Parent Pict 1 pf (41 Param Pitt pf (00) 314 2's Park Mines 113G) 7 3134 3131 Parke noels (344) 2 2614 17 Parker Pr (1311) 4 C114 frii Patine MP C1GI 2 Ass 412 Peerless Corp (20n) 4 4411 4134 Pen Ford (311E) 2 73 WI Penny (111 2114 Penn Coal co*k 1 11 113a Penn nixie Cem 1 tlIi 1034 Penn II (1'1361 214 21114 Peoples tG) 1 3714 2234 Pore Morn pf 311 131s 104 'Petrol Corp 1 1314 2 Pfeiffer IRrew (00n) 313a Phelps nod f1010 113 411 314 Philo Rap Trans of so 84 I Rolg 03 11114 Philip Morris CO 33 WI 3434 Phillips Petrol (2) 31 In 46 Pirelli 1151131111 I 11311 113i 1111 2 II (114G) 1 1434 161s Pitt 211 21'4 134 Pitts United Corp 1 1914 1614 Plyrnth Oil 4140A) le it Poor A Co 8 101i 1311 t4 Car f2301 114 4311S Prole Gem Oti a Sits Rolm rig Corp Ni (IAO) 16 tEl 133 PA NJ I pl 111 40 Mt 2914 PtillMall f136i 44 131i 141i Port Oil 413G1 47 I61a 7 30 Pori ly flak (MEI i 1111 211 Illinois Cent II 1011 1811 31 22 III rent lease line 141 50 3t 34 fit 11 10 Id Illinois Cent pt I 11111 I211 Wit 11 111 1111 Indian Ref (1361 71s 014 22 Id Industrial Rayon (23E) 1 211S 211a 7111 01 Inland Steel 40 II 21111 014 8014 151a 1111 Inspiratin Copper 27 1311i 1314 131a 4- 14 81 3 Interboro Rapid Tr 8 411 Pit 411 14 23 17 Inter Chem Corp 231s 2211 2311 411 311 Intereon Rubber 4 tri 4 111 11 131a Interlake Iron (MG) IA 1111 1111 1114 3114 211 Internal Aerie's' 5 311 314 21a 13114 It In Bus Mark 111A) 2 131 138 IMO 1 le 147 Int Harvest (150) 33 11711 11311 87 711 11 Intl Hydro Flee A 4 311 Ali 211 Ws 11 Int Mining 113E) 11 1011 10111 101 11 5111 1314 Int Nick Can (50F) 121 til 5011 5011 4- 1i4 811 Int Pap A IP 9 11 Ti 2 4- 1i1 3211 Int Pap pt IA 3214 311a 2211 1 41111 311i Int Ity A Pr (12311) 111 4211 4211 4111 Ili 3334 3111 Inter thee (t) 1 3311 3311 3111 It 44 116 Ili 16 1o14 io 16 414 4114 4114 It 7x4 114 14 42 42 42 Ili 4 111i 41i 21i 41114 4114 471i 4344 3314 2314 Xi 444 04 0414 4S 44 44 I 114 114 114 in 14 4- Xi 237i 23 231i Xi 231i 43 4134 1031 071i 116 44 24 24 23 t3 23 ti 141 141i 1414 Xi IS 14 4 tli 21i 41i 434 434 16 44 411 41i 1714 17 17 4334 421i 431i 4- 1114 1114 17 17 41 14 14 le 11 4 I 4- It 4- tit 4- lb 11 111t 4111 23ii Wabash pi A 2 2914 1413 Valorem 421 4 447a 3134 Walker 111GAW 14) 9:114 414 Wa 'worth 401 Ward Bako pt(4211K) 1 114 Slit Warner Pictures 4a 12a Warren Itroa 2934 let Warne Pomp (2) 11 1334 27 We OASnw (4212E) I 14214 It Psi El 7 11117 111:14 II Pit El Ifie 11701 1141 11 1la Pw pf(01)10 WI Ws West Auto hap (LW 4 244 2134 West En Tel 111 271 2014 West Alr Dna 011 1091h fsit4 West FIAM OF 44 204 24 West ('hi of 115111 1 2734 2114 Wheels Meet 131n 414 Whit Motor 17 214 1311 White new Math pf 1 24 Willy Ov Prlin4 Tj 44 Willy-Overland 111(401 334 435 Men Ce 13 1414 11 Woodward Iron Ws VI Woolworth 11401 14 We 141i Wrth PmpliMsels 7 94 94 Wright Are (261 24s vi It ft OR 03 441 44 341 4414 46 44 44 44 II 71 11 14 144 1114 141 I 11 1111 11 14 141 14 4- 1' 144i 41 141 4- 1i 414 114 I 44 4714 44 4114 411 311 1 134 13411 1351i 331 34 43 4 44 14 1146 14 14 011 04 4 1441 11 211 1918 8818 4618 1346 1041 15i Pt 1156 1111 1114 1718 121n 1718 13t4 2148 15t4 17818 1144 1441 It 46 84 2148 2914 181 1118 848 2'8 1211 Al 1514 11 1814 4974 8812 3818 12518 120 984 1844 101 163 2110 20111 'MI 13 183 95 841 8 1318 1101 1846 1348 8 18 414 4111 19 1314 24 181 1111 It 11 10 414 I 28 20 II I Ig Int Tel and Tel 13ma Sla Inter Mate St (215G) 2 4 10011 Nand Crk Coal (2) 414 41 11 le it J-- a Is a II I 10 113A 10 1 201A 2040 2041 14 A31 A2 AA'S 114 11I11 113S 1134 Pu l's I'S It's 12 1114 14 1131 135s 14 It 1311 111s 131i 116 13'4 1A's 13's St 115s 1112 lilt 14 10's 16412 1011t 2't IPA 13's 1311 13m l's 14 4334 4411 4A 41 14 14 14 I 2's 25i 2S4 Is 1111 11 11Is 131 14's 14 14 14 A4 AS AS I's 401i 39't 30't It 123 113 123 901i Alt 00 814 103 103 103 2A 23't 2414 44 IS IS IS 19 103 102 103 It A's A A Is 1114 111i 1234 It 141 14's 14'4 Is 1104 1414 74'1 4 4 4 35i 2IS 31i IS 1111 113s Int I's 11 201s 21 Is 94A '1 9'1 41 II II 11 XIS PS' 33S 21's 21'4 2214 IS 418 634 A's 'A Tn 21'1 21 14 62's 6213 621i I3'S 13'4 I3's is 84 83 24 A'S 141 A 1S 323n A0 Mt I 2114 A 211t 114 IS 13311 13Is 11 20 IA' 1934 14 3434 344 3414 14 6211 MAls Ails lag 121 I224 11234 Alit Al's Al'i 291 2A 291 11S 11 11 I 11 I 144 It 14 Ps 114 Adams Exit (401161 IS Addretsograph i110) I Mr leduet (IA) Alaska Jun (MA) Allegheny le Allegheny pt zw Allegh pf 130 ww 10 Al legh pfd 110 ww 4 Al legh Pr pt Allegh Al (h Oa fly (01A) 10 Allied Mills (2GI 5 Allied biol? I Allis-Ch MI (3711E) Alpha Pt Co t2A1 Amal Leath Amerada 21 Am Bank (15E) Am II Note pf (3) 40 Am Br Ph (310() 0 Am Pr Oh pt 1315) I Am Can 441 14 Amerie Can pf (7) I AmCarlady (256) 10 Am ('h A Cab (25E) I Am Chicle (IA) Am Colortrpe Co It Am Coml Ales (506) I Am Cry (50E) 4 Am Cry I Spa pf (01) Am Enrage Til Am For Pow 11 Am Pw 10 I Am If Pow 17 pt Am 1 Pw 2nd pt 0 Am Hawaii PS (IA) I Am Hide A Leath 4 Am Hided Leath pf (X) I Am Internal! Am Loco Am toes Pt (76) Ant MhIlly (20E) I Am Metal (36) Am Pow A Lit A PAL II pt (3011t6) It A rat 13 pf 0468346) II Am Pad Old Pan (00) 1100 Am Poll Mill 17 Am Phipitidg (2) 201 Am Pm Pet (15E) 53 Am Pmelt pt 17) Am Anvil 13A1 I Am III "'dr" (25E) 117i 71 11 Al 19Ila Si I 12 1 WI Ig 013 4 -Y aati 4141i Jewpt Toa gal an anii Johna Manvillo (A) 1t 013 Ja A I (I pf (3266) -K-- Ran CRT raw pf la (a) Kan fit $on 117a Kelaey-flayes Wh A NA" ava Kelsey Hay Wh 434 333a Kennecott rap 134 Kinney (G1) 1113a 13a I( tnn) IIa 141a Xregor 6 (tAO) 131 Alt1 I I 411 1 4 1 10 11010 1101i 3 0 034 I Ati 014 02 2214 2134 1 Ps 130 4 1114 1110 1314 124 tri 134 1:111 111 34 14I 19 131t 11! Tl'i Titirwn Mfg (441A) 1 1510 olo Tel Tritd Voaett flu tint (1A)SAW 4314 Trdwn ShaT 14 111 Tung 111 Door (1311!) 11 Zm Zenith ad 10 ha lonito Prod 1 1 I's 10'S St Radio sd ovti sit 441i Radio Co of 43501 1 511i Mit 514 Radie-Reith Oro Ala 321 Ass 711 Als 11 PRee 111 Rik 241 XIII Sta fllo 4- Ilk Ws lS Rabe-Man CA11) 1 tOli 4- It 211i It Rayonier Inc 4110111 1 lila 1411 tflia Rayonier toe Pl 1 201 t01 th 111i Rem Rand I 111i 111 liti 4- re Rena Cara AX MI AX 5 Reis Motor Ropublie Steel 111 13 ft 1111 Ws Revere Cop 11sli lita 1134 Ws Rey Melals ClAri 1 111 WI ill't 114 li Rerenolds florin" 1 I I xli Resnolds 1110E1 11 ROtt XX 77ii 5Is Richfield Oil 14 X3is 83 Xa 2004 1114 ohotoid 460A) 4 211a 19 "4'4 lI 1 13111 31 1 lp tt 4 as OMILemmmi 13si 1 tsi 4- III 23 4 I liti 13ss 13'1 101 1a 11 110 i 113i 11 114 124 194 214 124 114 11 11 444 121 9114 134 Dividend rates at given In the table abov aro th aaaaa eagh PITMentit based on the last quarterly bait yearly declaraions bariationa ore indicated as follows: sale sine' es-dividend dile or dates Odd-it sale are indiented by decimal Points thee: t11 means tit Oates 160 means IOU shares extras extra" peld so tar this year in stock lipd scar er stack ILAccumulated dividend paid this year 141 114 444 IS la! It tI 4424 1414 2314 1114 14 1414 44 414 414 20 414 4114 334 II 11 Laclede Gas 40 111 Lae led Geo pt 4 lh 11 Lambert (37111E) 1 111ii Lee Rob Tiro (i3E) 1034 141i Lehigh PI cern (FSF) 1 Pa Ito Lehigh Val Coal 1114 II Lehigh Val Coal pf 1 risa 41g Lehigh Val Wit 23 Lehman Corp (1) 11 11 PIO Lehn and Fink Pr 130E1 I 42 Ali Lihbv 0 (ME) 111 111Vi hOta Lig At Mr Tab 11 (4A) 4 10 DOMOINEW 1 I I 1 1 14 14 13 20 eli titti 3134 11:1 334 1011 In el Pt 111i 401i 291m 1934 1311e waV At II) 1ta 183 161 101 Away At A pi (II) 5 II? PI ti 4- Pwal Of 111 pi' IS) Ilk IA At Jogrph I II) It Tills 38 3111 tit Ott Loniol A Fr Av 1 14 114 lit Savage Ammo 41301G) a 1334 131 1334 t4111 rIll IA Ili 01 2211 1k 91 14111 Vs 1014 Pt 251i II Deere co 207 25 2i In Deers f0 pr (IAN )711 WI flud 11 16 01s Del Lack West 0 um SO Detroit Edison CU) 0 11 I I a PRODUCE COTTON OPINIONS MEMPHIS EXCHANGE Closing Prices By THOMSON and McKINNON 30 Turkeys northwestern and southwestern 20-29ls Ducks 171i-181S Fresh and froren fowls 38-43 lb 15-20: 4844 Ills 17-22 60-83 lb 18-23 Old roosters 1819 Live poultry by freight steads to firm Chickens colored 18 Fowls colored 1812-21 mostly 21: leghorn 18- 19 mostly 19 Old roosters 13-18 most Now York By the ARenctated Pam NM YORK Feb 630170 steady Creamery: Higher than extra 31-3134 extra 192 Pcoret 301-34 firitts Government graded and dated gip: whites extras large 22 extras mediums 19 standard large 20 standards mediums 111 Nearby ungraded eggs: Current receipts 1712-18 whites lava-19 Live steady at unchanged prices Fowl: colored heavy 17-20: No 24 13-14 leghorns 14: tonslers 11-13 chickens: Virginia rocks 101- 20 a few Weighing 4 lbs and over 21: Delaware rocks and crosses 111-20 mixed colors 14-1d young turkeys hens 25- 29 toms 23-27 No 2s 20: guineas 2 lbs and Over 30-60 under 2 lbs 40-59 rapons 7 lbs and Over 24-30 slips and under-sizes 12-23 0 COTTONSEED MEAL February 21410R 2200 March 2175e4 22 00 April 22 MO 2230 May 2250D 2290 June 22 6502323 July 2340 2373 August 23904 24 21 September 24360'2473 October 2463t 25 no Is 100-10 ungraded 75-90 Long Reds In boxes 19-2212: old mosters 18-19 i 90-100 ungraded 95-80: rad capons western 30-38 turkeys nearby Maine Mountains 100-lb ack and northwestern fancy young hens Is mostly 135 commercials 120- 30-31 young toms 29-30 old hens 27 25 Idaho 100-lb sacks Russet Burbank old toms 25 heavy young toms Mat! Is 175-85 New York I()-th sacks 27ti round whites Is 115-20: Florida Wheat: Nn 2 garlicky Feb Del 9514 bushel crates Bliss Is I 2540 Butter Top 32-35 92 31'4-3114 21 115-25 91303s: 30 29 Sweet and Vitt- Eggs: 3375 ea ses easy extras whites gime bushel baskets iriIden Is 22-24: horwns 212-23: standards Nos 115-1 00 ungraded 50-75 Jersey type 1 and 2 2012-21 Nos I and 4 19-20: Is 75-90 ungraded 4045 Puerto trade 1ati-1854: mediums extras or Ricans Nancy Halls and White Yams better whites 19t-2-21 standards WE-IL Is 75-90: ungraded 50-60 nearby 1412 bushel hampers Jerseys Is 75-85: ungraded 50-65 Poultry tPrices include Chicago Chickens rocks 22-24: mixed colors 22- IN the A evycentrrt Pr'' 24: broilers 18-22 FOWL rocks 20-21 CHICAGO Feb 479951 mused eolors 19-20: 14-111: rons- Oeady erearrere-mecia4 93 greret in ter 12-43 Capons 7 Ihs and over 32-1 :71113: extras 0920 292: extra firsts On33 smaller 27-30 I 911 28-29: firsts olia-891 29-29t2: pelting 21-22 MtiCOVy M114 044-8717) 2447 standards OA Nos22-24 traltzed carlots) 29 Eggs 11019 steady Turkeva-Ynting hens 34-75 trust's r- trett graded extra firsts Ine-al 1712 cars 29 ttiliA 1-2t1 i 17'4: tiro! Ina 41 17' 4 tare 17'3 cur-Titus market will be close4 Washing rent receipts 17 tnn birthelm Feb 22 Rutter futuret storaze sartelarelP 1 MU CU eln Poultry 1Prices include Chicago Chickens rocks 22-24: rnixect colors 22- Ru the Alltocintrd broilers 18-22 FOWL rocks 2n-21 CHICAGO Feb 479951 mixed colors 19-20: legtiorne 14-111: tons- steady creamers-specie 93 score) 34- ter 11-J5 Capons 7 Ihs and over 32- 3013: extras 0920 291: extra firsts On33 smaller 27-30 911 211-29: firsts 1114-911I 7S-22: pektns 21-72 mtoscovy S4-8713) 2S-27 standards On cen- 22-24 tralized carlotsi 29 Eggs 11019 steads: Turketrs---Young hens 34-74 trrts fresh extra firsts local 1712 cars 29 ttiliA 1-2t1 17'4: firsts Int! 17'4 cars 17'3 cur-market will be closed Washing- rent receipts 17 Urn birthelaS Fels 22 Rutter futures storage standards mm11bmmw ItY POST FLAGG KEW YORK Feb revival of apeculative interests good trade demand and scattered foreign support stirred Up renewed activity in cotton futures materializing in a strong market Offerings were not excessive and proved of little weight on the market they were readily absorbed There was some profit taking and March liquidation on the advance but in the aggregate the selling was not pressing Worth Street today reported one of the largest single days trading in many months and sales of close to thirty million yards were transacted with prices her worked to I a yard up Some observers mien held to I constructise siew on the theory that the events tray lead to a lasting peace Al) in all the news vas regarded of a beneficial character and wIth broader buyIng interest developing the market was quick to respond Increased resistance may be encountered at slightly higher levels but as there si Tl be little inclination to sell freely the continuation of the recent trrPtcne4 demand should enable priee to consolidate the gains held to constructiv view On theory that the events tray lead to a lasting Peace MI In al the news was retarded of a beneficial character and with broader burns interest develop- the market was nuick tr) respond Increased resistance may be encoun- totted at slightly higher levels hut a there is ill be little ineination to et freely the contmuation of tt recent itcPrnsed rirtmaort should enable price IS) consolidate the earns 1314: broilers under I lbs colored 20 Plymouth rock 20 white rock 21 fry erg over Ihs including 3 lbs colored 20 Plymouth rock 21 white rock 22 springs over 3 lbs colored 22 Plymouth rock 2214 while rock 23 bareback chickens IN leghorn chickens 18 roosters 141i leghorn roosters 1314 turkeys hens 24 young toms 20 old 18: No turkeys 18 ducks 41i lbs up colored 21 white 22 small colored white 19 capons lets than 7 lbs 25 7 ltni up 28 geese 18 Itr ft Dept 183 on track 312 total 91 shipments Saturday 984 Sunday '12: old stock good quality and color Colorado liticChires anti northern riumrihe steady firm norlertone derrand fair: other Peock about ittra4v demand slow: comb's liberal: gm-keel ft4i cwt Idaho Rtuwet 5 No 1 1340: Colorado Red McClure No 1 1 4o-vt North Dakota FIllss Trittrepts No I 1 24 Itit*consin Round White 17 5 No 1 heavy to small tri-1 fin: new stock weak demand slow 'implies liberal bitsbel rrates Fonda Bliss Triumphs No 1 130 A I Hots 19Pd Stool' 21 Good sod ebnre -V: Prwr''ete too 11: VII-ZSO I 10 tht 111 1-i in 12111411 1 rog 03 I tbs I Gone pary acnas TO-8 rags 1170 down 188-911 29-3042 seconds t84-1171 2712- le 13 Turkers hen 30 toms 25 Ducks 10-15 mostly 13 Cheese firmer state whole By express steady Broilers rocks 20- flats held fancy 1938 22-24: held 22 mostly 20-21 crosses 1812-21 mostly 237 19-21-2 fresh fancy 1811-34 191221 Fowls colored 202-213a most-Eggs 13172 firm Mixed rotors: spe- ly 21 leghorn 191s-20 Old roosters 18 eial packs 21-22: standards 20141-12 firsts Ducits 15-19 1834-1217: seconds 1111-2-14 mediums Potatoes 108 firm No 1 sacks 000 18111 dirties NO I 11114-12: a 222 ge pounds) Long Island Green Mountain checks 1834-17 Refrigerator firsts 1812 141)-60 poorer 123 Maine and Connecti17 lower grades 14'3-111- cut Green Mountain 130-40 Bulk 180 Whites: Resale of premium marks pounds Maine Green Mountain 223-40 24428 Nearby and midsvestern pre- New Crop: Double headed barrel Bermium marks 221s-24 exchange specials rolida red varieties AO Bushel erste 2114-22 Midwestern exchange stand- Florida red bliss 1 2333 tome fancy 140 ards 21-211a Nearby fancy mediums 30-221 Nearby and western pyrhang esedlums 18'2: Pactf te enad itomtwo and Washington premiums 28-32 speCialq 23-2S' stand- RI' the Asmortated Prems rtis 24-2412 mediums 2112-22- browns! WASHINGTON Feb 21--Butter--42 won I-112 prints 33 tuh 34 i-lb prints fortra fancy 222-23 Nearby and aret am special packs '22- roarbv small tn 34 90 score I lb prints 34 tub 33 'dims 15 Duck egzs fancy to ex- a-lh prints 33 Ira fance 251 120-1311 pninel4 23- Dressed poultry Ws-refits Poxes 8 SO Pght ISO-20o lhs ISO-I 73 roerttekprs bremrrs 25-7 004 et! tyrt I heavIps 23-78 northstar rs7s 300 3 73a nn: sn I yrrorpri! eh tekr far fancy INtimi 4 ralicrl 11 7y-12m Sri 21-28's filers 21-2ri roatters Igcs---Steady unclisogsd prices February 27'a March 273 November Philadelphia 2s Etc futures s'andards: rHILADELPHIA Feb 21 Cbeee Octnber lasocholos lova dalses 1 7-17- tr-esh g-arleel frsts February' 17'4 Live poultry: Foals faneY 21- 5torage parke4 f7sts March 1 catra rsoarre 1e f-g 13 tr-The hr rmtrt hrnl'erq isA'o 10rl IN Pressed poultry foals fresh-kilied 181 I lbu gni less 11' a Leghorn bens Baltimore PALA-MORE Feb truck Maryland Pennsylvania Virginia and West Virginia bushel baskets Is Vs-inch minimum Delicious 1 fi0-25 Grimes 5045 few Black Twigs and Starks sal-73 Ynrks 55- 015 few higher Staymans 75-90 few I 00: 24-inch m1nrrnim and 3-inch minimum 115-I 00: various fall varieties unclassified beat 50-60 poorer 25-40 Rail brutes Washingonn medium tn farce Delielnus extra fancy I MAO fancy I 60-65 Staymans extra fancy 13341 fancy I 20 Bushel ba--keta Virlunia 5 sa mmirnum Sfa) mans rsehcintiv I rntatnes--- Truck rin4 rennts 100-lb sacks round st hit Coffee KEW YORK Ilreh 21---Colley futures rIn'ed gteadY "4" fsn ic'till demand anti covering before lust notice) day on Wednesday Santos opened 3 to 4 blither rni closed 2 to 5 higher Sales 9230 Rios opened 1 lower to 4 higher and closei 1 to 5 lower Sales 2 ono Clocing trtn tations: Santos March 01 My 4 1r1 July a Og September 4 01 Rio Mirrtt 4 33 Slav 4 17 July 4 03 September 4 05 40 Baltimore GrDecember 403 ain frrat and frei zht rafttrrtntrt trtettviert 10 ALTISIORIC Fel 21 Wht tcn 2 santns Ismihon frir prompt stnornent n1 y) rror 44fficks orm on fr' 4 41 7 Ott gpnt market 4711t letruary PO- 9 Santns 4s 7's Rio 7s 3 1 I.

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Author: Frankie Dare

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Views: 6088

Rating: 4.2 / 5 (53 voted)

Reviews: 84% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Frankie Dare

Birthday: 2000-01-27

Address: Suite 313 45115 Caridad Freeway, Port Barabaraville, MS 66713

Phone: +3769542039359

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Baton twirling, Stand-up comedy, Leather crafting, Rugby, tabletop games, Jigsaw puzzles, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.